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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-08-21 19:12:45 (ID: 100168592) Report Abuse
It likely didn't make a difference in this game, but the opponent ran on 4th down with 26 seconds left and I was not able to run a play afterwards.

Game ID: 101016825
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-08-21 19:20:22 (ID: 100168593) Report Abuse
Hm, I do not get it. We have no timeouts, and the clock ran out
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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-08-21 19:35:02 (ID: 100168595)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
His running back ran around for 26 seconds on one play and gained yards?

Edit: On change of possession the clock stops if that is the issue.

So either he ran around for 26 seconds which is absurd or the clock still runs after change of possession which is incorrect.

Last edited on 2022-08-21 19:36:26 by Rufio13

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-08-21 21:58:45 (ID: 100168602) Report Abuse
Please check other run plays. From snap to next snap ... I do not see why the mentioned play is off, compared to the other ones.
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posted: 2022-08-21 22:09:24 (ID: 100168603) Report Abuse
Time should be stopped on a turnover on downs. On a typical play where the ball is NOT turned over, the play itself should take 3-6 seconds for a small run, and then ~20 seconds for the next play's huddle and snap. So assuming that in this instance, the opposing team makes a small run on 4th down and fails to convert, the run itself will take 3-6 seconds off the clock, but there should be no subsequent ~20 second run-off since they are not taking another huddle and snap.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-08-21 22:13:32 (ID: 100168605) Report Abuse
oh, 4th down .... I missed that part completely.
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