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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2017-05-16/S25
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posted: 2022-01-09 16:35:58 (ID: 100163921) Report Abuse
I wish we could switch divisions after season rollover. Tough luck ending up with Leeds Celtics when there's a division with only bots
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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-12-09/S36
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posted: 2022-01-09 19:28:20 (ID: 100163932) Report Abuse
good luck everybody
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Vancouver Corsairs

Canada   Brucehum owns a supporter account

Joined: 2022-01-08/S45
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posted: 2022-01-09 23:39:06 (ID: 100163937) Report Abuse
Hello all.

Just joined the league... at first I was very happy to have joined the day before season roll... then I discovered that is not that good, better to have joined one day later... anyway, I am now a complete newbie with a newbie team playing in 1st division. Oh well, we'll learn a lot, one hopes!
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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-12-09/S36
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posted: 2022-01-10 03:50:40 (ID: 100163940)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
hi Bruce welcome to the league and don't worry about a thing. Just get that stadium maxed ASAP- that's where your cash flow will come from. And check out Jack6's guide to get your feet wet. Be patient in regards to your team being competitive. It could take several seasons. good luck!

PS- probably the most important thing right now is the draft is coming up so you wanna get your draft order set.

Last edited on 2022-01-10 03:53:22 by JohnnyAce

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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2022-01-10 08:58:09 (ID: 100163950) Report Abuse
JohnnyAce wrote:
hi Bruce welcome to the league and don't worry about a thing. Just get that stadium maxed ASAP- that's where your cash flow will come from. And check out Jack6's guide to get your feet wet. Be patient in regards to your team being competitive. It could take several seasons. good luck!

PS- probably the most important thing right now is the draft is coming up so you wanna get your draft order set.

Hi Bruce,
This is good advice by one of our best managers. Welcome to you ! We will play against each other next season, possibly.
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Vancouver Corsairs

Canada   Brucehum owns a supporter account

Joined: 2022-01-08/S45
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posted: 2022-01-10 10:26:54 (ID: 100163955) Report Abuse
Thanks for the tips!

Yes, slow and steady. Basically my objective for this season is to learn the game. If we go down, no problem, that is to be expected (but probably due to bots I will stay in div 1 anyway?)

Best wishes to all.
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posted: 2022-01-10 16:15:16 (ID: 100163965)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Brucehum wrote:
Hello all.

Just joined the league... at first I was very happy to have joined the day before season roll... then I discovered that is not that good, better to have joined one day later...


Unfortunally from the balance point of view it is sadly true.
Playing in L2 would have given you a playoff run till the bowl and this means Divisional + Conference + Bowl incomes = 28M + a prize of 3M in case you won.
You will never relegate to L2 even if you brutally tank the whole season, we have too many bots in L1.
My advice is, do not rush, this is a slow game.
You need to kick out all the garbage players from your roster for sure... but before starting to buy players from the Transfer Market, learn which are the right prospects that deserve your investments for the future and do not hire any coach at least for the first whole season.

Anyway Jacks6's guide is a piece of work, if you have questions write anytime.


Last edited on 2022-01-10 16:18:43 by PJRAVENS

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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2017-05-16/S25
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posted: 2022-01-12 15:27:13 (ID: 100164072) Report Abuse
There wasn't much to chose from in the Elite draft, but I still managed to walk away with a useful player. Will need to get lucky on caps from this point on though.

To be renamed
Str uncapped at 37.2
Spd 52.5 (track star)
Intel 43.7

He'll make a nice addition to my LB corp (which is getting scary good)
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posted: 2022-01-12 17:33:45 (ID: 100164082) Report Abuse
I had him at #7. Great pick. He will cap at 41/42 minimum on STR and he would get a spot in my roster. And if he caps over 45, it would be a starter spot.
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
Posts: 2725
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posted: 2022-01-12 19:40:42 (ID: 100164096) Report Abuse
Well, he has strength and speed at 50. So I won't complain that I got my No. 2 choice !

1st draft
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