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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

Joined: 2016-04-24/S21
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posted: 2022-04-16 19:40:43 (ID: 100166819) Report Abuse
Now let us check all the scores and see what this white beard wolf was right:

Alert Polar Bears Canada vs. Chuuou Hololivers Japan
Bears win by at least 15 points and stay on top NC west
40:16, 24 points for Bears

AS Roma Wolves Czechrepublic vs. Midnight Marauders Usa
Must win for Wolves. 0-3 would make their season very difficult. 28-16 final score
26:3, better win then I guessed, but still

Bracciano Lakers Italy vs. BobBoy Magpies England
Yashin must find a way to stop Magpies and don't let them go 3-0. Lakers by 7
13:30, Magpies are going strong

Chelt Nam Bobbers England vs. Highland Wildcats Scotland
UK derby. This one will go to the Brave heart William Wallace, Wildcats by 10
14:20, not 10 but 6, still

ChosenOnes Uk vs. CHEESE MODE Malones Usa
Cheese mode will be soon over, hard mode will be turned on after week 10. Malones by 21
16:28, only 12, but once again

Devon Warriors Serbia vs. mystics Usa
Serbia has three teams in RZA. And guess what, two are in Elite. But this one will be easy for mystics. Score: Mystics win 35-14
31:21, what a win for my countryman , glad to be

Letaidans Switzerland vs. Space Kraken Usa
This week best game. goes to Rufio, Kraken by 6
20:10, whoops Rufio curse has done its part

Maykop Dynamos Russia vs. Torino Black Cursed Bulls Italy
Dynamos will be playing corrida today. Score 24-7 for Maykop
33:21, I expected more from Dynamos

San Diego Blitz Usa vs. Lincoln Towncars Usa
Champ will demonstrate his power today. Win by 28
13:16, wow man really really really really glad I missed this one

Stone Mountain Hawks 2 Germany vs. PR Chaser Usa
I will go with Chaser in this case, just because Hawks demolished my team in SC . Win by 7 for Chaser
24:16, Hawks are making their mark this season going 3-0

Sydney Rising Stars Australia vs. Long Term Capital Management Usa
Shadow is back and Shadow is looking to stay in Elite for two consecutive seasons. This win will help him with that. Rising stars will win 42-20
24:31, great game by American team that sent Aussie back home with a loss

The Blue and White Austria vs. Norfolk Heroes Uk
Heroes are quiet for couple of season after their disappointment in game engine. But they are strong and they want to see Bridges fall. Heroes by 13
7:28, Heroes better then my prediction

The Pinellas Pikes Usa vs. Zombaes Usa
I will go with USA team this time. Ooops both are USA teams . Pikes will win it by 10
34:26, just 2 points less

TigerCats Canada vs. Dumbarajko Elephants Serbia
Let's put a on my team so that Rufio wouldn't be mad at me . Elephants need one big win after two losses against good teams. Elephants by 7
10:13, one more defensive game in match, lucky Elephants made it

Växjö Vikings AFC Sweden vs. The Alpin Ducks France
Match of the season for Ducks. 0-3 will be something that might send them to D1, so they will step up today and beat the Vikings with good margin. Final score 38-14 for Ducks
13:27, Ducks are back

Willemstad Bridges Netherlands vs. Vienna Falcons 2 Austria
Bridges might fall some day, but that day isn't today. Bridges by 24
50:14, blow out for Bridges

So 10:6 for the first time, what was Buzi first score?
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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-04-17 18:26:22 (ID: 100166834) Report Abuse
Dumbarajko wrote:

So 10:6 for the first time, what was Buzi first score?

A solid first outing and an excellent first .

I appreciate you filling the void for me, even if it meant my team deciding points are dumb and my QB getting hurt while the backup throws his first pass for an interception in the redzone.

An excellent cursing indeed!
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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

Joined: 2016-04-24/S21
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posted: 2022-04-20 17:44:07 (ID: 100166888) Report Abuse
Almost 24h have passed after this week matches and there is no sign of Rufio.

He beat Malones once again, but this time he decided to be quiet.

Really strange situation
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-04-20 18:08:31 (ID: 100166889) Report Abuse
Says he's online right now...

SD Blitz
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posted: 2022-04-20 19:02:27 (ID: 100166890) Report Abuse
I was traveling the past couple of weeks. But, upon my return there is some glorious news to share ...


Week...Score...Winner NotWinner
01...52:33...Space Kraken The Alpin Ducks
02...56:12...CHEESE MODE Malones Midnight Marauders
03...50:14...Willemstad Bridges Vienna Falcons 2

It's hard to get much better than a Rufio Scorigami, but to return to a Scorigami for myself as well? Why that's more than anyone can dream of. A most triumphant return. Rufio can have his win over me yesterday because we are Scorigami Brethren with nothing but love and peace in our shared Scorigami quests. I shall miss the Golden Pothole and Broken Bits of Chair Trophy in my trophy case, but a loss to Rufio for us each to have a Scorigami is a Faustian bargain I'd make every single time.

Thank you so much. This is an emotional moment for me, and words seem so futile, so feeble. I can only say thank you for the honor of achieving a Scorigami. And you’re wonderful, sweet people. Thank you.
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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-04-20 22:00:47 (ID: 100166894) Report Abuse
Dumbarajko wrote:
Almost 24h have passed after this week matches and there is no sign of Rufio.

He beat Malones once again, but this time he decided to be quiet.

Really strange situation

Sorry guys I've got our National corporate meetings all week this week so I haven't been able to do much. I didn't even know I beat the Malones until he told me.

It does excite me I was able to avoid a scorigami though.
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posted: 2022-04-20 22:33:15 (ID: 100166895) Report Abuse
Rufio13 wrote:
Sorry guys ...

It's kind of like Beetlejuice, just say Scorigami three times and Rufio shows up.
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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-04-23 11:51:46 (ID: 100166911) Report Abuse
It is week 5, Rufio is still missing from this planet, will he be here at 6pm server time to visit Serbia? We will see.

Right now here are predictions for today's games:

Chelt Nam Bobbers England vs. San Diego Blitz Usa
I will be cheering for Bobbers today but reality is different. Blitz by at least 14

Devon Warriors Serbia vs. The Pinellas Pikes Usa
I will go with my Serbian fellow this time. It will be close game, Warriors by 6

Highland Wildcats Scotland vs. Willemstad Bridges Netherlands
After week No 5 there will be only one undefeated team. Bridges will be that team, they will win by at least 17

Letaidans Switzerland vs. Bracciano Lakers Italy
Yashin is in knock down and I think he will not be able to stand up today. Letaidans by 13

Lincoln Towncars Usa vs. Stone Mountain Hawks 2 Germany
Towncars beat Blitz in their last league game. Today they will not stand a chance against Hawks, Bellj by 21

Long Term Capital Management Usa vs. Chuuou Hololivers Japan
Japanese team is still looking for their first Elite win. Will it be today? I don't think so. Dissolve by 17

Maykop Dynamos Russia vs. TigerCats Canada
TigerCats have three big wins and one loss that shouldn't have been a loss. They will be 4-1 after today's game, Cats by 14

Midnight Marauders Usa vs. ChosenOnes Uk
No 1 pass offense will found their way to Marauders endzone for at least 4 times. ChosenOnes by at least 21

mystics Usa vs. CHEESE MODE Malones Usa
Strong mode coming up, pderekdactyl by 20

PR Chaser Usa vs. BobBoy Magpies England
Chaser has two losses already this season, he will not let it be three. Chaser by 10

Space Kraken Usa vs. Dumbarajko Elephants Serbia
Let the be with you. Kraken by 14

Sydney Rising Stars Australia vs. Alert Polar Bears Canada
Not a start Shadow wanted. But his second win is underway, Stars win by 9

The Alpin Ducks France vs. The Blue and White Austria
Ducks beast Vikings, then rest for a week, today Blue, White, Red will beat Blue and White, Ducks by 24

Zombaes Usa vs. Växjö Vikings AFC Sweden
Zombaes destroyed Bulls last week and they celebrated their first Elite win. Second one isn't coming today. Vikings by 20

Love this extra time out of work for Ortodox Easter. Enjoy today's games.
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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-04-23 16:59:41 (ID: 100166916) Report Abuse
Dumbarajko wrote:
It is week 5, Rufio is still missing from this planet, will he be here at 6pm server time to visit Serbia? We will see.

I had to make a trip to Space for work but I'm back planetside! My week+ away had mixed results, we'll see if I can even it up today at 2-2 in my absence.

We will be back to our regular scheduled rankings after Tuesday's game!

Thanks to Dumba for adding some entertainment (quite successfully) while I was gone.
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posted: 2022-04-23 19:07:34 (ID: 100166920) Report Abuse
Dumbarajko wrote:
PR Chaser Usa vs. BobBoy Magpies England
Chaser has two losses already this season, he will not let it be three. Chaser by 10

Impressive prediction...Didn't think I would pull this one out after my team's slow start to the season.
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