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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-02-22 18:39:54 (ID: 100165467)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I reopened the forum, and I deleted all posts of that strange conversation. I am sorry for those who contributed, but your input had to be removed.

Now, please feel free to discuss, to argue. But, if I ever face such infights again, the banhammer is due. For your information, there are permanent bans possible. I do not care if you are supporter or not, if you are an RZA user for 1 day or 10 years. BEHAVE!

Explained Kindergarten like: it needs at least 2 to start such fights. One who wants to fight, and one that lets the other fight. So all the "but he said" stuff is just rubbish.

Last edited on 2022-02-22 18:40:10 by pete

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posted: 2022-02-22 18:43:19 (ID: 100165468) Report Abuse
First! lol.
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punch drunk
Dark Matter


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posted: 2022-02-22 20:07:07 (ID: 100165472) Report Abuse

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posted: 2022-03-22 22:34:48 (ID: 100166213) Report Abuse
I've searched everywhere but can not find what am looking for, anybody help me out with the prices for merchandise in the fan shop, how high of a price should I be looking at ?

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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-03-22 22:56:30 (ID: 100166214) Report Abuse
Jack6 in his guide wrote:

Next income part is mentioned on the economy sheet as ‘Others’.
The major part in this is the income from the fan shop.

That thing is easy to manage.
It has to be set up once and you should do that at some point when you have the money and it can't be spend on a stadium extension (or you just WANT to have that damn shop).
Once it is build you need to buy products and set prices.

At the start you might bother with buying small amounts of products and if you like to do so, do so, it will give you a profit anyhow, but if you just want the biggest profit and not much effort on that topic, wait until you can buy the largest amount of product (with the cheapest price) and start selling it.
Set a warning barrier the size of half the amount of the largest product, set a selling price with a good margin and let it run.
From that point on you might have to do 1 or 2 times a season something on that topic, max.

That hard part is to get this going.
You need a lot of money to sink it into the products at first.
That money is better spend on the stadium, if that’s not finished at that point.

You should also consider, that building the thing and not buying products will just cost you money, so once you decided to build it, you should also have the money to buy products.

Regarding the selling prices I suggest to start with 50% add-on on top of the most expensive buying price of a product.
Example on Calendars: You can buy them with 1.000 units for 20$ a unit as the smallest amount to buy. Set the price of Calendars to 30$ a unit. It works. You will later buy the Calendar for much less than 20$, so your margin will be quite good.

Of course you are free to play with the prices, but the lower you do set it, the less money you make as a profit, the higher you make it, the less you sell.
I did never really play much around with those prices, but those 50% add-on do work quite fine.
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posted: 2022-03-23 10:25:02 (ID: 100166247) Report Abuse
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posted: 2022-04-06 06:09:21 (ID: 100166559) Report Abuse
I found that today I had really bad unlucky timing. My media center free money ran out at the financial update. It was also the day to get your media center money in for the early bird bonus. It was impossible for me to pay for the early bird bonus. Kind of sucks. Wish there was a way to fix that for future managers.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-04-06 14:52:45 (ID: 100166572) Report Abuse
There cannot be any fix if two different timelines are involved. Or, there is only one: get rid of all timeline based stuff. Not ideal in my opinion
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posted: 2022-04-06 17:13:11 (ID: 100166587) Report Abuse
Please disregard my post, I am an idiot. lol. I did get the early bird bonus. That is what happens when you make an assumption......I'm sure you have heard that
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Hemet Hooligans

Usa   michaeltodd owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-06-27 15:36:55 (ID: 100167818) Report Abuse
When is the transfer market open for season 48?
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