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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
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posted: 2020-09-12 08:18:29 (ID: 100152634) Report Abuse
badgers wrote:
until I finish all of my education.

Much success with this, and thanks for playing RZA and being an active forum member ...
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Canada   skeetz owns a supporter account

Joined: 2016-01-29/S20
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posted: 2020-09-12 12:08:25 (ID: 100152635) Report Abuse
Sad to see you leave Badgers. Good luck with your studies. The way you handled this game I'm sure you're going to be successful. You definitely graduated with honors in RZA.
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posted: 2020-09-12 16:19:14 (ID: 100152638) Report Abuse
All of the best, badgers
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Joined: 2011-09-26/S01
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posted: 2020-09-13 14:51:48 (ID: 100152657) Report Abuse
All the best to you.
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posted: 2020-09-15 03:09:51 (ID: 100152692) Report Abuse
Fresh batch of players on the market, including a few offensive guys.
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posted: 2020-09-18 01:02:28 (ID: 100152752) Report Abuse
Tough season for Fire...losing Holly and Badgers are on the way out. On the plus side, losing two Elite squads will give more teams a shot, but Fire definitely took a few steps backward
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posted: 2020-09-20 06:56:56 (ID: 100152795) Report Abuse
Sad to see you go. Your team started to be very good and you are one the reason season 39 was so great in Elite. Hopefully see you soon.
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posted: 2020-09-21 02:39:41 (ID: 100152834) Report Abuse
All of my players have now been sold, fired, or are currently on the market. My franchise QB along with two quarterbacks of the future just hit the market, so don’t miss out on those guys. I saved the best for last.
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posted: 2020-09-25 02:15:28 (ID: 100152916) Report Abuse
Well, every player has now either been sold or fired and I have one person on the Discord server (though I would like to have more), which means that my team is ready to go bot. I will log in a time or two more so I can screenshot my playbooks, but other than that, which I may even do later tonight, I am done. It’s been a good ride and see you all later. Over and out, badgers.
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posted: 2020-09-25 08:08:16 (ID: 100152919) Report Abuse
See you later, man, all the best!
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Main / Fire / Season 40