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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2022-12-12 15:09:26 (ID: 100170881)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Well boys, here are some predictions for Season 50.
Thank you and enjoy.

AC East
Devon Warriors 11-5
Mavericks 8-8
Bombers 3-13
Oldtimers 1-15

AC North
Sunrise City Prairie Dogs 16-0
Schrodingers Cats 13-3
Constanta Ravens 8-8
Bergkamen Coal Miners (boot) 1-15

AC South
Glasgow Tigers 13-3
Valkyries 10-6
Sharks 3-13

AC West
Ghost of Bautzen 14-2
Konjarnik HighTowers 14-2
English Eagles 8-8
Poruba Jeremies 4-12

NC East
Dnipros Dendroids 9-7
Zeven Heavy Drinkers (boot) 6-10
Leeds Celtics (boot) 4-12
Chianti Grapes (boot) 2-14

NC North
SH Cougars 13-3
Constanta Sailors 9-7
Shawlands Clansman 6-10
Sacramento Excessive (boot) 0-16

NC South
mystics 15-1
Social Distance Runners 14-2
San Diego Lions 10-6
Cork Cowboys (boot) 0-16

NC West
Vancouver Corsairs 13-3
Hajdu Rebels 12-4
The Chicago Cubs 6-10
Rory's Lions 5-11

AC Wildcard
6. Schrodingers Cats vs 3. Glasgow Tigers
5. Konjarnik HighTowers vs 4. Devon Warriors
NC Wildcard
6. Hajdu Rebels vs 3. SH Cougars
5. Social Distance Runners vs 4. Dnipros Dendroids

AC Divisional
3. Glasgow Tigers vs 2. Ghost of Bautzen
5. Konjarnik HighTowers vs 1. Sunrise City Prairie Dogs
NC Divisional
3. SH Cougars vs 2. Vancouver Corsairs
5. Social Distance Runners vs 1. mystics

AC Conference
2. Ghost of Bautzen vs 1. Sunrise City Prairie Dogs
NC Conference
2. Vancouver Corsairs vs 1. mystics

1. mystics vs 1. Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Last edited on 2022-12-12 15:10:21 by Radu91

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Constanta Sailors


Joined: 2022-11-25/S49
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posted: 2022-12-12 16:38:45 (ID: 100170882) Report Abuse
Nice...everything looks ok except for Sailors having a positive season๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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Sheffield Wednesday


Joined: 2022-02-19/S46
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posted: 2022-12-13 09:52:46 (ID: 100170913) Report Abuse
Decided to stick my division out for another season.

No real hope of Playoffs, but great to see sp many human teams. Let's hope they all stay
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Constanta Sailors


Joined: 2022-11-25/S49
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posted: 2022-12-13 12:49:23 (ID: 100170914) Report Abuse
Can we reach 90% Mediacenter, we need another 3 managers in .....
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2022-12-13 12:51:20 (ID: 100170915) Report Abuse
marinarul10 wrote:
Can we reach 90% Mediacenter, we need another 3 managers in .....

I already sent invites to the remaining 6, i hope they will log in until tonight and that they have the money.
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Constanta Sailors


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posted: 2022-12-13 23:33:17 (ID: 100170921) Report Abuse
Well, only one needed can Davon or Rebel score in the last play?!?
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-12-14 16:20:06 (ID: 100170954) Report Abuse
Good job Sea Devils, 90%+ to the Media Center!
Predictably not very excited about my draft pick, but he'll have a spot as a backup on my roster, and maybe get a starting position in 4-5 seasons.
At first blush, I can't find much to quibble with Radu's predictions. The top 5 in the AC are all capable, I think, of winning the conference championship (Prairie Dogs, Ghosts, Valkyries, Tigers and Warriors, in roughly that order, I think). The NC presumably has a clear cut favorite though it looks like the roster underwent a little bit of trimming for the mystics, so I'm not ruling out the Corsairs yet. And the Runners still have a good, albeit smallish, roster capable of making a run if Buzi is feeling reinvigorated
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Usa   JohnnyAce owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-12-15 03:37:15 (ID: 100170976) Report Abuse
Welcome Jacob/Outlaws
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Constanta Sailors


Joined: 2022-11-25/S49
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posted: 2022-12-15 03:45:26 (ID: 100170977) Report Abuse
Welcome Jacob
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Constanta Sailors


Joined: 2022-11-25/S49
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posted: 2022-12-17 18:09:49 (ID: 100171033) Report Abuse
Wait!!!....What!?!....What a heck just happent?!?

P.S. Sailors fan: 'We are back but what a hell man, there no tickets for sale!!!'
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