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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2022-06-28 20:50:02 (ID: 100167834) Report Abuse
Hello All. I am sorry to disappoint anyone but there won't be a preseason write up nor any weekly writeups until week 7....maybe by week 6. I am on vacation on a 3 week road trip and I'm the primary driver. Good luck to all. I will check in every few days to check in but that is it. No game planning so my first 6 opponents will get the same playbook.
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posted: 2022-07-02 07:29:58 (ID: 100167915) Report Abuse
The next relegated team from Elite that will go bot this season.
After Moors last season i think Long Term Capital Management will leave us soon....
Only 12 or so Players left in the Team and he wasn't online for 2 weeks now...
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posted: 2022-07-02 21:09:41 (ID: 100167922) Report Abuse
I really would have liked to see this prediction.
I would have been wrong on almost half the games

Is it an upset GameDay ? Or will this be the curse of the season?
With some favourites struggle on the first game
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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2022-07-02 21:11:14 (ID: 100167923) Report Abuse
Glad I didn't preview games this week lol. 6 games are what I consider upsets, well they would have been last season for sure. Those upsets were not turnover flukes and the winners were all at a significant ratings deficit to their opponents.

Last season Gardians owned me all 3 games. Gone off my roster are my #1 OT, RB, TE, FB, SF, and my #2 wr.....and now I win by 30? Insanity! Did the engine change? Lol. Good luck to all next week and don't let your guard down regardless of the opponents lol.
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punch drunk
Dark Matter


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posted: 2022-07-02 21:14:23 (ID: 100167924) Report Abuse
Yep. Looks like pete changed stuff. I call bull shit on several of the match ups. Interesting how my D was often switching from what was called and even had at least 1 D formation that wasn't a chosen option

Bout to say fu to rza..
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4 Aces
posted: 2022-07-02 21:16:07 (ID: 100167925) Report Abuse
Any given Game Day
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punch drunk
Dark Matter


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posted: 2022-07-02 21:45:38 (ID: 100167927) Report Abuse
Yep. But petes Division 1 shenanigans are a load of crap.

Player on field skills and attributes need to matter the same as in elite.
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posted: 2022-07-02 22:03:39 (ID: 100167929) Report Abuse
Do you think the engine is different in elite compared to d1?
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punch drunk
Dark Matter


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posted: 2022-07-02 22:06:24 (ID: 100167930) Report Abuse
It is.
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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2022-07-02 22:07:41 (ID: 100167931) Report Abuse
Any evidence or reasoning to support that? That is quite the statement to make.
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