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Main / Sea Devils / Seadevils 1 season 41 Search Forum
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posted: 2020-11-15 08:00:23 (ID: 100154253) Report Abuse
Good rolllover guys. May the retirements be nice with your team.
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posted: 2020-11-15 11:25:04 (ID: 100154256) Report Abuse
So it seems I was wrong about where teams end up after relegation in the Elite.

Anyway, the very bad news is that Lorenzo Tournier is having his las season and will retire at 31.

4 more retirements including a coach. Not a sweet rollover for me.

At least the Cup group is fairly easier than last season.

Good season folks!
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posted: 2020-11-15 12:53:12 (ID: 100154264) Report Abuse
While I'm certain to be back in SD1 next season, I've been lucky with retirements - I'm only losing Christian Tatum
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posted: 2020-11-15 13:53:00 (ID: 100154268)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Maybe your team is still under construction but your ability in writing playbooks no...
I would not be so confortable if I were in your division.

For me other 5 key players leaving ... added to the ones I had this season are 11.

Last edited on 2020-11-15 13:55:32 by PJRAVENS

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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2017-05-16/S25
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posted: 2020-11-15 13:54:40 (ID: 100154269) Report Abuse
In case no one noticed, Ashlee hasn't left us
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Aratana Hajimari


Joined: 2015-03-15/S16
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posted: 2020-11-15 15:02:13 (ID: 100154275) Report Abuse
I will Lose 2 players, my best lb will retire with 32. And a OL will go at the end
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posted: 2020-11-15 16:41:42 (ID: 100154282) Report Abuse
I just put 4 players for sales. Reasonable price (500k to 1 Millions), balanced build, most of them were starter since 10 seasons.
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posted: 2020-11-15 19:59:56 (ID: 100154291) Report Abuse
So several recent managers have to pledge for the mediacenter for the first time.

We already reached the threshold for a guaranteed benefit at the end of the season. If we reach 90% overall, that’s 19 millions benefits. Right now it’s about a few, better than nothing, but it would be a pity to stay at this level.
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posted: 2020-11-15 21:00:35 (ID: 100154300) Report Abuse
ptdoc2017 wrote:
In case no one noticed, Ashlee hasn't left us

Yeah saw it on Friday. Meanwhile Pippo missed his contracts négociations...
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posted: 2020-11-16 09:37:06 (ID: 100154315) Report Abuse
Kanar wrote:
ptdoc2017 wrote:
In case no one noticed, Ashlee hasn't left us

Yeah saw it on Friday. Meanwhile Pippo missed his contracts négociations...

Unfortunately, Fincyril/Kanar is always right, and ptdoc is usually 99.99% right.

Folks, I'm just logging in to check on the calendar, to be sure I contribute to Mediacentre for you guys to reach your target. And to bid you folks farewell.

Folks, its great to be in league with all y'all, and a real honor. I would like to thank so many present and past managers for making SD really really interesting and fun. As well as a great distraction from the dark dark abyss of the last 4 years.

I can't represent Superpippo's intention, I can't speak for him. He may just be busy with work. We last PM about 3 weeks ago, and eerily, our sentiments were exactly the same on quite a lot of stuff. and I think I know where my dearest frienemy is heading. If he does read this, know that I'll always remember you vandalizing trash cans in my stadium. I will miss thee

So ... ... So long, and thanks for all the fishes!

#BLstillM #masks #reunite

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Main / Sea Devils / Seadevils 1 season 41