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posted: 2021-03-29 13:21:11 (ID: 100158115) Report Abuse
Our forum has been a bit quiet lately. Time permitting I'm going to do a few bits on the 'old days' of Sea Devils 1.. I hope you find them interesting.

Season 1 we can forget, as all active teams started in tier 2, so I'll jump to Season 2....

Season 2 was a slightly odd one, most of the active teams were placed in the NC, with the AC relatively sparse, and it was very much a lottery in terms of competition. Naprzod Marsz immediately established themselves as the team to beat, going 16-0 and installing themselves as clear favourites. Lucea Cardinals, Monster Piskots and my Celtics all had solid seasons, while over in the AC the Wesley Crushers quietly went about their business.

Now back in those days, you could use MOTY during playoff games, and this proved crucial. The match engine was also extremely run heavy, with passing incredibly difficult - thus games were less explosive, filled with clock munching drives. Turnovers were therefore even more devastating, as you ended up with fewer possessions on which to score.

The divisional games proved crucial. The AC matchups were always going to be one sided affairs, but this was not the case in the NC. 1st seeds Marsz drew the Piskots, and dealt with them easily. I cracked and used my MOTY to see off the Cardinals.

The Championship games followed, a dour 10-7 struggle in the AC game between the Crushers and the Hurricanes, as opposed to a 31-7 blowout of my Celtics by Naprzod - who used his MOTY to destroy my team.

Naprzod on paper were huge favourites for the Bowl - but he had expended his MOTY - and the Crushers had managed to save theirs due to having a much easier route to the Bowl. And thus, the Wesley Crushers pulled off a shock demolition of the mighty Marsz to become the 1st human-managed Bowl winners..... nobody would have predicted it during the season, but such were the oddities of the game balance back then.

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posted: 2021-03-29 13:22:45 (ID: 100158116) Report Abuse
Thanks Jonny! Really great to read! Will you continue with the following seasons?

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posted: 2021-03-29 13:27:54 (ID: 100158117) Report Abuse
Great Idea !!! I am looking forward to read next chapters!
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posted: 2021-03-29 13:54:47 (ID: 100158118)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Here you go then... Season 3 - Shenanigans!

Divisions were now properly filled with active teams, and the reigning champions gained a key new rival - the Nova Gorica Gamblers. However it was still very much the case that the biggest teams occupied the NC. The regular season saw the Piskots slip up with Paradise Regained taking that division title, and the Crushers managed only 10-6 - the Gamblers cruising to a 15-1 record installing them as the class of the AC.

Now here's where I make an admission. I had spotted in the game rules that OL lined up Left to Right, with the highest up the depth chart on the left. The DL did the same. This meant that it was likely that the stronger left OT would start the game against the weaker right DE. Combine that with run D formations being less effective that they are now, and there being less of a penalty applied to rushing from passing formations - and I had a plan.

I felt bad about using this until the Cardinals blatantly threw their week 16 game to get a better draft pick ...

As a result, my Celtics had probably the most dominant league season in the history of RZA in any league with 100% human participation. Only the Monster Piskots offered any real resistance, and probably also did me a favour in beating the Lucea Cardinals in the playoffs, as Lucea had been on a devastating run in the latter half of the season.

The Gamblers somehow tripped up in the playoffs, leaving us facing the Crushers in the bowl - it ended 58-10 in my Celtics' favour.

Having won the bowl I messaged Pete about the left/right imbalance, and the loophole was forever closed in the match engine.

Last edited on 2021-03-29 13:55:25 by JonnyP

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posted: 2021-03-29 14:15:46 (ID: 100158120) Report Abuse
you still deserved the victory!
great intuition, and I think it would not have been difficult for the defense realize would have been enough to look at the match up OT/DE in the play by play, players lineup into the match logs .... am I wrong?
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posted: 2021-03-29 14:19:24 (ID: 100158121) Report Abuse
I don't think the match logs listed the players on field for each snap at that time...
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posted: 2021-03-29 14:56:50 (ID: 100158123) Report Abuse
Mombasa Lions threw away a game for a draft pick?

I understand how you did not feel bad afterward.
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posted: 2021-03-29 16:00:59 (ID: 100158124) Report Abuse
JonnyP wrote:
I don't think the match logs listed the players on field for each snap at that time...

you still deserved the victory!
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posted: 2021-03-30 02:19:27 (ID: 100158138) Report Abuse
Brilliant Jonny, just brilliant. thank you.
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posted: 2021-03-30 04:17:42 (ID: 100158140) Report Abuse
JonnyP wrote:
Now here's where I make an admission. I had spotted in the game rules that OL lined up Left to Right, with the highest up the depth chart on the left. The DL did the same. This meant that it was likely that the stronger left OT would start the game against the weaker right DE.

Can't you still do this? I mean, if you want to match your stronger OT against the weaker DE, can't you just list your stronger OT second on the depth chart?
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