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Main / Monarchs / Monarchs 1 Season 45 Friendly cup Search Forum
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2021-12-01 10:19:33 (ID: 100162908) Report Abuse
Ha! I will crush your skulls and eat your brain alive.

Or I might just lose.
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Captain Jack
posted: 2021-12-01 20:20:39 (ID: 100162913) Report Abuse
Just a small query - why are there no bots in my group?

kharton99 wrote:
Friendly cup is full and will start on Sunday 12th Dec

Group 1 :
Hummingbirds, Hornets, Letaidans and Aliens

Group 2 :
Bulls, Leopards, Hawks and Oilers

I will do a write up later in the week, so good luck all. (except the Aliens )
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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2021-12-01 22:45:09 (ID: 100162915) Report Abuse
Captain Jack wrote:
Just a small query - why are there no bots in my group?

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posted: 2021-12-02 16:47:04 (ID: 100162920) Report Abuse
Captain Jack wrote:
Just a small query - why are there no bots in my group?

I don't take Gold Pressed Latinum as it's not legal tender here on earth, well not yet anyway.
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Hemet Hooligans

Usa   michaeltodd owns a supporter account

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posted: 2021-12-08 06:04:24 (ID: 100163012) Report Abuse
I'm guessing I'm too late.
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posted: 2021-12-08 09:03:24 (ID: 100163018)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
michaeltodd wrote:
I'm guessing I'm too late.


I asked Pete if he could drop me and replace you instead, but I am not sure if this can be done now the cup has been started.

Just got a reply from Pete and as the cup has started there is nothing he can do.


Last edited on 2021-12-08 16:12:57 by kharton99

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Hemet Hooligans

Usa   michaeltodd owns a supporter account

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posted: 2021-12-09 06:00:02 (ID: 100163029) Report Abuse
Don't worry about it. I'll be more vigilant next time.
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posted: 2021-12-10 09:48:55 (ID: 100163032) Report Abuse
Its nearly time for the Cup to start so lets look at the teams

Group 1
Arizona Hummingbirds - This looks a like a tough group with 2 powerhouse teams and the Aliens (), but they have shown they can compete with the best of them. They have the 2nd best offense and 5th best defense in the league and the never say die attitude of a team from across the pond.

Berinsfield Hornets - The organizer and all round good guy, go on you ask him, he will tell you. They have the skill, guile and awesome bribery power to succeed in the competition. The rivalry with the Aliens will be a game to watch and not just on the pitch as the fans turn the banter up to 11 come game day.

Letaidans - The Swiss chocolate kings will look to show the Monarchs league why they are the team to be scared of. They are known for brutal no nonsense football, but they will take to the hills and sing to the nuns as they practice their game tactics.

Torchwood Aliens - The bad boys of the league will be using the dark forces, sonic screwdrivers and telephone boxes to achieve victory. The rivalry with the Hornets will be an epic encounter as the student has the Master come and visit. There are no bots in this competition and this could prove difficult as they tend to struggle against real teams.

Group 2
Bradford Bulls - The Elite league visitors from up north will bring they own brand of football. There will lots of flat caps, whippets and warm ale for the fans and those who like a challenge, the local curry house has an all you can eat or die special on game days.

Leverkusen Leopards - The German powerhouse and college football expert will want to put up a good show in a tough group. The best selling "Jacks guide to RZA" puts the pressure on the Monarchs guru to succeed and show people he is the real deal.

Orlando Hawks - The underdogs from Florida will have to use some Disney magic to progress out of the group. 5th best offense, but 12th best defense could be costly in stopping the aerial bombardment they will likely get in the coming games.

Trois-Rivieres Oilers - The Canadian team from the outskirts of Quebec are going to be hard to beat. Number 1 offense and 6th best defense make them very tough. The fans will need to get together though as half cheer in English and the other half in French, this can get confusing to the players.
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2021-12-10 11:34:20 (ID: 100163033) Report Abuse

Thanks for the preview.
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posted: 2021-12-13 04:08:21 (ID: 100163079) Report Abuse
Hey my Disney magic worked! At least for the first game. Close one Leopards!
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