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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2017-05-16/S25
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posted: 2021-07-14 03:01:07 (ID: 100160342) Report Abuse
Congratulations PJ and Damion. Always exciting when a team gets their first taste of Elite.
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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-12-09/S36
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posted: 2021-07-14 04:09:12 (ID: 100160343) Report Abuse
Congrats PJ and Damion also Hop, Cats and some other teams had pretty good seasons too. Looking forward to the next round
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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

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posted: 2021-07-14 04:32:16 (ID: 100160344) Report Abuse
Maybe this is over the top for just a game but I feel a certain way so I will do this.

Kanar, I apologize for my behavior towards you since my return to the game. I have been salty regarding the SDHOF for stupid reasons and I handled things rudely and stupidly. Although I quibbled about the initial parameters of it, you always did a tremendous job managing the HOF. You (along with Julien) also breathed life into this league and made it more enjoyable and engaging. I felt that since I was rude to you in the forums, I should apologize publicly. My bad Bro.
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posted: 2021-07-14 05:35:22 (ID: 100160345) Report Abuse
Appreciate it Johnny, but believe me when I say there is no hard feeling.

Yes, I have been annoyed by some of your comments, among others. But at the end of the day, it's a "free country". I have always been over-sensitive to criticism and it is a flaw. Now stopping the HoF management was the thing to do. I did some modifications based on the comments (not only yours) and went as far as I was willing to go about it. Yet the participation was still down and complains continued. It was too much work for too little love, even if once again I want to thank the supporters.
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Aratana Hajimari


Joined: 2015-03-15/S16
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posted: 2021-07-14 05:47:11 (ID: 100160346) Report Abuse
Thank you, wow first time elite, after all this years in this game i finished my goal. What is next? Change the Name, fire all player or just do as usual.

After next season i'll be back.
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posted: 2021-07-14 18:02:07 (ID: 100160365)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Damion wrote:
Thank you, wow first time elite, after all this years in this game i finished my goal. What is next? Change the Name, fire all player or just do as usual.

After next season i'll be back.

Congrats! Thanks for leaving but now i'm going to have ptdoc or Jonny in the division.

Last edited on 2021-07-14 18:03:04 by WorpeX

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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-12-09/S36
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posted: 2021-07-16 02:23:02 (ID: 100160393) Report Abuse
WorpeX wrote:
Damion wrote:
Thank you, wow first time elite, after all this years in this game i finished my goal. What is next? Change the Name, fire all player or just do as usual.

After next season i'll be back.

Congrats! Thanks for leaving but now i'm going to have ptdoc or Jonny in the division.

you'll have to keep checking your training
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posted: 2021-07-19 16:38:47 (ID: 100160446) Report Abuse
JohnnyAce wrote:
WorpeX wrote:
Damion wrote:
Thank you, wow first time elite, after all this years in this game i finished my goal. What is next? Change the Name, fire all player or just do as usual.

After next season i'll be back.

Congrats! Thanks for leaving but now i'm going to have ptdoc or Jonny in the division.

you'll have to keep checking your training

Thats how smart people play. I however, will likely just inflate my players salaries to unsustainable levels in order to brute force my way into Elite. Then go broke and start it all over again.
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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-12-09/S36
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posted: 2021-07-20 17:37:07 (ID: 100160467) Report Abuse
congrats on the trophy PJ, and congrats on a great season and making it to Elite Damion!
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posted: 2021-07-20 17:38:55 (ID: 100160468) Report Abuse
JohnnyAce wrote:
congrats on the trophy PJ, and congrats on a great season and making it to Elite Damion!

Thanks very much JohnnyAce
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