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Main / Monarchs / Monarchs 1 Season 46 Search Forum
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-01-10 09:33:32 (ID: 100163954) Report Abuse
So, back in 46.

I just sorted my draft list, 14 players made the cut to be sorted for the 1st round.

I hope some of the managers do show up for the game and the mediacenter pledge.

I fear the amount of bots will increase a bit this season.
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Schoburg Franklins

England   Tyke1958 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-01-11 09:30:46 (ID: 100163997) Report Abuse
We're in the NC this time around and for the first time so that means we have some new friends to play with.
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posted: 2022-01-11 11:31:44 (ID: 100164003) Report Abuse
New Season so time for some predictions

AC East

The Aliens bot bribery system is still working and they have another easy route to the playoffs. The fans must be getting tired of watching bots getting smashed to pieces by their team. A recent survey did find that the Aliens fans IQ level was dropping due to all the bot bashing, if it goes much lower it will be a single digit.

1 - Aliens

AC North

The Swiss chocolate powerhouse land in this division, which makes this tough for the Saints and Hooligans. The Saints will struggle to make the playoffs this season and I think the Hooligans will take 2nd spot.

1 - Letaidans
2 - Hooligans
3 - Saints

AC South

The Leopards will once again top the division as they seek the elite league. The Hawks will be 2nd and maybe a playoff spot. The Rockets will be on a look and learn season.

1 - Leopards
2 - Hawks
3 - Rockets

AC West

Is this the season for the Black Dragons to make the Elite league ? They will win this division so a deep playoff run is expected by the fans. Roll badge 2.0 are looking good for 2nd place and another playoff spot. The Meerkats have been looking strong in training and could make it difficult. Dan1983m are building a solid team, but 4th spot is all they can manage.

1 - Black Dragons
2 - Roll Badge 2.0
3 - Meerkats
4 - Dan1983m

NC East

The Hornets and Bruisers rivalry will begin again as they battle for the top spot in the division. The Bruisers had a nightmare time last season, but luckily made the playoffs, I think they will do better this season. The Hornets have lost a lot of old players and are going with a younger squad

1 - Bruisers
2 - Hornets

NC North

The Marauders will top the division, but can they progress in the playoffs ? They have the players, but lack the luck needed to progress. SARMIS will be 2nd with their normally strong start and poor finish. The Weekenders will take 3rd and are looking good as they build for the future.

1 - Marauders
3 - Weekenders

NC South

The Bulls landed from the Elite league into a tough division, they should be able to take top spot. I think the Hummingbirds will be 2nd as the Black Panthers continue their decline. The Hungarian Lions will be 4th.

1 - Bulls
2 - Hummingbirds
3 - Black Panthers
4 - Lions

NC West

The Knights would have been certain to take the top spot, but a mix-up in the HR department means this could go to the Rotties. The KAFakofers might have something to say about this and it will be a interesting battle to watch. The Italian Saints could finish 3rd, but will depend on the Knights getting some players into their squad.

1 - Rotties
2 - KAFakofers
3 - Saints
4 - Knights

This just for fun, so enjoy and have a great season.
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-01-11 15:54:15 (ID: 100164010) Report Abuse
Thanks for the preview.

I think the Rockets in my division will go BOT soon.

And I have the suspicion that the Meercats will also fall BOT.
He did miss the contract renewal, has only a few players in YA and has not logged in since before rollover.

But we will see.

The Knights did have really a devasting rollover, they will have to buy up a lot of players to even field a team.
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posted: 2022-01-11 16:03:01 (ID: 100164011) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
Thanks for the preview.

I think the Rockets in my division will go BOT soon.

And I have the suspicion that the Meercats will also fall BOT.
He did miss the contract renewal, has only a few players in YA and has not logged in since before rollover.

But we will see.

The Knights did have really a devasting rollover, they will have to buy up a lot of players to even field a team.

Thanks Jack

yeah, I was being hopeful that the teams stay and improve.

And the Knights are in a very bad mess, gonna take some skill to get something useful.
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-01-11 17:27:09 (ID: 100164012) Report Abuse
I just checked the Knights roster and it seems he got 18 new guys by default from the general pool and lost all his players.

THAT is a rebuild.
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Captain Jack
posted: 2022-01-11 21:46:38 (ID: 100164021) Report Abuse
Check out my post - Is Rollover too severe? - it is on the Suggestions Forum.
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Paxtang Black Panthers

Usa   dpierce owns a supporter account

Joined: 2011-12-25/S02
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posted: 2022-01-12 01:20:50 (ID: 100164043) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
I just checked the Knights roster and it seems he got 18 new guys by default from the general pool and lost all his players.

THAT is a rebuild.

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Paxtang Black Panthers

Usa   dpierce owns a supporter account

Joined: 2011-12-25/S02
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posted: 2022-01-12 04:54:10 (ID: 100164045) Report Abuse
Got my #1 pick, a QB for depth on my bloated roster.
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posted: 2022-01-12 11:19:08 (ID: 100164054) Report Abuse
Got a 50 str OL which will help my 2nd string offensive line. Time will tell if he makes the first team.
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