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Main / Claymore / Beckos S49 Predictions Search Forum
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posted: 2022-09-20 22:45:32 (ID: 100169531) Report Abuse
Beckos Playoff Predictions / Power Rankings:


1. AC South: Diorite Lions 15-1
2. AC North: Saker Falcons 15-1
3. AC West: Olivos Borrachos 13-3
4. Wildcard: Stockholm Cruel Kings 12-4
5. Wildcard: Loch Ness Monsters 11-5
6. AC East: Long Island Islanders 11-5


1. NC North: Peoples Republic of Yorkshire 15-1
2. NC South: Chuuou Hololivers 13-3
3. Wildcard: GLADIATORS III 12-4
4. NC East: Suchdol Minors 14-2
5. NC West: Rockford Titans 13-3
6. Wildcard: Brezovica Hawks 13-3

Yorkies over Diorite by a single digit seems the most likely bowl outcome here, but don't count the Saker Falcons out yet - they've had many seasons in Elite before and will work their way back up eventually. Beckos puts the Yorkies a 31 point favorite over 2nd place Chuuou who look to win their second ticket to Elite.
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Peoples Republic of Yorkshire

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posted: 2022-09-22 10:29:11 (ID: 100169644) Report Abuse
Great, no pressure then
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