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Main / Sea Devils / Seadevils 1 Season 38 Search Forum
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posted: 2020-05-27 13:57:57 (ID: 100149406) Report Abuse
you will for sureā€¦ at least against me
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posted: 2020-05-27 17:08:43 (ID: 100149409) Report Abuse
I expect a difficult season for Pipo but he showed he can compete with great team. Maybe a surprise to come. The division title would be a 30/30/30/10 chances imo.
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posted: 2020-05-28 00:54:17 (ID: 100149413) Report Abuse
Nice one Buzi!
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-05-28 14:18:36 (ID: 100149418) Report Abuse
WorpeX wrote:
Nice one Buzi!

Thank you Worpex ! I am very happy about this season. What happened in the Bowl ? Nobody knows really. I could not believe my eyes.
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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-05-28 14:20:49 (ID: 100149419) Report Abuse
Kanar wrote:
I expect a difficult season for Pipo but he showed he can compete with great team. Maybe a surprise to come. The division title would be a 30/30/30/10 chances imo.

I would say 35/35/20/10

Your teams are favorites. Of course, I have no idea how many players you have eventually lost. in the case of my team everyone form the elder players stayed as they really wanted to make it to Elite before ending their careers. Well, they wanted some more money in return. And as I was in good mood I just could not refuse...
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posted: 2020-05-28 14:52:32 (ID: 100149422) Report Abuse
Buziano wrote:
Of course, I have no idea how many players you have eventually lost.


I have only two players over 29 years old (3 over 28) and if they want to retire at the end of next season, I'll let them go without blinking an eye. So my team will be just as strong next year, but I am now training only B and C skills on my starters. Therefore the progression margin is very small.

Depending on what happen next season and how much money I will win / save, I may decide to stay reasonable with salaries under 6 Millions or go crazy and build a 87 rated roster that I would pay 8 to 9 millions a week.

Coming back to season 39, I should have the 3rd best rated roster of the division and I was temporary unemployed during most of season 38 due to COVID. Now that I am back to work at 120%, I will spend way less time scouting opponents.
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-05-28 19:26:44 (ID: 100149427) Report Abuse
Kanar wrote:
Buziano wrote:
Of course, I have no idea how many players you have eventually lost.


I have only two players over 29 years old (3 over 28) and if they want to retire at the end of next season, I'll let them go without blinking an eye. So my team will be just as strong next year, but I am now training only B and C skills on my starters. Therefore the progression margin is very small.

Depending on what happen next season and how much money I will win / save, I may decide to stay reasonable with salaries under 6 Millions or go crazy and build a 87 rated roster that I would pay 8 to 9 millions a week.

Coming back to season 39, I should have the 3rd best rated roster of the division and I was temporary unemployed during most of season 38 due to COVID. Now that I am back to work at 120%, I will spend way less time scouting opponents.

This season I did not scout at all with one exception in the Supercup playoffs. This one exception was my only losing match of the season against San Diego. Work did not really change for me. The only difference being that I am now working from our little flat in Brazil instead of our flat in Nice. I don't see workload going down so I doubt I will be able to scout a lot. As this season, I will have to rely on the strengths of my various playbooks.
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-05-29 11:29:27 (ID: 100149448) Report Abuse
Great seasons to our new Elite teams! Happy to see Superpippo finally get his shot in Elite and for Buzi to finally get his championship trophy.

Sad to miss out on playing against you too in Elite (somehow I've never played Buzi in a game outside of friendlies) but looking forward to some SD time next season. Letting a few of my older players retire while starting a bit of a youth movement next season.
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-05-29 12:26:35 (ID: 100149450) Report Abuse
ptdoc2017 wrote:
Great seasons to our new Elite teams! Happy to see Superpippo finally get his shot in Elite and for Buzi to finally get his championship trophy.

Sad to miss out on playing against you too in Elite (somehow I've never played Buzi in a game outside of friendlies) but looking forward to some SD time next season. Letting a few of my older players retire while starting a bit of a youth movement next season.

In all likelihood we will not mean for at least two seasons now ... Have fun in SD ! I am almost jealous.
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posted: 2020-05-30 16:26:00 (ID: 100149486) Report Abuse
So at the end it is a +50% players salaries that translates in +1.8 million for my Ducks. I am still out of the Top 50 but I can not play the underdog card anymore.
Have a good rollover folks!

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Main / Sea Devils / Seadevils 1 Season 38