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Main / Admirals / season 35 Search Forum
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posted: 2019-07-16 14:12:37 (ID: 100141385) Report Abuse
There is another round of Qs & As ready for you to enjoy, as you get ready for your tuesday night game. First off: sorry to see Havelock Vikings go bot. Hopefully itll be just the one. This week i got answers from ulric23 of Gary Gargoyles, NGM10 of London Silverbacks, Yoinks of Todmorden Titans and BuffaloBear of Devon Dog Soldiers

What is your team goal for the season?
ulric23: To win as many games as I can.
NGM10 My team is in big financial trouble. So, my goal is to fix that issue.
Yoinks Keep the wages under control and avoid relegation!
BuffaloBear POs.

Are there any major changes to your team this season?
ulric23: No, just a few backups got changed.
NGM10 See above. Check out my roster history. A lot of players cut due to the financial issues. Keep an eye out for my players on the transfer market, there are some good ones up there right now.
Yoinks Five starters have gone, one retirement and four who were aging and highly paid. That's hopefully it now though for overtrained/paid players.
BuffaloBear Not really.

How did you do in the draft?
ulric23: Ok. My first rounder, DE Lowry, should be a fine player, he moved right into the 3rd DE slot. My 2nd and 3rd rounders, both OL, should develop into serviceable 2nd stringers.
NGM10 Pretty pleased. I thought this year's draft was pretty strong.
Yoinks Well all three draftees are useful but nothing spectacular.
BuffaloBear Not great, but a QB may turn out ok.

How do you see your division turning out?
ulric23: It's early still, but we have a combined 11-1 record 3 games into the season. Hopefully I'll win it again, but, it should be interesting. NGM10 With me in last. It is a tough one, and even tougher with my team being handicapped financially. Havelock Vikings are off to a strong start but I wouldn't count out the other two teams either. Lots of good experience in the division, so it's a toss up.
Yoinks With us at the bottom, haha. It's interesting though, we are the weakest team but there's not a huge difference in quality between the four of us
BuffaloBear Gary Gargoyles then anyone of us next.

Who do you see winning your conference?
ulric23:That's a hard one. The teams left from last season playoffs aren't playing to well atm (8-7), with me and the Packers having 5 of those wins. Without doing a lot of homework on player comings and goings, I'll go with Green Mark Packers.
NGM10 Not sure. It won't be me.
Yoinks I'd still bet on hitchin, despite a 1-2 start to the season.
BuffaloBear At the moment anyone but the bots.

Who´s your early bowl favourites?
ulric23: Green Mark Packers vs Free Agent Mascots
NGM10 The top teams in the NC.
Yoinks I don't really know the teams well enough to have one. Free Agent Mascots look very strong again this year and they've had a good start to the season.
BuffaloBear Mascots, Gargoyles, Packers, Ghosts, Ducks.

What team do you consider to be your biggest rivals?
ulric23:Devon Dog Soldiers.
NGM10 I don't really have one.
Yoinks The way (I think) relegation works, everyone!
BuffaloBear Gargoyles.

Any old rivalries?
ulric23:Not really, I've been more concerned about building a team that could win, rather then winning.
NGM10 Badgers used to be a big rival. Well, not really a rival. Just a team that I had a tonne of trouble beating over many seasons. It took me a long time to beat them in a game.
Yoinks Not really been around long enough. Probably Tovari, I think we shared a division before getting promoted so we've played a lot of league matches.
BuffaloBear Mascots,Ghosts.

Thanks for all the answers. I had fun.
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posted: 2019-07-16 22:27:28 (ID: 100141394)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Look out for vamosahi's CB#1, Simón Ramírez. He already had a Pro Bowl season back in S32, and he seems to head for just another one. Todays divisional game vs. Tiefe Furche, he accomplished 15 Tackles and 1 Interception.

Beware of him, dont thow his direction!

But the play of the game (mentioned above) came from ... you guessed it ... Hans-Jürgen Heinrich, The Punter. Rainer Maria Rilke couldnt have written it better.

With 0:3 behind in the first half, he booted 62yrder out of bounds at opponents 1 yard line. Next play: Safety. Well done!

Last edited on 2019-07-16 22:27:52 by Mücke

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2019-07-18 05:35:11 (ID: 100141424) Report Abuse
Hiberno_Celtica wrote:
Decided to take up managing a second team in the Sea Devil's division so at least for the time being my time is split heavier towards my new squad as it's building; still glad to see my Longshipmen squad running fine. I'm slightly concerned about finances as I want to be sure we are not only breaking even but earning some cash in order to maintain positive growth; still keeping away from contract mode because communism.

Best of luck to the whole league and strong competition;

PS: We did a number on the Gargoyles beating them 45-20 away in my stat QBs first game starting this season; both teams are growing rapidly and we're glad to get the better of them this time around.

I hope you did communicate with Peter about your second team, since basic rule is, to have only one and if Peter detects it, he might get upset and you lose both worst case.
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2019-07-18 13:35:54 (ID: 100141427) Report Abuse
Good luck with the double effort.
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posted: 2019-07-18 15:57:01 (ID: 100141430) Report Abuse
Hiberno_Celtica wrote:
Decided to take up managing a second team ...

A way more better approach to fix the BOT bug, than the one that Pete still holds on to (let RZA BOT Teams act like Grandma's Bowling Clubs).

Good luck with the double team action, Juliet.

p.s. Your Strength/Wage ratio seems pretty good to me. Keep on Marxismalizing your team.
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BobBoy Magpies

England   dell_g owns a supporter account

Joined: 2014-01-04/S11
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posted: 2019-07-20 22:25:23 (ID: 100141500)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Right, the official (no offence!) Admirals Friendly Cup #7 has been created.

This will be based on Sundays and is the usual Power mode.

Therefore any teams from Admirals Division 1 & 2 are invited as the skills at least are at ~40 for all of us

The Rebels and TTF are invited to re-join, then the next 5 to request will be given priority...

Good luck to all participants


Group A

Group B

Last edited on 2019-07-23 09:21:43 by dell_g

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posted: 2019-07-21 10:33:48 (ID: 100141520) Report Abuse
uuuh outch, what an ugly sunday afternoon.

TTF @ VenoM

Only purpose of the first half was to check out the opponent. It ended 10:10 and stayed for the rest of the regular game. Second half was ruled by defense of both teams, until ... TTF's highly decorated Kicker missed the game winning fieldgoal from the 19(!!) yard line in the final seconds of Q4.
"Dude, why you still get a paycheck!?"

Advantage Venom, who wins cointoss. From own 20 yard line, Venom traveled for 55 yards into fieldgoal range before TTF could make a stop. Venoms Kicker showed how to do the job. Then, strange things happened.

The moment TTF offense prepared to enter the field for their own first drive to counter the fieldgoal, the lead-umpire blew the whistle and ended the game!! "WHOAT???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??" TTF coaches, staff and players stormed the field to face the group of referees, who just said: "Sorry, no possibility to counter a fieldgoal on first drive in OT, since we have GERMAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE rules in place, touchdown AND fieldgoal on first possession wins game." TTF HC: "GERMAN FOOTBALL? YOU MEAN SOCCER OR WHAT!? Why in hell you part ways with a balanced rule system to a system that empowers the already existing advantage of the team that wins the cointoss in overtime!!??"

TTF left the field totally upset but not without the will to appeal to the league council and commissioner to make a change to the NFL overtime rules.

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Admirals, you are asked to leave your opinion on the overtime rule. Thank you.
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p.s. Well played Tom, congrats!
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posted: 2019-07-30 15:47:49 (ID: 100141710) Report Abuse
Another admirals Q&A is here. It has taken a bit longer than usual, for a couple of reasons: Ive been sort of busy and it has taken longer to get answers back (guess im not the only one who is sort of busy). The long wait has given me a chance to think. Ill be needing some new Qs soon, so ill invite you all to send me some questions you want answers to.

This time around there were answers from Lions1934 of Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin (Lions), Mücke of Traktor Tiefe Furche (Mucke), Bronco Bomber of NY Islanders (BB), alexnabo of Turpiales de Caracas (Alex) and venom of VenoM (venom)

What is your team goal for the season?
Lions Goal is to stabilise finances whilst hopefully making the playoffs. A nice SC run would be nice as well.
Mucke Picking the sponsor who supports wins the most says it all. Everything else but the Playoffs would be big disappointment for this team. Although the team struggled in early phase of the season, I have confidence we're going make it to divisional round at least.
BB Staying in the League
Alex get at least 2 victories for non-bot teams
venom win the bowl game

Are there any major changes to your team this season?
Lions Biggest change is at starting QB. New guy will be really good but just needs more experience to cut out turnovers.
Mucke Yup, cut my star QB and star WR and a cpl of other players over the period of last months. But backups showed flashes last season, so these moves were just reasonable business decissions. But we could bolster our roster with speed, flexibility and youth with great meaningful additions. Overall this is a complete different team compared to last season, without losing significant strength overall. We are curious where we will land this season, but are confident that these moves will pay off the next seasons to come.
BB No, not enough Money.
Try to build a new team with young and talented players
Alex no major changes i'm restructuring the campus
venom lots most of my offense line backers and deep backs

How did you do in the draft?
Lions Draft was pretty good considering I picked at 30 each round. 1st was a 50 speed/excellent strength DE. 2nd was a FB who will have terrific speed when maxed with track star trait/uncapped strength.
3rd was another FB, completely uncapped speed and strength who will probably hit the transfer market a bit later. All in all worked out well.
Mucke Well. We were able to add value to the team with every pick.
BB Good, found a great QB and a good player for my O-Line
Alex the typical, average level players
venom i thought pretty well i got #2, 5 and 7 on my board

How do you see your division turning out?
Lions Unfortunately the Havelock Vikings went bot so it looks like Motol Ducks take the division and I hopefully squeeze into the playoffs.
Mucke Head to head races at both ends of the list.
BB I have no idea, just looking at my enough work
Alex League of Heroes will win my division comfortably.
venom i cant seem to win a game. i'm not really used to that. my rookies are making mistakes late in the game, and giviing them away. it is frustrating.

Who do you see winning your conference?
Lions Best guess is Green Mark Packers.
Mucke On a good day this team beats everyone in this conference. But it seems those days dont come very often this season, so: League oH, Rebels and Mascots are strong contenders. Everyone of these 3 can make it.
BB Traktor Tiefe Furche
Alex Free Agent Mascots is the favorite but Rotterdam Rebels can surprise

Who´s your early bowl favourites?
Lions Green Mark Packers/Free Agent Mascots.
Mucke No team stood out to me so far. But I'm going with A-Conference here. Soldieres have a nice run but I see them slip down by the end of the season. On any other season I would go with G-Ghosts, but not this season due to a tough schedule. Leaving Gargoyles, Ducks and Packers. With a great coaching staff that knows how to handle playoff-games well for the latter one.
BB Not a idea again, just looking at my team
Alex Without a doubt, the favorite to win is Free Agent Mascots
venom packers wolves,mascots, tho this entire league is good on any day i think any one of us could beat any other team in any league.

What team do you consider to be your biggest rivals?
Lions Right now it's the Motol Ducks in the division
Mucke There is only one team to beat to avoid wild-card game this season
BB None
Alex for now none to specify
venom tracktor, and league of heroes. hes my biggest division rival.

Any old rivalries?
Lions Plenty including Bracciano Lakers, Comeback Kids, BobBoy Magpies.
Looking forward to any match ups with them, and hopefully some new ones as well.
Really appreciate being asked to take part.
Mucke In the last seasons I always faced Tom of Venom. He got always close and lately he beat me first time, so, for me it starts to be a fun rivalry to watch.
Alex recent that I remember: Brüx Hospitallers, Tovari and VenoM
venom tracktor
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posted: 2019-07-31 08:25:33 (ID: 100141737) Report Abuse
I really like to read this. How does this work?

You mail the questions or does evreybody just copy the questions and send them in?
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posted: 2019-07-31 08:57:28 (ID: 100141738) Report Abuse
ivo17 wrote:
I really like to read this. How does this work?

You mail the questions or does evreybody just copy the questions and send them in?

I mail the Qs. Next in line are the NCW and NCS, so youll get a mail soon.
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