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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-02-04 09:36:26 (ID: 100180923) Report Abuse
For me, the not-so-smart-guys go to RB/FB, WR/TE and DL.
Of course the DL-guys need also TW quite high.
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-02-04 10:04:36 (ID: 100180924) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
About INT.

How important you guys think it is, for positions NOT associated with high INT, normally.
I.e. not QB, not MLB. Say, TE

Just got a player in the academy with possibly very high potential, not yet confirmed because he's 16 yrs old, but my hopes would be very high. If not for one thing. INT 20.4 :-)

I know that it's anybody's guess, but I prefer the guess of those anybodys who "ate their teeth" playing RZA, over my inexperienced own guess . So I'd be grateful for the advice.
a) Keep? (hoping he'll reach the sky with physicals)
b) Say bye-bye? (free the space for better youth)

First thing, if the scout projection is "superfast" he can get to 50 at speed, if it is "really strong" he can get to 50 at strength.
If he will have 50 speed or strength (or near that number) then he is a keeper and you can use him as Jack said.
For me it's very simple, i don't like stupid players so nobody in my squad has under 30 at INT for those positions that Jack mentioned. There are other managers who do not care and use a 15 INT player if speed or strength is 50 or near that. There are other who play with a 35 INT LB with 50 speed (+Track Star for some of them) and they don't get a lot of INTs but they sure do get a lot of sacks. Experimenting is a key.
It is your decision.

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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-02-04 12:39:19 (ID: 100180927) Report Abuse

I don't like "stupid" players, either, on any position. INT below 35 only if there is something extra in a player, below 30 on the draft list goes to the bottom of the list

The point is, the player I'm talking about has 2 traits which I really like, both for TE, and FB (slip and PB). Gives him universality - offensive threat and at the same time help with qb protection. I was hoping for a clear hint what to do, but you're right - the biggest fun I have in RZA is with those things which are not crystal clear. Some degree of uncertainty, some risk are involved. Gonna keep him and if his physicals don't stop much too early - see how he's performing Thanks again, Radu
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-02-04 13:28:48 (ID: 100180935) Report Abuse
Just like you said. Those 2 traits are good to have. See about the physicals and then decide what do to. You can even sell him on TM, some managers will definetly buy him.
Your welcome.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-02-04 20:31:14 (ID: 100180968)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
For me, the not-so-smart-guys go to RB/FB, WR/TE and DL.
Of course the DL-guys need also TW quite high.

I don't know how but I missed your reply before. And it answers my question perfectly . Thanks, as always

Last edited on 2024-02-04 20:31:38 by jpnwrt

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posted: 2024-03-15 20:46:44 (ID: 100182263) Report Abuse
how important is TW for the QB?
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Ruhrpott Miners

Germany   torakrid owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-03-15 21:05:06 (ID: 100182264) Report Abuse
rlawrence wrote:
how important is TW for the QB?

Teamwork (Manual)
"Teamwork is the base factor for training progress calculation. Higher teamwork leads directly to more training progress. Teamwork is also important for Blocking and Tackling in the line or multiplayer tackles.

Teamwork also determines if a player loses or gains some Physical Condition during the offseason."

For a QB it just means: higher TW, higher training progress.
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posted: 2024-03-16 02:28:44 (ID: 100182271) Report Abuse
Why do so many people seem to neglect Agility on the players?

Is it because it is too expensive, or is it just not as important?
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-03-16 09:50:02 (ID: 100182272) Report Abuse
I was telling more than once, how important agi is. And yes, it is a salary driver. But "not knowing" cannot be an valid excuse
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posted: 2024-03-16 23:16:04 (ID: 100182299) Report Abuse
sooo .. max youth academy looks SUPER pricey.

Anyone out there succeeding with a minimum youth academy economic model?
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