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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-08-14/S35
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posted: 2020-11-01 14:59:00 (ID: 100153844) Report Abuse
Atta boy Big Dave! It's all about who you know.
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posted: 2020-11-01 18:15:17 (ID: 100153846)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Rufio13 wrote:
Atta boy Big Dave! It's all about who you know.

Yeah an inspired choice of driver for the Sprang 500 basic mower, it maybe 50 years old, but it was still a runner.......just.

I hope you like the games as Bog Snorkling is next and then the English Martial Arts will be third....... so watch this space

Last edited on 2020-11-02 09:05:56 by kharton99

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posted: 2020-11-16 09:27:10 (ID: 100154312) Report Abuse
Sorry for no posts in a while, real life got in the way.

So event 2 Bog Snorkeling

Welcome to the Bogs of Burnaby and the second fan event of Bog Snorkeling. Here's a quick look at the leaderboard.

1 st = Metroboys - 10pts
2nd = Sreaming Stingers- 8pts
3rd = Tentacles – 5pts
4th = Squires – 3pts
5th = Area 51 – 2pts
6th = Paint it Black - 1pts

Now over to our presenters for the coverage.

Chuck - here we are at the peat bogs near the city of Burnaby and here's Larry with a quick rundown of Bog Snorkeling.

Larry - so Bog Snorkeling is a exciting event where the competitors swim a length of a trench cut into the bog. They are allowed flippers, snorkel and diving mask. They are not allowed to swim and must use flipper power only.

Chuck - thanks Larry, so lets move to the first competitor and its...........Barry of the Tentacles.... he's wearing basic black latex wet suit, which is the normal attire for snorkeling. ... and he's off with a shallow dive face first into the bog and .......yes.......yes he's moving with an unusual dolphin kick, slow but effective.......and the time of 1 minute 54 secs.....a respectable time for Barry.

Larry - Jakob of the Squires is next and he also has a wet suit and he's off........ a nice shallow dive and a very rapid flipper's hard to see with all the spray...........and he's has finished with a time of 1 minute and 36 secs.....very nice effort there by Jakob.

Chuck - The crowd enjoyed that its Harry of Paint it Black and wearing a pair of black speedo's.... not sure that's a wise choice, but......he's in and using a strange single leg action which is very he is using the other leg............ finally Harry has finished and a time of 2 mins 45 secs...

Larry - 4th one up is Chuck of the Metroboys and he is the crowds favourite for this event. Chuck has a snazzy purple and white wet suit and he's in with a nice swan dive into the bog.......not sure of the strategy here, but he's not moving.......ok, he's moving now...... and he's got mud in his mask.......he's going the wrong he's going back the right way now and using a rapid flipper motion and Chuck has finished......2 mins 22 sec....

Chuck - disappointing is Phil of the Screaming Stingers.....WOW, he has a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts..... that's a brave choice of attire and he's in with a elegant belly flop......looks like the referee has noticed something.......yes, Phil is disqualified for swimming, so no time....

Larry - that's not good.....last competitor is Ron of Area 51 wearing a bright pink, orange and yellow wet suit....... and he's in with a gentle shallow dive...... nice flipper action and this looks impressive........that's a great time of 1 minute and 26 secs..

Chuck - what a great event and here's the result.

1st - Ron - Area 51 - 1 m 26 - 10pts
2nd - Jakob - Squires - 1 m 36 - 8 pts
3rd - Barry - Tentacles - 1 m 54 - 5 pts
4th - Chuck - Metroboys - 2 m 22 - 3 pts
5th - Harry - Paint it Black - 2 m 45 - 2 pts
6th - Phil - Screaming Stingers - DNF - 1 pts

Larry - great win by Area 51..... and here's the table after the 2nd event.

1 st = Metroboys - 13pts
2nd = Area 51- 12pts
3rd = Squires – 11pts
4th = Tentacles – 10pts
5th = Screaming Stingers – 9pts
6th = Paint it Black - 3pts

Here's a quick video of Bog Snorkeling

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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-08-14/S35
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posted: 2021-01-10 08:13:04 (ID: 100156086) Report Abuse
When does the ballad of Big Dave continue?
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posted: 2021-01-10 11:44:53 (ID: 100156090) Report Abuse
Rufio13 wrote:
When does the ballad of Big Dave continue?

Soon, I have been busy with stuff, I had a writers block too
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posted: 2021-01-11 10:23:04 (ID: 100156102) Report Abuse
Event 3 Shin Kicking

Shin Kicking event

Larry - Welcome to the 3rd Fan zone event after the unexpected delay during the holiday period.

This is the English martial arts of Shin Kicking which is not for the faint-hearted. A quick word on the rules for the uninitiated ….. contestants must wear soft shoes and are allowed to pad the shins with straw. They grab the collars and try to kick the shins of the opponent until someone cries “enough”. Each fan gets 2 matches with ties determined by how quick they dispose of their opponent.

Chuck - 1st up is Randy for the Metroboys who is against Big Dave for The Tentacles, this is a massive mismatch for Randy as Big Dave is the favourite for this event. And here we go............. ouch that was a cracking kick from Big Dave that made Randy wince in pain........................ooh another flurry of kicks from Big Dave, he really has taken the advantage of his size to control this match......................Randy has quit and is being treated by the medics.....awesome display from Big Dave.

Larry – Match number 2 is just starting and we see Reg for the Screaming Stingers and he is paired with Harry of Paint it Black...............Reg tries the defensive moves and has dodged the repeated kicks from Harry.......................................Harry lands a couple of quick kicks as Reg is looking tired …..........Reg cries enough and quits...... That was a good display from Harry, some of the Black Belt Masters of Shin Kicking are nodding in approval.

Chuck – Match number 3 sees Jim of Area 51 against Jakub of the Squires..........Jakub takes a big swing and lands a great blow to Jims left shin and he shouts enough straight away.....quickest match so far.

Larry – Ok there's a 10 minute rest as the contestants repack their padding, lets look at the scores....With 1 win is Big Dave, Harry and Jakub.

Chuck – Match 4 about to start and its Big Dave against Jim.... not good news for Jim who looks like a puppy compared to Big Dave.........Jim puts up a better fight this time, its amazing what 2 pints will do for your courage..........Ohh a cracking 3 kick combo from Big Dave and the match is over.

Larry – Match 5 sees Randy and Reg pair up............... Reg delivers a stunning blow to the right shin of Randy and sees him limp very badly now...........Randy is struggling as he hops about trying to dodge the onslaught from Reg........and its over Randy cried enough and is now in the medics tent.

Chuck – Match 6 in underway and Harry is against Jakub ...............Harry unloads a flurry of kicks the left shin of Jakub who grins back before he delivers a massive blow to Harry's right shin. ….......... Jakub kicks the shin of Harry who cries enough and limps off to the medics tent........... Hold on the umpire is checking the padding of Jakub and finds some steel plates under the straw...............Jakub has been disqualified and Harry is declared the winner.

Larry – that is controversial as Jakub is lead away from the the final will be between Big Dave and Harry...... and there is Harry with a great defensive move against Big Dave's combination of kicks........ Ouch Big Dave lands a blow just below the knee and Harry looks in pain, but he is carrying on...........Big Dave is tiring, but still managing to connect with devastating kicks.........and it's over Harry has cried enough......Big Dave wins.

Chuck – So lets look at the points

1st – Big Dave – The Tentacles = 10 pts
2nd – Harry – Paint it Black = 8 pts
3rd – Reg – Screaming Stingers = 5 pts
4th – Randy – Metroboys = 3 pts
5th – Jim – Area 51 = 2 pts
6th – Jakub – The Squires = 1 pts

1st = The Tentacles – 20 pts
2nd = Metroboys – 16 pts
3rd = Area 51 – 14 pts
4th = Scream Stingers – 14 pts
5th = The Squires – 12 pts
6th = Paint it Black – 11 pts

A film of Shin Kicking the English Martial Art.

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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-08-14/S35
Posts: 876
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posted: 2021-01-11 16:04:22 (ID: 100156105) Report Abuse
Big Dave coming through!

I totally thought this was a great made up event.... and then the video came. I still can't believe this is a real thing and am still on the fence if that's a mockumentary or not.
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posted: 2021-01-11 16:13:17 (ID: 100156107) Report Abuse
Rufio13 wrote:
Big Dave coming through!

I totally thought this was a great made up event.... and then the video came. I still can't believe this is a real thing and am still on the fence if that's a mockumentary or not.

Its a real event, i got a cousin who entered it one year back in the 80's, he said it hurt like hell as the straw doesn't do anything really. At least they stopped people using steel toe capped boots now, so a little bit easier
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posted: 2021-01-11 17:16:00 (ID: 100156113) Report Abuse
8 points! That's like almost all of Paint it Black's total. Did the judges ever check Big Dave's shoes, though? Never trust the Kwaken, or their fans.

Netflix recently released (in the USA at least) a short 6 episode series called We Are The Champions, reminded me of this extravaganza.
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posted: 2021-01-11 18:44:04 (ID: 100156116) Report Abuse
Harry had a good match against Big Dave, but couldn't compete with his strength.

I got an idea for the last event, so watch this space.

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