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Captain Jack
posted: 2021-10-29 11:38:37 (ID: 100162356) Report Abuse
What a game against the MK Saints. I thought we had it secured in the 1st Q with a Safety, TD and an INT leading to another TD but they came back in the 2nd and 3rd Qs leaving us in danger of losing. We picked ourselves in the 4th to secure a tied score. We were then able to stop them in OT before going on to score the winning FG. Phew! So close! Good game Saints!
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posted: 2021-10-30 18:45:14 (ID: 100162384) Report Abuse

Here are the Week 3 - Power Rankings


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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2021-10-31 08:37:02 (ID: 100162406) Report Abuse
Still some odd rankings, but it starts to shape up a bit.

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posted: 2021-10-31 15:59:41 (ID: 100162415) Report Abuse
Yeah Jack6

9 bots really do cause a problem with the stats and rankings.
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2021-11-01 07:49:31 (ID: 100162424) Report Abuse
That's true, but this will settle down, once the most have played a bot or two.
Only problem I see is, that team with a lot BOT games will get a bigger boost in the rankings than those playing less BOTs, but I guess that's the price you have to play for this kind of ranking.
At the end the ranking is just for fun, no title or bonus comes with it, so it doesn't matter.
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posted: 2021-11-01 08:09:24 (ID: 100162425) Report Abuse
yeah The Aliens and their bot division for one

Its a nice ranking system and does give some insight in how teams are doing and something to look at after the games.

It would be nice if we could get some banter going in the league, but everyone seems burnt out from covid19 or just not interested. ah well such is life.

I will do what I can to raise a smile, bring happiness to the masses and shine a light into the dark abyss of tomorrow or failing that, probably just write something funny soon.
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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-08-14/S35
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posted: 2021-11-01 12:35:06 (ID: 100162427) Report Abuse
I would, but there's just no way I can do write ups here and elite. This season should pose quite the finish in both conferences though. Squid, leopards, dragons all fighting to get back on one side with knights, hornets, and bruisers fighting off the up and coming oilers on the other.
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posted: 2021-11-01 16:31:14 (ID: 100162430) Report Abuse
Rufio13 wrote:
I would, but there's just no way I can do write ups here and elite. This season should pose quite the finish in both conferences though. Squid, leopards, dragons all fighting to get back on one side with knights, hornets, and bruisers fighting off the up and coming oilers on the other.

I wasn't asking you to mate, I think you do a great job with the Elite league in keeping the banter going. Its easy with 32 managers and I know harder with only 23 in the Monarchs universe to keep people interested and engaged.

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Captain Jack
posted: 2021-11-01 19:16:33 (ID: 100162436) Report Abuse
Well I can say that my game against the Oilers was one of those stupid games. I have no problem in losing but that game was crazy. So no further comments.

I could just add that it was almost as annoying as seeing the Hornets flying up the power rankings. Obviously they must have cut some sort of financial deal to get them raised up so high.
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posted: 2021-11-02 07:53:31 (ID: 100162458) Report Abuse
Captain Jack wrote:

I could just add that it was almost as annoying as seeing the Hornets flying up the power rankings. Obviously they must have cut some sort of financial deal to get them raised up so high.

We don't just use payments to persuade people on the awesomeness of the Hornets, but we also give out V.I.P. vouchers to the local night clubs and bars.

We care about the V.I.P.s unlike the Aliens who have no idea on hospitality. I am sorry, but it has to be said, cattle abductions and obscene probing is not socially acceptable on Earth.
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