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Main / Sea Devils / Best SD 1.1 QB of al time Search Forum
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posted: 2019-07-07 13:22:06 (ID: 100141178)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Very interesting stats!

Buziano wrote:
1334 Uasilaa Vesikula QB Baltimore Ravens 218
Honestly, how do you pronounce his first name ?

we have never dared call him by name, we simply say "hey you number four .. came here please..."

Last edited on 2019-07-07 13:23:46 by PJRAVENS

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posted: 2019-07-07 14:01:20 (ID: 100141180) Report Abuse
Buziano wrote:
[...] All other top 10 QBs are lame ducks right now.[...]

Sorry, none of theme are ours.
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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2019-07-27 07:56:35 (ID: 100141644) Report Abuse
Buziano wrote:
Just saw that for elite and thought to do the same stats for all league matches (active players in bold):

Passing Yards - Regular Season

Rank Player Pos Team Passyards
1 Fulgenzio Panzeri QB Idrosburghi Verona 45247
2 Jean François Tuqiri QB Leeds Celtics 42518
3 Jean – Louis Millet QB The Alpin Ducks 39722
4 Lukas Meyer QB Wasteland Wolves 35207
5 Aleksej Hofmann QB Munich Runners 34076
6 Askhat Denisov QB Wildcats 33994
7 Turell Dyer QB College System 32514
8 Kelvin Champion QB noTown*mYsTics 31641
9 Bonaventure Elca QB Littleton Red Devils 31424
10 Grec Frazer QB Dalton Catamounts 30919

With the Catamounts being a bot team, Grec will not be able to improve much. Aleksej should pass Lukas Meyer easily next season and he could still catch up with the Grand Jean-Louis Millet to enter the podium. Panzeri and Tuqiri remain intouchable for now.

Next contenders :

18 Rusty Torres QB Philadelphia Phoenix 23952
26 year old with at least 5 seasons ahead he is on track to make the top 3 - if Worpex stays with him and does not go up to Elite.

32 Lothar Sommer QB Dortmund Griffins 18621
26 years old, Lothar lead his team back to Elite. He is a force to consider for the next seasons. The only detail preventing him a likely entry into the next is his time in Elite.

Time for an u p d a t e after 6 matches :

Rank Player Pos Team Passyards
1 Fulgenzio Panzeri QB Idrosburghi Verona 45247
2 Jean François Tuqiri QB Leeds Celtics 42518
3 Jean – Louis Millet QB The Alpin Ducks 39722
4 Aleksej Hofmann QB Munich Runners 35857
5 Lukas Meyer QB Indianapolis Racers 35207
6 Askhat Denisov QB Wildcats 33994
7 Turell Dyer QB College System 32514
8 Kelvin Champion QB noTown*mYsTics 31641
9 Bonaventure Elca QB Littleton Red Devils 31424
10 Grec Frazer QB Dalton Catamounts 30919

Aleksej decided to end his career on a high. After six games he is at 1781 yards. Will he catch the "Grand Jean-Louis" ?

16 Rusty Torres QB Philadelphia Phoenix 25462

Rusty is moving up the ranks. Already tonight he will be moving up 3 ranks to 13th.

18 Pantaleone Colbertaldo QB Idrosburghi Verona 24731

Panta is in close pursuit of Torres.

29 Christopher Campbell QB New York Revolvers 19237
30 Charlie Proctor QB Schrodingers Cats 19211

Time for Dr Proctor. He just broke into the Top 30 and I expect him to be 27th after his next match. Chris would have deserved better than playing in a bot team for sure.

Here are the other active SD QBs of the Top100 :

38 Fábio Mascarenhas QB Devon Warriors 17805
47 Damion Burchfield QB La Spezia Sprugoleans 16440
50 Lorenzo Tournier QB The Alpin Ducks 15930
58 Takashi Okui QB Michigan State Spartans 15138
63 Sidney Earl QB Bautzen Greywolves 14679
74 Uasilaa Vesikula QB Baltimore Ravens 13217
78 Alexander Bäckström QB Växjö Gladiators AFC 12893
91 Gustavo Rey QB Marife-Lacion 11968

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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2019-07-27 08:11:07 (ID: 100141645) Report Abuse
Buziano wrote:

Passing Touchdowns - Regular Season

1 Jean François Tuqiri QB Leeds Celtics 503
2 Jean – Louis Millet QB The Alpin Ducks 446
3 Turell Dyer QB College System 420
4 Aleksej Hofmann QB Munich Runners 366
5 Lukas Meyer QB Wasteland Wolves 338
6 Grec Frazer QB Dalton Catamounts 320
7 Bonaventure Elca QB Littleton Red Devils 303
8 Askhat Denisov QB Wildcats 301
9 Kelvin Champion QB noTown*mYsTics 263
10 Fulgenzio Panzeri QB Idrosburghi Verona 255

55 touchdowns to go for Aleksej. He has probably one more season to achieve this. If ever he gets two more season even Millet could be in sight. Tuqiri will remain number 1 for a long time.

Next contenders :

13 Lothar Sommer QB Dortmund Griffins 221
The 26 year old will now have to show his talent in Elite.

u p d a t e No. 2

1 Jean François Tuqiri QB Leeds Celtics 503
2 Jean – Louis Millet QB The Alpin Ducks 446
3 Turell Dyer QB College System 420
4 Aleksej Hofmann QB Munich Runners 387
5 Lukas Meyer QB Indianapolis Racers 338
6 Grec Frazer QB Dalton Catamounts 320
7 Bonaventure Elca QB Littleton Red Devils 303
8 Askhat Denisov QB Wildcats 301
9 Kelvin Champion QB noTown*mYsTics 263
10 Fulgenzio Panzeri QB Idrosburghi Verona 255

21 TDs so far for Alex. He could move to No. 3. JLM seems out of reach.

Who's next and active ?

20 Rusty Torres QB Philadelphia Phoenix 188

Not rusty at all, he made the Top20 his new home.

27 Takashi Okui QB Michigan State Spartans 169

Say WHAT ??????? Just in case you did not know,Takashi is 23 year old.

28 Ivan Bugarčić QB Konjarnik HighTowers 168

To say Ivan is upset is to say the least. Ulero sold away his best receivers and protection. So Ivan is about to leave as well. If he finds a club that pays his extraordinary salary.

And here are the other active QBs of the Top100:

44 Damion Burchfield QB La Spezia Sprugoleans 141
46 Pantaleone Colbertaldo QB Idrosburghi Verona 136
59 Fábio Mascarenhas QB Devon Warriors 119
62 Uasilaa Vesikula QB Baltimore Ravens 118
65 Charlie Proctor QB Schrodingers Cats 115
69 Christopher Campbell QB New York Revolvers 114
70 Gustavo Rey QB Marife-Lacion 113
74 Sidney Earl QB Bautzen Greywolves 110
87 Bogusław Zapała QB Naprzód Marsz! 91
90 Lorenzo Tournier QB The Alpin Ducks 88
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