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posted: 2020-11-27 22:17:53 (ID: 100154883) Report Abuse
Its not just the Sharks who are back, the Doleys are back with a brand new name and a brand new desire to kick the fish men out of my league long awaited rebuild lol
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BobBoy Magpies

England   dell_g owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-11-27 22:27:37 (ID: 100154884) Report Abuse
Welcome back chap
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Bracciano Lakers

Italy   Yashin owns a supporter account   Yashin acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2020-11-28 05:33:20 (ID: 100154888) Report Abuse
dell_g wrote:
Rotterdam Rebels have gone BOT?!?!

I had some thought when I saw him not pledging for Mediacenter. He was often one of the first.
A sad loss...

H1LL5 wrote:
Its not just the Sharks who are back, the Doleys are back with a brand new name and a brand new desire to kick the fish men out of my league long awaited rebuild lol

For a coach who resigns another challenger emerges from the fog of inactivity... welcome back !!!
A pleasure to see many old faces entering the field again,
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posted: 2020-11-29 00:55:01 (ID: 100154910) Report Abuse
Yashin wrote:
dell_g wrote:
Rotterdam Rebels have gone BOT?!?!

I had some thought when I saw him not pledging for Mediacenter. He was often one of the first.
A sad loss...

H1LL5 wrote:
Its not just the Sharks who are back, the Doleys are back with a brand new name and a brand new desire to kick the fish men out of my league long awaited rebuild lol

For a coach who resigns another challenger emerges from the fog of inactivity... welcome back !!!
A pleasure to see many old faces entering the field again,

For you guys it might be a pleasure. I’m only thankful the pubs are closed so I don’t have to see his ugly mug as often 😀
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posted: 2020-11-29 04:30:13 (ID: 100154912) Report Abuse
Sad to see Rotterdam go bot, I remember he was an up and coming coach the last time I was leaving. Good to see H1LL5 return though. I hope more old timers continue to make comebacks.
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Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

England   lions1934 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-11-29 08:15:52 (ID: 100154916) Report Abuse
H1LL5 wrote:
Its not just the Sharks who are back, the Doleys are back with a brand new name and a brand new desire to kick the fish men out of my league long awaited rebuild lol

I was hoping you'd be back seeing that the Shanks were.
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posted: 2020-11-29 18:57:11 (ID: 100154930)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
lions1934 wrote:
H1LL5 wrote:
Its not just the Sharks who are back, the Doleys are back with a brand new name and a brand new desire to kick the fish men out of my league long awaited rebuild lol

I was hoping you'd be back seeing that the Shanks were.

I can't stand the thought of him winning anything hehe good to see a lot of the faces, I might get another cup going once my team actually has some ability in it

Last edited on 2020-11-29 18:57:34 by H1LL5

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posted: 2020-11-29 19:53:56 (ID: 100154932) Report Abuse
H1LL5 wrote:
lions1934 wrote:
H1LL5 wrote:
Its not just the Sharks who are back, the Doleys are back with a brand new name and a brand new desire to kick the fish men out of my league long awaited rebuild lol

I was hoping you'd be back seeing that the Shanks were.

I can't stand the thought of him winning anything hehe good to see a lot of the faces, I might get another cup going once my team actually has some ability in it

No cup for a long time then
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posted: 2020-12-01 21:40:58 (ID: 100154970) Report Abuse
Is it tanking if you do nothing with your team? I’ve built my stadium up and concentrated on the training for a few players who might last more than a few days on my roster. Everything else I’m waiting to do.
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posted: 2020-12-01 22:39:31 (ID: 100154973) Report Abuse
Fummer I’ve just seen your wages at $10m a week does this mean you’re now in 6-10 mode?
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