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Main / Monarchs / Monarchs 1 Season 45 Friendly cup Search Forum
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posted: 2021-12-20 10:34:25 (ID: 100163209) Report Abuse

Hornets 21 Aliens 37
What can I say but "ARGGHHH" why do the RZA gods plot against me and let the Aliens win. A 1st quarter massacre from the Aliens as they took a 21 point lead and made it a very up hill struggle for the Hornets. A 3rd quarter rally saw some hope for the Hornets, but it was too little, too late and defeat was inevitable.

Hummingbirds 10 Letaidans 30
The Chocolate machine rolled over the Hummingbirds in a display of Swiss powered clockwork football. The Hummingbirds had no answer and will hope to make some impression against the Aliens in their last game of the competition. The Letaidans will now need to win against the Hornets in the final crunch game of the group to progress.

Bulls 24 Leopards 23
A thrilling game between 2 power house teams saw the Bulls sneak a win and keep their hopes alive of making the playoffs. The Bulls will now play the Hawks in the next game. The Leopards are now looking at the final game against the Oilers as one to put some pride for the fans and players.

Oilers 28 Hawks 13
The Canadians showed their impressive football power as they saw off the Hawks. A special Oilers bacon burger was released in the club shop after the game to celebrate the win. The Hawks now have a tough game against the Bulls to make the playoffs and bring some pride back to the desert of Arizona.
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Captain Jack
posted: 2021-12-21 17:53:40 (ID: 100163221) Report Abuse
Hornets vs. Aliens. Well it looks like there is a new Master in town as the former Disciple crushed his former Master. Once more the Hornets proved to have no sting in their tail - or anywhere else for that matter.
We also showed why there are only bots in our division - and that's so that we don't intimidate the other human teams constantly.
To be fair we gave the Hornets a chance by not scoring at all in the 4th quarter but they still found ways to shoot themselves in the foot (or wing?)
Yes the Aliens are the new Masters. What more can I say?
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Schoburg Franklins

England   Tyke1958 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-06-12/S34
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posted: 2021-12-26 19:15:15 (ID: 100163341) Report Abuse
Good game, Hawks. Well played.
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posted: 2021-12-26 19:54:18 (ID: 100163342) Report Abuse
Good game Letaidans

I am hoping the gift basket of Toblerones and Lindt chocolate that was left in the dressing room, was in good faith and not some sort of dirty underhand tactic. My players enjoyed them so much they forgot how to play and are now off into to hills for a karaoke session.
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Captain Jack
posted: 2021-12-26 20:31:57 (ID: 100163344) Report Abuse
Well here we are at the end of the first round with the Aliens sitting pretty Aliens vs Hummingbirds game the folks of Berinsfield were shouting for joy as we went down 6 points in Q1 and another 7 in Q2 then missed a FG. In Q3 we mounted a comeback with both teams missing FGs and then we sealed it in the 4th.
The question now is who do we face in the next round?
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2021-12-26 20:45:05 (ID: 100163346) Report Abuse
Congratulation on the win, ablefty33.
My Team completed the negative Sweep.
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posted: 2021-12-27 13:05:05 (ID: 100163362) Report Abuse
kharton99 wrote:
Good game Letaidans

I am hoping the gift basket of Toblerones and Lindt chocolate that was left in the dressing room, was in good faith and not some sort of dirty underhand tactic. My players enjoyed them so much they forgot how to play and are now off into to hills for a karaoke session.

Thanks Kharton!

And to be honest, I guess it was the cheese in you dressing room that did it for us
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Irish Giants

Ireland   ablefty33 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2020-08-21/S39
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posted: 2021-12-27 14:50:04 (ID: 100163368) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
Congratulation on the win, ablefty33.
My Team completed the negative Sweep.

Good game, Jack. My condolences on your perfect record.
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posted: 2021-12-28 01:18:58 (ID: 100163443) Report Abuse
Tyke1958 wrote:
Good game, Hawks. Well played.

Yes great game!
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posted: 2021-12-28 08:53:37 (ID: 100163444) Report Abuse
Game 3

Hummingbirds 16 Aliens 28
A thrilling game as the Hummingbirds took a first half lead to stun the Aliens fans into silence. This was looking to be a massive upset in the competition, but the Aliens came out in the 2nd half looking like new players and scored 21 points to dash the hopes of the Hummingbirds first win. No sign of the Aliens telephone box mascot, but there was sightings of it 2 days later in a field outside Swansea.

Hornets 7 Letaidans 42
Now known as Chocolategate, the Hornets were soundly beaten by the Letaidans. The gift packages were well received by the Hornets players and they could be seen scoffing themselves on the bench during the game. 6 players were not allowed on the airplane back to Berinsfield as it exceeded the weight limit and they had to take a later flight.

Bulls 23 Hawks 27
A very close game saw both teams battle for the win. The Hawks were the more dominant in the first half and took a 17 to 6 lead. The Bulls started a stampede in the 3rd quarter to take the lead and maybe the win, but the Hawks rallied in the 4th and will now meat the Aliens. The Bulls flew back to Bradford and straight into the Taj Mahal curry emporium for a team meeting.

Oilers 28 Leopards 16
The Leopards kept this game close until the 4th quarter when the Oilers step it up a gear and gave the Leopards their 3rd loss in the competition. The Oilers will now meet the Letaidans in the Swiss Alps and reports of a chocolate ban for the Oilers players. The Leopards Guru was last seen muttering to himself as walked back to his office. "Gott im Himmel"

Playoff Games

Hawks vs Aliens

Oilers vs Letaidans

Good luck guys.
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