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Main / Admirals / season 35 Search Forum
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posted: 2019-08-18 10:55:09 (ID: 100142181) Report Abuse
ivo17 wrote:
11 is two times 1


22 is two times 11

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posted: 2019-08-18 20:53:51 (ID: 100142206) Report Abuse
amalric7 wrote:
ivo17 wrote:
11 is two times 1


22 is two times 11

Wanted to call out a pancake party, but then...

Fun fact, or indeed, not so fun for us: Just checked other D1 leagues across rza. Taking the top 3 pancakers into account, Admirals rank dire last in total numbers.
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posted: 2019-08-18 21:08:14 (ID: 100142207) Report Abuse
Schwabe wrote:
one more W for Admirals

Got my Cocs ( ) checked and participated in S31 and S34:

In S31 i managed to make it into 3rd round of 6.
In S34 i managed to make it only into 2nd round of 6.

Here is the hope you make it all the way. We root for you. ~Go Schwab Go~

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posted: 2019-08-21 17:01:30 (ID: 100142347) Report Abuse
Bought my future starting QB in the TM last week, decided to throw him into the lineup as backup in Monday's cup game - in limited action against a mid-table team (we doubled their yardage) he threw 4 INTs and we lost.
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posted: 2019-08-22 14:17:29 (ID: 100142371) Report Abuse
Think TC played a bigger part than pos, but as only 1 guy knows its hard to tell.

And now to something completely different: Will 10 Ws be enough for a WC spot in the NFC? My young pounders have reached 9Ws so far, and with a couple of opportunities left, im reaching for the sky.

I keep getting excited that we only lost 2 guys this season. Hope it stays that way.

I have some Qs and As coming when i get the time.

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Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

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posted: 2019-08-28 19:28:18 (ID: 100142523) Report Abuse
Very best of luck to those involved in the playoff race. I'll be in Italy for 3 weeks from tomorrow so may be a bit hit and miss logging in.
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posted: 2019-09-07 10:43:49 (ID: 100142821) Report Abuse
Wilmersdorf will kick me out of CoC in the Semi-Finale next week.
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posted: 2019-09-07 23:10:01 (ID: 100142845) Report Abuse
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posted: 2019-09-08 05:19:19 (ID: 100142851)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
That was a weird final 5 minutes @Mücke

After my TD that put me in the lead 31-27 with 4:36 it got crazy with a pick6 on your first play and a lost fumble 2 plays later giving me 2 more TD's. Game was a lot closer than you can tell by the final score.

Now got to play Free agent mascots in the confrence final. I hope the underdog wins

Last edited on 2019-09-08 05:24:24 by ivo17

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posted: 2019-09-08 08:53:45 (ID: 100142859) Report Abuse
absolute brutal. Hope you get kicked out of this league next tuesday
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