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posted: 2021-04-16 18:38:51 (ID: 100158494) Report Abuse
Tpal70 wrote:
Big playoff game tomorrow between the Istanbul Whitings vs. the Kokomo Mantis. Not sure the Mantis have enough for the Whitings, but if things go well, you never know what the outcome will be! When they played each other 5 seasons ago, the Mantis won a close game by 6. Good luck Whitings!

Winner of the above game will be playing a winner of yet another great game on paper! Vicious Attack Dogs vs. Deflators might have a different outcome than the regular season when the Attack Dogs won by 26. Not sure it will be that way this game.

In the AC, Duluth Eskimos vs. Basterds could be a good game, but I have a feeling the Basterds win this one like they did during the regular season when they won by 14

The Wolflings and Kalapana Wild Thangs game should be the game to watch in the AC playoffs though. Seems as you could flip a coin and still never determine a winner as either team could win 50/50 in that coin flip out of 100 games. 3 seasons ago when they played, it was a 3 point game, so look for that type of game yet again.

Thanks Tpal. Excellent preview. The game engine usually is not in my favor after I beat a team big and play them later. I'm hoping to win of course, but expect my team to play boneheaded.
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posted: 2021-04-17 15:26:36 (ID: 100158508) Report Abuse
Throwing 3 INT's and allowing 8 sacks will never win a ball game. Congrats Istanbul Whitings....great defense today!
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posted: 2021-04-17 15:28:43 (ID: 100158509)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
What a shocker today with Duluth Eskimos winning against the Basterds. Great game there for sure by Duluth! Keep rolling!

Last edited on 2021-04-17 15:30:01 by Tpal70

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posted: 2021-04-17 19:37:24 (ID: 100158520) Report Abuse
Thank you! Turnovers were decisive yes. I believe your team will be one of the bests next year. Your roster seems well balanced and young
Tpal70 wrote:
Throwing 3 INT's and allowing 8 sacks will never win a ball game. Congrats Istanbul Whitings....great defense today!
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posted: 2021-04-18 18:02:34 (ID: 100158543) Report Abuse
Tpal70 wrote:
What a shocker today with Duluth Eskimos winning against the Basterds. Great game there for sure by Duluth! Keep rolling!

Indeed, I had to double check the score when I saw it!
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posted: 2021-04-18 18:02:34 (ID: 100158542) Report Abuse
Tpal70 wrote:
What a shocker today with Duluth Eskimos winning against the Basterds. Great game there for sure by Duluth! Keep rolling!

Indeed, I had to double check the score when I saw it!
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posted: 2021-04-19 14:51:30 (ID: 100158550) Report Abuse
RonaldVennegoor wrote:
Tpal70 wrote:
What a shocker today with Duluth Eskimos winning against the Basterds. Great game there for sure by Duluth! Keep rolling!

Indeed, I had to double check the score when I saw it!

Not only did I double check, I think I triple checked! It was just that big of a shocker, but it should not be that big of a shock. They have been very competitive, only just losing by the thinnest of margins against elite competition these past few seasons.
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posted: 2021-04-19 18:31:26 (ID: 100158555) Report Abuse
Yeah I guess the shock is more that basterds got beaten that badly.

Still, we should indeed acknoweldge the excellence of Duluth Eskimos. He started at RZA when I was in Thunder 2 with the Alligators!
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Barossa Bulldogs

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posted: 2021-04-20 03:06:21 (ID: 100158561) Report Abuse
I don't feel so bad now that he beat me in the wildcard round.
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posted: 2021-04-20 11:55:39 (ID: 100158572) Report Abuse
I screwed up and set my friendly roster to play!
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Main / Thunder / THUNDER SEASON 42