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Main / Sea Devils / SuperCup Season 36 Search Forum
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posted: 2019-11-08 07:13:11 (ID: 100144581)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Kanar wrote:
Congrats on your win PJ! It was clean and logical. I was expecting this kind of gap.

May we not face again later in the competition (or very very far then)!

We will meet each other soon at midway.
I cannot afford for long time 6.5M each turnover in player wages (more than 4 times yours) and you will complete your french team.
It is only a matter of time.
I think this is one of the best thing of RZA.

Last edited on 2019-11-08 07:28:38 by PJRAVENS

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posted: 2019-11-08 11:49:47 (ID: 100144598)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
My team value is higher than the 1.4 Mil. I expect it to reach 3 to 4 Mil next season. But monye will not be an issue before a long time as I should pass half a billion on my bank account by the end of the season.

Last edited on 2019-11-08 11:57:13 by Kanar

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posted: 2019-11-10 14:12:14 (ID: 100144647) Report Abuse
Kanar wrote:
My team value is higher than the 1.4 Mil. I expect it to reach 3 to 4 Mil next season. But monye will not be an issue before a long time as I should pass half a billion on my bank account by the end of the season.

Now why does nothing in this post surprise me
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posted: 2019-11-19 11:27:18 (ID: 100144782) Report Abuse
Baltimore Ravens - - - Kokomo Mantis
Rainbow Warriors - - - BoneCrushers
Inbhir Narann - - - Devon Warriors
Micro Giants - - - Leeds Celtics
Gary Gargoyles - - - Michigan State Spartans
Kalapana Wild Thangs - - - Wasteland Wolves
Misawa - - - DC Washingtonians
Yellowcakes - - - Växjö Gladiators AFC
Schrodingers Cats - - - Suchdol Miners
Idrosburghi Verona- - - Juggernaut Jackalopes
Gdansk Redskins - - - Sydney Salmons
Constanta Sailors - - - BRITISH BLU
Munich Runners - - - VenoM
The Alpin Ducks - - - Traktor Tiefe Furche
La Spezia Sprugoleans - - - Bounty Hunters

15 Sea Devils in the first round. Hope i didn't miss out anyone.

Good luck to all!
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2019-11-19 17:33:10 (ID: 100144789) Report Abuse
Good luck everyone!

SD Blitz
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posted: 2019-11-19 17:55:36 (ID: 100144791)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Not an easy draw wuth a 80+ team and no time to prepare the game. We'll see what happens.

Last edited on 2019-11-19 17:57:38 by Kanar

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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2019-11-21 17:09:57 (ID: 100144827) Report Abuse
So far so good. All matches were wins until now
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posted: 2019-11-21 17:38:01 (ID: 100144829) Report Abuse
Solana_Steve wrote:
Good luck everyone!

SD Blitz

Good luck to you too!
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2019-11-21 20:14:11 (ID: 100144830) Report Abuse
I shouldn't complain too much because I won, but I wish the penalty for running 70 SG4 passes in a row was greater.
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posted: 2019-11-21 20:58:27 (ID: 100144831) Report Abuse
I totally agree
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Main / Sea Devils / SuperCup Season 36