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posted: 2020-02-13 17:23:47 (ID: 100146584) Report Abuse
Impressive win Buzi. I see your team back in the 80s. 2 reasons that could make you a serious bowl candidate now.
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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-02-13 17:32:13 (ID: 100146585) Report Abuse
Kanar wrote:
Impressive win Buzi. I see your team back in the 80s. 2 reasons that could make you a serious bowl candidate now.

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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-02-13 18:19:00 (ID: 100146587)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Here are the live updates after the 17:00 matches

The Alpin Ducks Sea Devils 1 59-13 !!! Maykop Blues Fire 1
Impressive win !

DC Washingtonians RZA Elite League 37-16 SH Cougars Sea Devils 1
The expected win by ptdoc. But relatively close given that he has oe of the best teams in RZA. Well done, Cougars !

Boonley Bulldozers Thunder 1 37-43 Devon Warriors Sea Devils 1
OVERTIME WIN !!! Well done, Sir !

Grizzly Bears of bupti Galaxy 1 3-59 Constanta Sailors Sea Devils 1
Match totally open until the 8th minute of the first quarter. After this smooth sailing

Dark Squirrels Claymore 1 27-22 Croxley Crocs Sea Devils 1
Excellent match by the Crocs. 2 minutes before the end came the decisive TD. Sad to see you out already.

Wolflings Thunder 1 24-27 Schrodingers Cats Sea Devils 1
Pat Mahomes inspired the Cats to rallye back from a 24-10 deficit to win this match with a TD a minute before the end. Go Cats !

Neuseen Buccaneers RZA Elite League 7-27 Munich Runners Sea Devils 1
Before I wrote : we play the team that have just beat Orange Crush in their Elite match last Saturday. Runners need to be their very best to win which would be almost a sensation. - Well, best match of the season from my struggling team. Almost shut out this elite team. Amazing !

Leeds Celtics RZA Elite League 30-21 Leverkusen Leopards Monarchs 1
It is absurd that Jonny needs to elevate back to SD1. His team remains the third best SD team. Well done, Sir !

Marife-Lacion Sea Devils 1 31-26 Rotterdam Rebels Admirals 1
Another close win for our SeaDevils. thanks to Marife we are 8-1 now ! Incredible. When doing the preview I feared for the worst.

Traktor Tiefe Furche (bot) RZA Elite League 0-55 Baltimore Ravens RZA Elite League
There was no way this could have gone wrong.

The Beast (bot) Sea Devils 1 6-59 Salt City Pirates RZA Elite League
Our best bot team is out.

Växjö Gladiators AFC Sea Devils 1 - - - GLADIATORS III Claymore 1
Despite an early threat the SeaDevils were never really in danger.

La Spezia Sprugoleans RZA Elite League 21-34 Werewolves RZA Elite League
Even though Alex dropped in again I feared as much. If Alex stays I hope he takes this as his learning season. Many of us have lived this first elite season similar to you.

Still to come :

Naprzód Marsz! Sea Devils 1 - - - London Lions Dragons 1
The Lions look like a very dangerous opponent. Marsz needs to have the luck on their side.

Rainbow Warriors Sea Devils 1 - - - Free Agent Mascots Admirals 1
Another very tough matchup in which our team is the outsider. Good luck !

Marife-Lacion Sea Devils 1 - - - Rotterdam Rebels Admirals 1
Not easy by any standards also Marife needs to be their very best.

Let's get as many teams as possible to the next round !

Last edited on 2020-02-13 19:06:43 by Buziano

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posted: 2020-02-14 06:00:36 (ID: 100146592) Report Abuse
Tough draw for the Ducks with a French birds meeting against Philadelphia Eagles, rated 84.3.
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-02-14 06:30:08 (ID: 100146593) Report Abuse
The final report. We all did much better than I had expected after the draw. I already saw a worst case scenario unfolding with only three or four teams making it to round 2. So big applause to all of you.

The Alpin Ducks Sea Devils 1 59-13 !!! Maykop Blues Fire 1
Impressive win !

DC Washingtonians RZA Elite League 37-16 SH Cougars Sea Devils 1
The expected win by ptdoc. But relatively close given that he has oe of the best teams in RZA. Well done, Cougars !

Boonley Bulldozers Thunder 1 37-43 Devon Warriors Sea Devils 1
OVERTIME WIN !!! Well done, Sir !

Grizzly Bears of bupti Galaxy 1 3-59 Constanta Sailors Sea Devils 1
Match totally open until the 8th minute of the first quarter. After this smooth sailing

Dark Squirrels Claymore 1 27-22 Croxley Crocs Sea Devils 1
Excellent match by the Crocs. 2 minutes before the end came the decisive TD. Sad to see you out already.

Wolflings Thunder 1 24-27 Schrodingers Cats Sea Devils 1
Pat Mahomes inspired the Cats to rallye back from a 24-10 deficit to win this match with a TD a minute before the end. Go Cats !

Neuseen Buccaneers RZA Elite League 7-27 Munich Runners Sea Devils 1
Before I wrote : we play the team that have just beat Orange Crush in their Elite match last Saturday. Runners need to be their very best to win which would be almost a sensation. - Well, best match of the season from my struggling team. Almost shut out this elite team. Amazing !

Leeds Celtics RZA Elite League 30-21 Leverkusen Leopards Monarchs 1
It is absurd that Jonny needs to elevate back to SD1. His team remains the third best SD team. Well done, Sir !

Marife-Lacion Sea Devils 1 31-26 Rotterdam Rebels Admirals 1
Another close win for our SeaDevils. thanks to Marife we are 8-1 now ! Incredible. When doing the preview I feared for the worst.

Traktor Tiefe Furche (bot) RZA Elite League 0-55 Baltimore Ravens RZA Elite League
There was no way this could have gone wrong.

The Beast (bot) Sea Devils 1 6-59 Salt City Pirates RZA Elite League
Our best bot team is out.

Växjö Gladiators AFC Sea Devils 1 - - - GLADIATORS III Claymore 1
Despite an early threat the SeaDevils were never really in danger.

La Spezia Sprugoleans RZA Elite League 21-34 Werewolves RZA Elite League
Even though Alex dropped in again I feared as much. If Alex stays I hope he takes this as his learning season. Many of us have lived this first elite season similar to you.

Naprzód Marsz! Sea Devils 1 27-10 London Lions Dragons 1
Marsz at his very best left no chance to the dangerous looking Lions.

Rainbow Warriors Sea Devils 1 16-52 Free Agent Mascots Admirals 1
Hefty defeat. Sad to see you gone already. We could have needed you in the next round.

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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2020-02-14 07:02:30 (ID: 100146595) Report Abuse
Round 2. Kanar already said that it was a tough draw for our tams once again. Let's see in detail :

Devon Warriors Sea Devils 1 - - - Constanta Sailors Sea Devils 1
Two league playoff contenders against each other is unlucky. They did not meet each other in two years and now, it is possible that they meet twice in a very short matter of time. Both started the season in weak form and both have improved tremendously. I see the Sailors as favourite by a small margin.

Lyon Eagles Fire 1 - - - The Alpin Ducks Sea Devils 1
This is going to be an event between neighbours. Wine, good food and music and laughter in the ranks should not fool you. This is one of our best having an extremely tough opponent with a 84 rating. But the Eagles, No. 1 ranked team of Fire, can be beaten. And if there is one who can stuff a defeat in their faces, it is our very own and most prominent Duck since Donald . Good luck, duck ! I believe in you !

OrangeCrush RZA Elite League - - - Schrodingers Cats Sea Devils 1
If I was Dolfin I would say something like "HELL NO!" after seeing that they meet the reigning champion of RZA. I have no idea what the Cats can do to crush the oranges. Pray ?

Fargo Knights Fire 1 - - - Munich Runners Sea Devils 1
Fargo Knights is a team with a perfect record in Fire this season. If my team performs at the same level as yesterday we could make it. But this is one tough cookie in a very good and shiny armour.

Hell Hounds Claymore 1 - - - Naprzód Marsz! Sea Devils 1
Hell hounds does not sound good. These are not some poodles or Chihuahuas. I imagine them more in line of what we have seen in GoT. With Marsz being this unpredictable box of chocolates, anything can happen though. and if I was chief hell hound, I would be just a little bit scared as well. Good luck, Grzymisław. you can do it ! (but you need to get online as you have not been in more than a week now !)

Sydney Salmons Dragons 1 - - - Baltimore Ravens RZA Elite League
Free first round against a BOT. If someone deserves a break, it is our chief Raven. And he gets one. The Salmons will just jump into his ready defence and we will have a clear winner and hence the second team making the next round for sure.

Torino Black Bulls RZA Elite League - - - Leeds Celtics RZA Elite League
Togu matchup against another Elite rival. But Jonny os who he is and he will be winning this one.

Växjö Gladiators AFC Sea Devils 1 - - - BSoD Dragons 1
Tough match for the Gladiators against a team making the playoffs in. dragon region with a 11-4 record. I see Växjö as favourites. Ravencorp does not believe in Dragons.

DC Washingtonians RZA Elite League - - - Lightning Bolts Dragons 1
this will be an electric match. ACDC will do the half time show, I hear. by this time ptdoc's team should b leading already and they should make the next round as well.

Marife-Lacion Sea Devils 1 - - - Bracciano Lakers Admirals 1
If it was meant to be easy it would not be called playoffs, right? And Tarif is strong and clever enough. I believe in Marife !
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posted: 2020-02-14 15:58:04 (ID: 100146603)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Buziano wrote:

It is absurd that Jonny needs to elevate back to SD1. His team remains the third best SD team. Well done, Sir !

Thanks, but my team was awful near the start of this season - it's only in recent weeks that we've got moving again. Too little too late, and retirements are about to bite hard again... 7 more retiring worth about $1m salary.

Last edited on 2020-02-14 16:11:30 by JonnyP

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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-02-14 19:17:48 (ID: 100146606) Report Abuse
By the way, auto control took over and changed relegate into elevate.

Let's see if we meet next season. I am sure Kanar will be happy if you make his division ...
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posted: 2020-02-14 19:40:19 (ID: 100146607) Report Abuse
Baltimore, Constanta and then Leeds? Please! Give me a break!
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2020-02-14 21:34:52 (ID: 100146608) Report Abuse
Kanar wrote:
Baltimore, Constanta and then Leeds? Please! Give me a break!

there is one way to avoid this. But then you will be with Baltimore, DC and eventually Växjö
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Main / Sea Devils / SuperCup Season 37