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Main / Sea Devils / Konjarnik HighTowers out... for now Search Forum
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Konjarnik HighTowers


Joined: 2014-11-06/S14
Posts: 301
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posted: 2019-07-04 07:30:47 (ID: 100141017)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Well guys, tough decision, but I've decided to go into hibernate mode for now, or even to close the game. Lately, I've not been playing this game as much as I wanted to, in the end I even did not set any players to draft.
Unfortunately, I never got to play this game the way I wanted to (that should involve me more in tactics/playbook, for example), although I think players in my team were more-less treated properly. But, that's not enough to be good enough in this game and prestigious league with players/managers like you
So without too much hesitation, I'll put all of my players on sale... Maybe at some point, I'll get back. Thank you all for all the good time here, and for making this game very interesting. I really enjoyed to be part of this.

Btw. I can give you caps/stars for players on TL if anyone needs info.

Last edited on 2019-07-04 07:32:41 by ulero

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posted: 2019-07-04 08:37:25 (ID: 100141021) Report Abuse
You'll probably be back, but I'll miss you!
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posted: 2019-07-04 09:32:55 (ID: 100141026) Report Abuse
Wish you the best of luck, and hope to see you again.
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posted: 2019-07-04 11:34:31 (ID: 100141029) Report Abuse
Damned, that's another pillar from Seadevils to leave.

Anyway, like Pipo said, you'll be back soon enough.
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2017-05-16/S25
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posted: 2019-07-04 16:14:40 (ID: 100141040) Report Abuse
You'll be missed (except not in your division; I bet they are excited about having a chance to win now). Enjoy RL but hope to see you back, and you'd better return a SD
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Konjarnik HighTowers


Joined: 2014-11-06/S14
Posts: 301
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posted: 2019-07-08 21:06:40 (ID: 100141209) Report Abuse
Still players on TL... Have roster limitations while selling them, so it could take a while.

Cheers guys
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Main / Sea Devils / Konjarnik HighTowers out... for now