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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-05-03/S42
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posted: 2021-10-16 19:15:05 (ID: 100161961)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Recap Season 44
An outstanding second season with a record of 20-4 against other human managed teams exceeded the expectations in all competitions and was rewarded with the Claymore 1 Championship and the participation in Elite league and the Champs of champs cup next season.
Honestly I am not prepared for this and the team would have needed one more season in league 1 to get ready. On the other hand we played 12 high quality teams this season and have won 8 of these games beating the Wildcats and Hell Hounds, who will be our division rivals next season.

Money in the bank: 288,924,884 (league 1 avarage: 265 millions / Elite avarage: 347 millions)
Weekly wages Players: 2,804,897 (currently 55 players on the senior roster)
Weekly wages Coaches: 1,000,748
Team overall rating: 73.9%

Due to the additional playoff games we have generated more income than planned, so no need to further build up the bankroll. There is enough money to buy an exceptional player or to survive some bad seasons. The wage level is still pretty low and we can increase it to roughly 6.5 millions next season without making a deficit. I am still not intending to get into bidding wars for normal quality players on the transfer market, but I have increased the internal salary cap to 180 000 and have spend another 16 millions to hire some veteran players to increase the team quality. Ideally I will find some more quality players beginning of next season to push the team rating above 78%.

We have played a very interesting friendly series with the Stone Mountain Hawks 2, which ended 6-6. Thank you Bob. He had been a bit more aggressive in the team build and has reached already a team rating of 81.2%. Looking at it retrospectively I should have done the same, but I didn't expect the promotion to Elite and for another season in Claymore 1 the team development would have been fully on track. I currently have 120 extra millions in the bank compared to the Hawks. Depending on the offers on the transfer market, I hope to be able to close the talent gap. On the other hand I am having already more players on the roster than I wanted to have, so it will be a tough call next season to carry these players or to sell some of the talented youngsters, which aren't Elite ready yet.

Senior roster - End of season 44

Last edited on 2021-10-16 19:16:51 by Shadow

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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-05-03/S42
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posted: 2021-10-24 12:03:49 (ID: 100162229)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Preview Season 45
Ok, it looks like I have to continue this project, but is has shown already, that it is possible for every new franchise to be competive immediately and build a good financial basis. Could I have done things better? Possibly, if I would have expected to play Elite this season. Have I done major mistakes? Probably not, but currently I would question activating the premium youth academy. This will need to prove over the next one or two seasons.

What do we have to expect from the season? Elite will be tough, all Claymore teams have one thing in common. They are all very well managed and have reasonable cheap and good rosters. I think, it will be a nice battle and would bet on the Yorkies as the division champ. But anything can happen, the games within the division will be most important. When I had seen Rufio's season preview putting us on spot 16 in the Elite, I though "Damn, cursed... that's it".
We played a strong first Elite game against the PR Chasers, but had been pretty unlucky at the end and lost 10-13. Curse? I don't think so.
In his predictions for the season he put us on the last spot in the divsion with a 7-9 record now. I would happily sign the 7-9 and even guess it may be enough to stay in the league. It is time to set some more ambitious goals and this has to be avoiding relegation.
I have bought already some players, which I normally wouldn't have bought, but they had an acceptable price and salary and will help the team temporarily in Elite. Perhaps 3 more players will join the team to make it Elite ready, currently we have only the 28th place in the leagues talent rating. This won't change massively, but I would like to bring up the talent rating from currently 75.8 to 78.

Our Supercup schedule this season is much better than last season, but there are at least 5 opponents, which can be dangerous. As a Elite team it has to be the goal to reach the playoffs and to win at least one round. Additionally we have the honor to play the Champ of champs cup again. In the first round we are awaiting the Admirals 2 champ, which makes us definitely the favorite. Last season we had a good run, so the target is to reach at least the quarter final again.

Last edited on 2021-10-24 12:05:52 by Shadow

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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

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posted: 2021-11-25 13:30:50 (ID: 100162849) Report Abuse
Day 34
The first half of the season is finished already. Time for a short recap.
I have bought 3 more players on the transfer market and the team talent is slightly over 78% now and can get close to 80% during the season.

9 League games have been played, there had been ups and downs, but most games had been pretty close and we have a very good 5-4 record. The division race is still open and everything is possible with one 6-3 and three 5-4 teams.

Front office -> Staff
Even if our ELO is still low and the moral hits aren't that high after a loss, I have hired the level 20 Psychologist in the meantine.

Having a higher ELO, it will be also adviseable at some point in time to build the Swimming pool and Players lodge facilities to handle big moral hits.

Front office -> Facilities
I have just build the Power sled facility. It is pretty cheap and very useful to train footwork, which I train at least a bit on all players.
I intend to use Video room and Wind tunnel 70% of the time and Weight room and Power sled the other 30%.

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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

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posted: 2021-12-15 19:35:23 (ID: 100163114) Report Abuse
Day 54
It's been a tough first season in Elite with ups and down. We have a 7-8 record, which fits to the pre-season expectations. We still can avoid relegation and even reach the playoffs, if we beat the Hellhounds and the Highland Wildcats and Norfolk Heros both loose their last games. This can happen, but I don't think, we can realisticly close the 35 point difference to the Wildcats. Anyhow the main target being competitive until the end of the regular season is achieved.

Even more important are the Supercup and Champ of Champs playoffs. Next are the Ueterlande 49ers an average Dragons 1 team, so it looks like a chance to win the first Supercup playoff game. The round two CoC draw gave us unfortunately the toughed opponent. San Diego Blitz, the Elite Champion and No. 1 ELO team. I don't think they will underestimate us, so we are more than likely out of the tournament one round earlier than last season.
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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

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posted: 2021-12-30 21:10:10 (ID: 100163658) Report Abuse
Day 60
The season came to an pretty quick end. We didn't have the necessary luck as last season, but generally it has been a successful season.

A 8-8 Elite record in the 3rd season of the franchise history is an achievement. Just one more win could have saved us from relegation and brought the team into the playoffs. Honestly I am quite happy to go back to Claymores 1 and just let the team play. I didn't want to do gameday coaching anymore, but got tempted in the key games to spend 60-90 minutes on preparation.

Loosing against the Elite champion in the second CoC round was expected, but the result 10-36 looks pretty bad. Except being 0-9 on sacks, all other stats were pretty close, which showed again, how important sacks can be.

The season ended finally in the 2nd Supercup round, which was a bit of a disappointment. Even if our defense didn't allow much yardage for the Black Bulls (another Elite team) and our offense moved the ball really well, the team was constantly stopped by 14 sacks and 3 interception.

This basically mirrors the whole season. The defense played very strong in most cases, but we had too many interceptions and sacks in the key games.
Probably I missed to recruit a quality TE for the team.

As I still like the management aspect of the game, I will continue manageing the team, but will avoid gameday coaching. I will just post once a season a short summary of the season, the financial situation of the team and the current roster. Addtionally I will discuss bad decissions, which I have taken during the season. If someone wants we to cover some more topics or additional information in this thread, please send me your wished / ideas via PM.

This season I pushed too much to make the team Elite ready. I am having 63 players on the roster, one more will come from the youth acadamy and three more draftees next season. Ideally I want a to have a roster size of approx. 50 players to give them enough playing time to gain experience. So I am trying to sell most of the players, which I bought mainly playing Elite this season. I have put also some more young talented guys on the markets on positions, where I had far too many players on the roster. In the future I am planning to have 32 starters on the roster and about 18 young talents to fill the gaps, when the starters will retire.
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posted: 2021-12-31 12:52:46 (ID: 100163670) Report Abuse
You got relegated with an 8&8 record? How the hell does that happen?
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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2021-12-31 12:54:46 (ID: 100163671)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
topcat33 wrote:
You got relegated with an 8&8 record? How the hell does that happen?

Very simple, two teams in his division had better score than 8:8

Peoples Republic of Yorkshire 10-6
Highland Wildcats 9-7
Sydney Rising Stars (R) 8-8
Hell Hounds (R) 7-9

Last edited on 2021-12-31 12:54:58 by Dumbarajko

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punch drunk
Dark Matter


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posted: 2021-12-31 14:14:07 (ID: 100163675)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
topcat33 wrote:
You got relegated with an 8&8 record? How the hell does that happen?

Heck in season 32 I was relegated with an 11-5 record.

Last edited on 2021-12-31 14:14:20 by punch drunk

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posted: 2022-01-01 02:55:35 (ID: 100163683) Report Abuse
punch drunk wrote:
topcat33 wrote:
You got relegated with an 8&8 record? How the hell does that happen?

Heck in season 32 I was relegated with an 11-5 record.

That's a bit shit.

So if you get promoted to the Elite, it's play-offs or relegation,with no chance of a 'holding' season to give you a chance to build.
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posted: 2022-01-01 09:25:43 (ID: 100163689) Report Abuse
topcat33 wrote:
punch drunk wrote:
topcat33 wrote:
You got relegated with an 8&8 record? How the hell does that happen?

Heck in season 32 I was relegated with an 11-5 record.

That's a bit shit.

So if you get promoted to the Elite, it's play-offs or relegation,with no chance of a 'holding' season to give you a chance to build.

In the last 4 seasons in Elite I have finished 7-9 twice, 8-8 and 9-7 avoiding relegation and also not making the playoffs
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