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Sheffield Wednesday


Joined: 2022-02-19/S46
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posted: 2022-04-07 17:59:32 (ID: 100166631) Report Abuse
Yeah, I've moved him to MLB and gone with the rookie.

Most of my guys non physical are low, starting to build them now as I'm.happier with everyone's starting roles
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2017-05-16/S25
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posted: 2022-04-08 13:25:38 (ID: 100166643) Report Abuse
Pretty pleased with my draft haul. The first two picks were 19 year olds with 50 spd and completely uncapped strength (less than 35, so I knew they wouldn't be red). And my third rounder I got pretty lucky with his caps. Yellow 49.4 speed and uncapped 39.3 strength. For a 22 year old, his skills are not very well developed, but he can be my FB2
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Sheffield Wednesday


Joined: 2022-02-19/S46
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posted: 2022-04-09 19:00:42 (ID: 100166672) Report Abuse
Took a whooping from the recently Elite Raven Loonies.

My rookie QB managed to hook up with my newly signed WR though to give us a unlikely 7-0 lead early in the first.

I'm sure PJ was shaking in his boots.

Final Score 7-77

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posted: 2022-04-09 19:29:43 (ID: 100166674) Report Abuse
butchpt6 wrote:
Took a whooping from the recently Elite Raven Loonies.

My rookie QB managed to hook up with my newly signed WR though to give us a unlikely 7-0 lead early in the first.

I'm sure PJ was shaking in his boots.

Final Score 7-73

Today our teams gap is huge... but it will be another story soon.
In few seasons your team is ready to strike and you will have your revenge.
Be patient, this game is a marathon not a 40 yds dash
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posted: 2022-04-10 11:05:41 (ID: 100166690) Report Abuse
Out of curiosity, which positions do you tend to offer the franchise contracts? I've offered my first to one of my DLs.

I was thinking the DEs and MLB as they are involved in both running and passing plays.

Then offense I guess depends on how you're set up, maybe QB + a WR or RB? I'm not sure how much of an extra boost the OL would give as franchise players?
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posted: 2022-04-10 12:33:00 (ID: 100166691)  Edits found: 3 Report Abuse
daithi wrote:
Out of curiosity, which positions do you tend to offer the franchise contracts? I've offered my first to one of my DLs.

I was thinking the DEs and MLB as they are involved in both running and passing plays.

Then offense I guess depends on how you're set up, maybe QB + a WR or RB? I'm not sure how much of an extra boost the OL would give as franchise players?

In RZA nobody can steal you a player, only you can decide if leave him without contract or cut him.
So a Franchise contract is useful if you decide to push high as soon as possible the player skills.
With a franchise contract "this+4 seasons" signed in the end of the season you pay something about 115%/120% of the current extimate wage, for the next four seasons.
If you sign a "this + 2 seasons" contract you pay more or less 85% of the current extimate wage, but you will do the same after two seasons when the extimate wage is higher.
It is about you decide which of the two type of contracts worth to use when you decide to keep the player for the next four seasons.
(one step or two steps)

Last edited on 2022-04-10 12:34:58 by PJRAVENS

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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-12-09/S36
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posted: 2022-04-10 23:16:49 (ID: 100166698) Report Abuse
fired my third rounder. he was so dumb he brought a spoon to the superbowl
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-04-12 17:46:34 (ID: 100166731) Report Abuse
I realize that Glasgow Thistle is on the way to Bot-ville, but Holly just announced he's ready to compete for the conference championship already. I'll be really curious to see Holly vs Buzi this weekend
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Sheffield Wednesday


Joined: 2022-02-19/S46
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posted: 2022-04-12 17:52:25 (ID: 100166732) Report Abuse
Feldbacher look likely to BOT too
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KMN Mandalorians

Germany   HH_KMN owns a supporter account

Joined: 2022-01-21/S46
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posted: 2022-04-14 17:55:23 (ID: 100166802) Report Abuse
ptdoc2017 wrote:
I realize that Glasgow Thistle is on the way to Bot-ville, but Holly just announced he's ready to compete for the conference championship already. I'll be really curious to see Holly vs Buzi this weekend

Not so fast my friend

I had luck on my side, way too many ints, I hope that playing too many players with low TC is the reason for that or I am in trouble. Should be a tough one against Buzi on Saturday
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