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posted: 2022-01-09 13:49:29 (ID: 100163909) Report Abuse
Happy New Season everyone. My goal is to say good game to every non bot team I play this season. I tried last year and as soon as I missed one, I never said good game again. I think it's nice communicating with league mates, so I'm going to keep trying to remember to say something.

My other goal will be to get to Elite next season. I feel Tool is ready to give it a go, but to prove it, we will have to get through Return of the Jedi and Pete. Though he does not appear to be as menacing as the Raspberry Bush, he is the creator of our favorite game and was just in Elite last season. Tool look forward to the challenge.

Have a good season and don't forget the Media Center. Let's make some money!
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-01-09 14:23:47 (ID: 100163910) Report Abuse

65 % funding, could be worse, but has to be better. Do not forget to fund before Cash Wednesday is happening
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posted: 2022-01-20 16:07:54 (ID: 100164491) Report Abuse
So I did my draft scouting last year. I identified all the players the bot teams took. According to the manual, all those players are released after the draft period ends. The draft ended 6 days ago and none of those players are on the transfer market. Did I misunderstand?
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posted: 2022-01-20 17:24:01 (ID: 100164496) Report Abuse
From the manual "the drafted players will by fired immediately after the draft is over. There is a good chance for such players to enter the transfer market. If they do so,..."

So it doesn't read like a immediately swich to the transfer market. If I remember correctly, there is like a pool of inactive player that will randomly (?) enter the transfer market.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-01-20 17:39:37 (ID: 100164498) Report Abuse
Kruzhnash wrote:
If I remember correctly, there is like a pool of inactive player that will randomly (?) enter the transfer market.

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posted: 2022-01-28 20:06:41 (ID: 100164809) Report Abuse
Good game, Kottan. The Bretzfeld Bandits were our first human league matchup this season and with the highest ELO score in the league, I figured this game would be a good gauge of how Tool will fare in Galaxy this season.

Pretty close for the first half and then we had a few lucky breaks and pulled away. 10 sacks on your quarterbacks is the highlight for us.

I'm feeling confident about our chances of getting into Elite next season, but of course we still have Return of the Jedi to deal with. One thing at a time. Still have undefeated Zombaes to worry about tomorrow. Good luck the rest of the season!
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posted: 2022-01-30 19:27:21 (ID: 100164870) Report Abuse
Wow, good game nocturnalcorpse. Your Zombaes got decapitated right at the end:

Zombaes up 24 - 22 with 2:16 left on the clock. Maynard Utley attempts an easy, 31 yard field goal to put Tool ahead by one point AND MISSES! This dude is literally the highest paid player on the team and CHOKES!

Zombaes with the ball and sure to run the clock down faster than you can say apocalypse. But no, the Zombaes show no sign of life and instead go 3 and out, leaving Tool with one minute to stage a comeback. And that proved to be more time than they needed because here comes punt returner Maynard Paradis with a 78 yard return for a touchdown!!

Crazy finish. You have a great team. See you in the playoffs.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-02-01 20:21:28 (ID: 100164914) Report Abuse
Lost by one, didnt expect that
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posted: 2022-02-01 20:38:47 (ID: 100164915) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Lost by one, didnt expect that

Saw that. Quite an upset.
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posted: 2022-02-01 20:40:53 (ID: 100164916) Report Abuse
Good game, Giorgio. Much closer than the score would imply. Things just went bananas right at the end, and all the bananas fell my way. 13 sacks on your quarterbacks is certainly the highlight for Tool. Good luck the rest of the season!
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Main / Galaxy / Galaxy Season 46!