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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-03-10 08:47:53 (ID: 100147265) Report Abuse
Wow we have Italian division in NC West

Even the bot was Italian
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2020-03-10 08:49:13 (ID: 100147266) Report Abuse
They are not allowed to travel for away games anymore, and foreigners are not allowed to play their games in Italia. Should we simulate such behavior?

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posted: 2020-03-10 09:08:43 (ID: 100147267) Report Abuse
Sorry Pete ...but I do not think this is something to joke about...
We started on 21th of february and the growth percentage average is +40% per day.
I really hope in europe you can do better than us but my feeling is that you are in the same condition we were a week ago.
In my region the Intensive therapy place are already fully booked.
If you need one of them a doctor is already in the condition to have to decide who save...

(sorry for writing in the wrong forum)
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posted: 2020-03-10 09:51:42 (ID: 100147269) Report Abuse
From today with a Decree, Italy stops until April 3,
to prevent the collapse of the health system and save the oldest and weakest people.
as PJravens says, beds are limited and the most serious cases are "sacrificed" as in wartime.

I hope that the prevention system in the rest of Europe is at least as effective as in Italy. it is not a problem because it is a stronger influence, but the older and weaker affected people will have major respiratory problems and will collapse the intensive care units.

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posted: 2020-03-10 09:52:16 (ID: 100147270) Report Abuse
after this short excursus ..
dear Dumbarajko your opponent will surely be Italian to get to the superbowl! get ready!

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2020-03-10 17:50:12 (ID: 100147281) Report Abuse
Sorry Pete ...but I do not think this is something to joke about...

Yep, and with the news i received today, I would not have posted it. Seems Europe is going cazy...
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posted: 2020-03-10 18:39:12 (ID: 100147287) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Sorry Pete ...but I do not think this is something to joke about...

Yep, and with the news i received today, I would not have posted it. Seems Europe is going cazy...

Pete no problem I am not better than you at all.
we are just living a situation we couldn't even imagine two weeks ago and no one can imagine without be directly involved.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2020-03-10 18:51:43 (ID: 100147291) Report Abuse
A friend of my son is in quarantine as well.
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posted: 2020-03-10 21:21:27 (ID: 100147298) Report Abuse
Question for the Italians: with the quarantine in place, have you found specific items out of stock at the store that you wish you had stocked up on? Are there items you have heard others running out of? Here in the US we are all out of hand sanitizer, and it seems toilet paper is becoming a hot commodity. We have not been hit very hard yet, but I'm sure it's coming very soon.

My thoughts are with you!

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posted: 2020-03-11 12:52:51 (ID: 100147324) Report Abuse
Maynard wrote:
My thoughts are with you!

This is not my forum by my thoughts are with you as well!
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