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posted: 2022-12-12 18:17:25 (ID: 100170889) Report Abuse
Right, Looks like My job to Start the Season 50 Fire Chain, Good Luck to All

Shame the Draft Sucks this Year, I was Hoping to get a good Wideout Via the Draft. Oh well, not like I was expecting to win this season Anyway
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
Posts: 490
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posted: 2022-12-13 00:59:14 (ID: 100170906) Report Abuse
I have only played for a little more than a year, so I am not familiar with your previous team. Fire forum has been pretty dead since I got here though. These guys are not the most talkative bunch, but there are several really good managers here.

And yeah, this draft pool is horrible. I don't know that I even want to spend much time preparing for this one. Anyway, good luck to you. Looking forward to your roster maturing and getting another good manager in here to compete with. Welcome back.
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posted: 2022-12-13 01:09:47 (ID: 100170907) Report Abuse
First time through I started to be Competitive around Season 4 so I have a Goal to be Competitive by Season 3. By then I hope Yall Pass Defenses are Ready
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posted: 2022-12-15 20:08:37 (ID: 100170993) Report Abuse
Lunatic Purple Gecko's...

Sounds Oddly Familiar to Lunatic Purple Cowboys.

Coincidence I think Not
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posted: 2023-02-11 18:09:56 (ID: 100172088) Report Abuse
8-8 at the end of the regular season, missed the playoffs by only Two games, Not bad If I say so myself
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Champ Chompers

Usa   Golrath owns a supporter account

Joined: 2022-02-05/S46
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posted: 2023-02-18 23:09:27 (ID: 100172288) Report Abuse
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here finally going 11-5 thought I had a good shot, and still missed the playoffs, not that I had any hope of winning them lol.
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
Posts: 490
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posted: 2023-02-19 00:05:15 (ID: 100172289) Report Abuse
Congrats to Bonecrushers for a well played game today.

Good luck to eveyone left in it!

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