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posted: 2020-09-08 16:56:15 (ID: 100152525) Report Abuse
this is a thread for banter between the fans of the teams in Monarchs league.

First is a conversation from fans of AREA 51, a group of fans who sit in the north west parts of the stadium know as seating area 51.

Over heard in Area 51:

Jim: So what did you think of that debacle against the Bruisers?
John: Sheer rubbish.
Ron: What the game or the Bruisers? hahaha
John: Both! We should have killed those losers. Haha Burnaby Losers!
John: I don't think our coach knows what he's doing.
Ron: How's that?
John: Well he had this big argument with QB Brett Kimmel about his contract renewal. To me it's a no-brainer.
Jim: That's right he's got no brains.
John: Brett's a brilliant QB. He should have just paid him what he wanted. Instead of that he goes on this great negotiation trip. Finally he signs him up again. Then what does he do? He drops him for the first game of the season.
Ron: Yeah and he brings in Ed Forrest as starter. He was 3rd string last year.
Jim: And then he brings up Dane Shipman from the Youth Academy. So we now have 4 QBs
Ron: And he starts Forrest against the Bruisers.
Jim: As well as changing the playbook
John: Total madness! If this goes on I'm going to go and support the Berinsfield Hornets.
Ron: Hey, there's no need for that sort of language!
John: What? I didn't swear.
Jim: Yes you did.
John: What?
Ron: You know what you said. You said BH!
John: So sorry. I do apologise. I don't know what got into me.

More to come as I scour the fans sites for information and gossip.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2020-09-08 20:39:19 (ID: 100152537) Report Abuse
I think you need to attent a doctor.

Thanks for the write-up.
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posted: 2020-09-08 20:56:16 (ID: 100152539) Report Abuse
I don't know where where this is ending, but I am excited about the journey.
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Captain Jack
posted: 2020-09-08 21:09:57 (ID: 100152540) Report Abuse
Area 51 is the north west area of the Aliens stand.
I will be having a word with these guys!
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posted: 2020-09-08 21:46:19 (ID: 100152542) Report Abuse
Captain Jack wrote:
Area 51 is the north west area of the Aliens stand.
I will be having a word with these guys!

And here I was guessing that Aliens would try to avoid Area 51.
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posted: 2020-09-09 07:02:28 (ID: 100152549) Report Abuse
more gossip, this time Reg and Phil who are members of the Screaming Stingers fan group of the Berinsfield Hornets.

Reg - WOW, what a win against those Bruisers, they must really hate us
Phil - yeah, I don't think they understood the new plays from the coach, last season we had the Chuck and Duck system, that hurt my neck watching it, now we got Scoot or Shoot.
Reg - what does it mean, the coach is from England he has no idea what to do. i heard he went to a bookshop looking for a book about Bear Bryant and ended up with a book on Beer Bryan the Wisconsin beer salesman.
Phil - really, I heard he had a copy of the idiots guide to American football. The words confused him, so he just coloured in the pictures.
Reg - hahaha, that is funny, still he had the Bruisers confused, I mean 20 points in first half and they did nothing. It was closer in the 2nd half though, but we had them rattled.
Phil - yeah, quarterbacks running, who knew our bunch could run so well.
Reg - looking forward to the Aliens in a couple of weeks, gonna be cool to rub their noses in the Scoot or Shoot.
Phil - yeah, can't wait....
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posted: 2020-09-09 10:46:31 (ID: 100152556) Report Abuse
Gossip from a local bar in Burnaby ......2 fans from the METROBOYS of the Burnaby Bruisers

Randy - there goes our season, another loss to those Hornets, when is the coach going to beat them.
Chuck - no idea buddy, our receivers need to buy some stickem, so many dropped balls, its becoming a joke.
Randy - isn't that illegal in the league after that tight end caught a nasty rash from it and has to wear mittens all the time now.
Chuck - yeah, he tried velcro on the mittens, but the wool made it difficult, also it wouldn't stick to the ball either.
Randy - hahaha that was funny to watch, his mother wasn't happy as she had to knit a new pair of mittens each game.
Chuck - you going to the next game, its against the Rotties ?
Randy - I should be able to, it will be nice to get a win...... you want another beer ?......

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posted: 2020-09-11 06:34:07 (ID: 100152610) Report Abuse

I was asked to clarify that the banter gossip is done with the permission of the parties involved. I spoke to Capt jack and Ideaguy about doing this and they both agreed. The 1st gossip was Capt Jack's own words, i just posted them. We discussed names and levels of banter involved and possible scenarios.

If anyone else wants to be involved, please let me know, i will only involved managers who give permission and have a sense of humour.


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posted: 2020-09-14 08:55:54 (ID: 100152676) Report Abuse
Some news from the fan group of the Home Malones.....

Rex - Ok, this is the first meeting of the Home Malones fans and we need to think of a name. The other teams have cool names so we need one, any suggestions.
Dave - "paint it black" as we only wear black uniforms, home or away
Harry - "The Macaulay's" after the star in my favourite film Home Alone
Rex - I don't get that one
Harry - Home Alone sounds like Home Malones, see ..... geddit...
Rex - *sigh*
Phil - *Dinosaurs* after our Manager
Rex - any more.............Ok lets vote.................. Dinosaurs..........1 vote................The Macaulay's........1 vote..............Paint it black............1 as the deciding vote I'll go with Paint it black.
Rex - the Paint it black fan group is now ready for the season..........who do we play next.....oh crap its the Hornets.......Dave, you won so get the beers in

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posted: 2020-09-14 12:29:29 (ID: 100152682)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
The Squires fan group for the Poznan Knights meet in the local cafe....

Tomasz - we beat the MK Saints in the last game, which was a good result, we could make the Elite league this time.
Piotr - your delusional, our offensive line is carrying us, we need the rest of the team to step up and make an effort.
Jakub - I agree, the big boys on the offense are our strength, we need the manager to train up the rest.
Piotr - yeah, I heard he is buying some Oranzada to get the players off drinking piwo* and wodka* at half time.
Tomasz - I thought he tried that before and the players just put them together and made cocktails.
Piotr - they did, but I think the manager is serious this time, he has got some ex soviet blood testing machines to check for alcohol levels.
Jakub - were they from the Olympic committee of Russia ?
Piotr - yeah
Tomasz - thats ok then

** piwo is Polish for beer. wodka is Polish for vodka**

Last edited on 2020-09-15 07:32:45 by kharton99

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