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Main / Galaxy / Galaxy Season 47! Search Forum
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-05-05 18:44:54 (ID: 100167085) Report Abuse
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posted: 2022-05-11 03:49:15 (ID: 100167161)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
pete wrote:

Good game, Pete. I'm really mad at myself. I tried to get cute and threw like 30+ shotgun passes this game. I'm sure this created a huge imbalance in the playbook and though maybe didn't cost me the game, it contributed to our loss. See you again later this season!

Last edited on 2022-05-11 03:49:36 by Maynard

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-05-12 14:11:16 (ID: 100167195) Report Abuse
Uh, oh, a win.

Love it.

Thanks, Maynard
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posted: 2022-05-31 20:42:23 (ID: 100167425) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Uh, oh, a win.

Love it.

Thanks, Maynard

GG Pete. You're kicking my butt this season. We are limping into the playoffs now and I hope we don't have to play you in the post season, frankly. Good luck though! Going to go drown my sorrows in some Guinness. Bought it yesterday to celebrate.

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-06-01 07:19:13 (ID: 100167443)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Sorry, but you did much better than thought. I was on MOTY, and finally had some luck with it by providing a win to me. I guess without it, or with having a bad MOTY day, I would have lost that game.

Last edited on 2022-06-01 07:19:25 by pete

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posted: 2022-06-14 16:00:03 (ID: 100167662) Report Abuse
Hey League..
I guess I'm starting in at the tail end of the season.. but looking forward to figuring this all out and seeing you next season..
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posted: 2022-06-14 16:06:15 (ID: 100167663) Report Abuse
failedreality wrote:
Hey League..
I guess I'm starting in at the tail end of the season.. but looking forward to figuring this all out and seeing you next season..

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posted: 2022-06-14 19:44:14 (ID: 100167670) Report Abuse
GG Pete and good luck in Elite next season. I was unable to do anything or stop anything in our game. Probably not ready for the next level in competition, so you've saved me some heartache. Cheers!

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-06-14 20:05:06 (ID: 100167671) Report Abuse
wow, didnt expect this, but Im taking it

Sorry for the harsh result, seems some good luck was involved on my side, too

Oh, and I'll be back, in one season. For sure
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posted: 2022-06-14 20:18:39 (ID: 100167672) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
wow, didnt expect this, but Im taking it

Sorry for the harsh result, seems some good luck was involved on my side, too

Oh, and I'll be back, in one season. For sure

I pray I've moved up by then. Has the Force ever made someone a Sith just because they couldn't deal with the Force Powers anymore, haha. I am swiftly going to send my budget toward the Dark Side to start garnering wins when they really matter.

The Galaxy is getting more competitive with the likes of Zombaes and Raspberry Bush (two teams who belong in Elite) along with many others. I will gauge my progress with how I hold up against them and others like Bretzfeld, Prairie Weasels and Rainmakers. It's not fair to leave others out, but trust me, you'll be the one to sneak up on me next year and beat me. I hope I spend some time learning to playbook better and I will be all the more ready for Elite (should I make it in there).

Season 48: The Maynards Strike Back
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