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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-06-13 19:21:11 (ID: 100149947) Report Abuse
Impressive win by Glasgow !

I have the feeling, we have a good class of new arrivals here. Welcome Neknas
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posted: 2020-06-13 22:27:35 (ID: 100149953) Report Abuse
Thanks guys .

Quite a bit of good fortune in the outcome to be fair though. Naprzód Marsz! obviously rested a number of their top guns across key positions (not that their deputies are any slouches!), and we seemed to come away with the bounce of the ball on the day so to speak. Pretty sure that if the match was replayed half-a-dozen times with identical line-ups and playbooks Glasgow would be lucky to win 1, our lottery ticket paid out today . Tough luck Grzymisław, sure we'll be on the receiving end of some pay back come the re-match in week 16.

As a noob team entering SD1.1, focus is on building, learning and development. 2 or 3 seasons looks likely on that front before results like today can start to become a realistic hope on a consistent basis. Expect a fair few heavy defeats will occur throughout s39 as we continue to find out feet. Pre-season thought 5 or 6 victories may be possible in the league with the fixture list we were dealt. 6 starts to look a little more likely than 5 now . Sure the match with Marife-Lacion on Tuesday will bring reality crashing back down on us. In the meantime, the lads well earned a couple of pints after todays efforts for sure before we need worry about what's up next! .
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posted: 2020-06-16 23:02:38 (ID: 100150032) Report Abuse
The expected return to reality today for Glasgow Thistle . Very professional performance from Marife-Lacion, congrats to Hourt.
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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2020-06-17 00:15:20 (ID: 100150033) Report Abuse
If Elite was made if the overall best 32 teams, Marife would be there all the time. He was demoted in a positive record. Just as ptdoc s Team who actually made the playoffs.

Scorchio wrote:
The expected return to reality today for Glasgow Thistle . Very professional performance from Marife-Lacion, congrats to Hourt.
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-06-17 00:40:35 (ID: 100150034) Report Abuse
Since these seem to be all of the rage these days, here's a quarterly Power Ranking to keep you all interested. I'll try to do another after week 8, 12 and 16/17. After the first two groupings (Favorites and Contenders), the ordering is a bit random:

1. Leeds Celtics (4-0): the early favorite to win the AC, the Celtics got an early jump to win the division by knocking off the Rainbow Warriors in round 1.

2. DC Washingtonians (4-0): until a closer-than-expected win against Havertown, DCW has cruised early on and should continue to do so (with potential losses in games against AC East teams) up to the playoffs

3. Växjö Gladiators AFC (4-0): destroying everything in his path, RavenCorp should have no problem getting to 13 wins with some interesting games with the NC South and Wall Street Bombers on the docket.

4. Marife-Lacion (3-1): since surprising loss to open the season against Marsz!, hourt has notched a pair of bot wins and a brutal beat-down of upstart Glasgow Thistles.

5. Devon Warriors (4-0): Devon can’t help the fact his schedule has not given him the opportunity to prove anything yet. Expect this team to win the NC South again

6. Naprzód Marsz! (3-1): a strong start to the season (wins over Marife-Lacion and OE Redcoats) was interrupted with the shocker of the season, the 35-34 loss to Glasgow.

7. Schrodingers Cats (4-0): the first three games didn’t reveal much, but the dangerous Croxley Crocs got steam-rolled by this likely division winner.

8. Rainbow Warriors (3-1): no shame in losing to Leeds, but the path to the AC title means ashlee is going to have to find a way to pull the upset. Certainly the potential is there to make it happen.

9. Idrosburghi Verona (3-0): sandrez will definitely be in the playoffs and won’t be an easy match-up for whoever draws him; struggled a bit to beat the Croxley Crocs, but Verona could push Devon for NC South division title.

10. Wall Street Gunners (4-0): admittedly, I don’t know much about the Gunners, but they appear to be the favorites to come out of the AC West. Not likely to challenge Leeds, but could make some playoff noise.

11. Skalica Eagles (2-2): his opening day win over the Constanta Sailors was a thriller and could play a key role in the final NC East standings. Still obviously a step behind the Favorites based on okay performances against Leeds and the Gladiators.

12. Constanta Sailors (0-3): marinarul clearly is not running the same team that won the SD Elite division a few seasons ago, but I clearly think he’s a lot better than the winless record would indicate; keep in mind those include a last-second loss to the Skalica and losses to Leeds to my DCW team.

13. Old England Redcoats (2-2): the notoriously inconsistent team got two must-wins in order to stay in the playoff hunt against SH Cougars and Bautzen Greywolves but still looking a long way up at DCW in the division.

14. Croxley Crocs (2-2): the Crocs have been competitive early in the franchise’s young career and came oh-so close to knocking off Verona, which would have looked real nice along with wins over two new franchises.

15. Glasgow Thistles (3-1): one of SD’s newest caught one of the most veteran teams napping and capitalized with what will likely be the most surprising upset of the season. Then Marife brought him back to reality.

16. mystics (2-2): if not for landing in a tough division, the mystics could have had playoff aspirations this season as proven by the impressive opening game win over Havertown; alas, four games against Devon and Verona does not leave much room for errors.

17. Eickel Miners (2-2): another rookie franchise scoring a win over a veteran, but with ulero in some sort of prolonged rebuild mode, not nearly as shocking. The Miners will take some lumps with two tough divisional foes ahead of them, but this team is off to a good start.

18. Havertown Junipers (1-3): Worpex is tough to keep track of with all of these name changes, and he almost snuck up on me; he’s not been an easy win for opponents this season and could come out of a wide open NC North.

19. SH Cougars (2-2): a team that seems content to remain close to the bottom of SD keeps a roster good enough to beat bots and new teams but not enough to compete for the playoffs.

20. Konjarnik HighTowers (1-2): I think we’re all glad that ulero keeps hanging around, but will this once competitive franchise ever get back to fielding a playoff caliber team?

21. BC Bombers (2-2): a victory over a new team and a bot keeps the record at .500, but blown out by two of the Favorites.

22. Bautzen Greywolves (1-3): welcome back to a familiar face! A new team that was competitive in its three losses bodes well for the re-booted franchise to go along with a bot win.

23. Munich Dragons (2-2): a brand new franchise that took advantage of an easy pair of opening games (Chicago Cubs and a bot) is finally getting a taste of real SD competition but deserves some credit for not rolling over against superior talent.

24. Advancetown Kookaburras (1-3): a rookie franchise that landed in a tough division will have its work cut-out for him, but here’s a chance to learn from some of SD’s best. Avoids the winless column with a bot win.

25. Hopfenperlen (2-2): if we can get some of these new teams to commit long-term, SD can rise back to the top. This new squad has a win over a bot and the bot-like Chicago Cubs so far.

26. Clemson Tigers (0-4): the first month with the Sea Devils has not been easy for this rookie franchise. Hopefully he will learn from this season and stick through the growing pains and become a competitive team.

27. Chicago Cubs (0-4): if they’re not going to try, I’m not going to bother to try to write anything about them.
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posted: 2020-06-17 01:14:38 (ID: 100150036) Report Abuse
I enjoyed reading this ptdoc! Also, I feel the same way as you do about the Chicago Cubs in your league about Schonspieler back in Fire 1.
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posted: 2020-06-17 10:34:33 (ID: 100150044) Report Abuse
ptdoc2017 wrote:

1. Leeds Celtics (4-0): the early favorite to win the AC, the Celtics got an early jump to win the division by knocking off the Rainbow Warriors in round 1.

2. DC Washingtonians (4-0): until a closer-than-expected win against Havertown, DCW has cruised early on and should continue to do so (with potential losses in games against AC East teams) up to the playoffs

3. Växjö Gladiators AFC (4-0): destroying everything in his path, RavenCorp should have no problem getting to 13 wins with some interesting games with the NC South and Wall Street Bombers on the docket.

Nice writeup!

I'd put the Gladiators at number 1, with mine and your teams vying for 2nd spot... but it is close between all 3 of us.
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posted: 2020-06-17 10:36:11 (ID: 100150045) Report Abuse
Buziano wrote:
If Elite was made if the overall best 32 teams, Marife would be there all the time. He was demoted in a positive record. Just as ptdoc s Team who actually made the playoffs.

If Elite was the overall best 32, Sea Devils would have 6-8 members up there all the time....
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posted: 2020-06-17 15:52:56 (ID: 100150057)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Thx for the Ranking, Great work.

Last edited on 2020-06-17 15:53:13 by Neknas

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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2020-06-18 00:24:34 (ID: 100150061) Report Abuse
JonnyP wrote:
Buziano wrote:
If Elite was made if the overall best 32 teams, Marife would be there all the time. He was demoted in a positive record. Just as ptdoc s Team who actually made the playoffs.

If Elite was the overall best 32, Sea Devils would have 6-8 members up there all the time....

We agree on this. This season so far we look less impressive. Some intra division matches apart, Kanar had a surprisingly bad start. And Pipo showed against my team that we are ion the same level.

I admit freely, it is fun to play in Elite this season. It would even be more fun if really we could grab places from other regions.

Ptdoc : I always love your write ups. Thank you for this treat.
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