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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2023-03-09 22:17:30 (ID: 100172761)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Radu91 wrote:
jpnwrt wrote:
I am puzzled by "Min 2" for FB in the depth chart. Unless I am blind, there are no formations in RZA with 2 FB's.

Am I missing something important in the game mechanicshe? Like, for example, one of the slotback slots in the Flexbone formation is in fact fielded from the FB list, rather than from RB.
Or is it some kind of a "leftoever" from the beginnings of RZA (more freedom for players, obviously at the cost of realism)?

No, it's just in case your FB gets injured during the game, somebody has to replace him. You can put a RB as backup for example. I don't believe there is OOP for that.

But that' what the "Opt" is for? I mean, for FB it's Min 2, Opt 4.
I believe the "Min" is designated to match the mximum number of players any formation might employ. Opt on the other hand is Min plus 1-2 reserves.

Last edited on 2023-03-09 22:18:12 by jpnwrt

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Constanta Ravens

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posted: 2023-03-09 22:28:05 (ID: 100172762) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
But that' what the "Opt" is for? I mean, for FB it's Min 2, Opt 4.
I believe the "Min" is designated to match the mximum number of players any formation might employ. Opt on the other hand is Min plus 1-2 reserves.

Perhaps you need min 2, because you have to put them in the special teams STBL. I can't think of another reason except this one.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2023-03-09 22:37:50 (ID: 100172765) Report Abuse
Just to avoid confusing those who just started here and look for really important information in this thread - having Min 2 doesn't make things work differently from how they would work if it was Min 1.
The true reason I've decided to post in the rookie area, is only today I've realised the three backs in the Flexbone formation (the one I mention previously) are 2 RB + 1 FB. Not - 2 FB + 1 RB !
Because, well... those 2 were closer to the line of scrimmage than the third one...
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-03-09 22:41:15 (ID: 100172766) Report Abuse
Thanks, Radu
It clarifies for me that it's just a number. Not who gets fielded in the Flexbone formation.
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Constanta Ravens

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posted: 2023-03-09 23:02:00 (ID: 100172768) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
Thanks, Radu
It clarifies for me that it's just a number. Not who gets fielded in the Flexbone formation.

Your welcome.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-03-28 14:56:39 (ID: 100173141)  Edits found: 3 Report Abuse
Only making sure I understand the Playbook and the game SetUp mechanism.
If I pick a certain "Playtype" in the playbook (and the specific offensive formation, obviously) for a certain specific game situation - in that specific situation it will be _always_ that particular play type, right?

So my understanding is:

1. There is no way to design SetUp+Playbook in such a way, that in a specific game situation:
the game engine will pick a specific offensive formation
and (at the same time) that the Playtype picked by the engine will NOT be always the same (for example that sometimes it will be pass, sometimes it will be rush)

2. If I do want a certain formation to be used sometimes as rush, sometimes and pass, I can only set that by selecting that formation in the game SetUp. However I will have control only over the specific down when it will be used - no control over a quarter, yards to go, the result or the clock.
In addition, if I do that, I need to provide enough exceptions to this rule in the playbook, to reduce the danger of Lopsided tactics penalty.
On the plus side - I will have some control over the relative frequency of the Playtype (for example setting "Mainly pass").

Are these 3 statements (the leading one, and those numbered 1-2 above) correct?
More or less correct?
Completely wrong?

Last edited on 2023-03-28 15:03:58 by jpnwrt

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-03-28 15:09:18 (ID: 100173142) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
Only making sure I understand the Playbook and the game SetUp mechanism.
If I pick a certain "Playtype" in the playbook for a certain specific game situation - in that specific situation it will be _always_ that particular play type, right?

So my undertanding is:

1. There is no way to design SetUp+Playbook in such a way, that in a specific game situation:
the game engine will pick a specific offensive formation
and (at the same time) that the Playtype picked by the engine will NOT be always the same (for example that sometimes it will be pass, sometimes it will be rush)

2. If I do want a certain formation to be used sometimes as rush, sometimes and pass, I can only set that by selecting that formation in the game SetUp. However I will have control only over the specific down when it will be used - no control over a quarter, yards to go, the result or the clock.
In addition, if I do that, I need to provide enough exceptions to this rule in the playbook, to reduce the danger of Lopsided tactics penalty.
On the plus side - I will have some control over the relative frequency of the Playtype (for example setting "Mainly pass").

Are these 3 statements (the leading one, and those numbered 1-2 above) correct?
More or less correct?
Completely wrong?

leading statement:
Yes in a way that you can define a lot of wildcards for the situation, right?
If you would set up any, any ... and all the other wildcards, and only THAT play inside the playbook, you would get ALWAYS that play.
If you would add a very specific play on top of that, it matters most, where it is sorted, but if sorted right, you would get in THAT situation that specific play and in all others that other.

For 1) unfortune the playbook formation and play type is fixed to what you did select, no wildcards or 'soft' wildcards as in settings. So, correct.

For 2) Also right, you can only s e l e c t the downs, and play a bit with the other stuff. You COULD intermix the playbook with the settings to have on certain situations the playbook selected and in others the game settings, for example on downs, or on yards to go. If the playbook finds a play it will use that, if not it will use setting.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-03-28 15:12:14 (ID: 100173143)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
ps. I do realise that there is a trick to have some way of forcing the formation to be used sometimes as pass, sometimes as rush.
2 lines in the playbook, one with rush, one with pass, depending on yards to go (or time left, or some other game situation condition).
I might also have 4 pairs of such lines, different for each down.
Or some even more complex combinations.

But my question is really if there is no simpler way to do it (too many lines in the playbook can probably be a horror to handle )

Last edited on 2023-03-28 15:12:38 by jpnwrt

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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-03-28 15:16:51 (ID: 100173144) Report Abuse
Thank you, Jack6

And sorry for that followup. By the time I finished the followup - you've already answered my questions in full

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Hemet Hooligans

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posted: 2023-07-14 01:06:48 (ID: 100175386) Report Abuse
Does the Safety Blitz work? I'm not sure if I've ever seen one for a successful sack? Thanks!
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