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Main / Rookie Area / Scouting Reports Search Forum
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posted: 2022-12-30 06:58:21 (ID: 100171213) Report Abuse
Hi all,
I just joined here today so im still getting my feet wet so to speak. Ive already sorted out my players into better positions and started work on my stadium. Now im trying to fill my team with some cheap youngsters. My question is if their caps show up if they're at them on a scouting report. I hired a 20 scout btw.
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2022-12-30 07:24:48 (ID: 100171214) Report Abuse
stealyourface444 wrote:
Hi all,
I just joined here today so im still getting my feet wet so to speak. Ive already sorted out my players into better positions and started work on my stadium. Now im trying to fill my team with some cheap youngsters. My question is if their caps show up if they're at them on a scouting report. I hired a 20 scout btw.

Yes. With scout at 20, you can see the cap only on skills, with yellow or red marker "!". Strength, speed & agility are not shown, so you would have to guess, if they are with cap or not.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2022-12-30 07:27:29 (ID: 100171215) Report Abuse
stealyourface444 wrote:
Hi all,
I just joined here today so im still getting my feet wet so to speak. Ive already sorted out my players into better positions and started work on my stadium. Now im trying to fill my team with some cheap youngsters. My question is if their caps show up if they're at them on a scouting report. I hired a 20 scout btw.

No, you only see the values right now.
When he is on your roster, you see then the caps.
Problem, red is ok, you know the truth, but if you see yellow, you know nothing, he can cap next integer or in 5 with a level 20.
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2022-12-30 13:37:44 (ID: 100171218) Report Abuse
stealyourface444 wrote:
Hi all,
I just joined here today so im still getting my feet wet so to speak. Ive already sorted out my players into better positions and started work on my stadium. Now im trying to fill my team with some cheap youngsters. My question is if their caps show up if they're at them on a scouting report. I hired a 20 scout btw.

When scouting a player which IS NOT on your team, you only see the values.

When scouting a player which IS on your team, you can see the caps.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2022-12-30 17:02:22 (ID: 100171219)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I am confused. Auers says that by scouting a player who IS on my team I can see that player's caps. But why would anyone pay for scouting report, if it's enough to click without scouting to see a player's caps?

ps. Michael, keep in mind, that scouting players on the draftboard is free of charge. And furthermore, it shows the traits (which scouting players on the transfer market doesn't). Since you are only beginning your RZA career, you will have one of the first picks. Don't overlook it. You can grab a really, really good player this way. Or two. Or even three, if you're lucky. Some of them come with the main physical attribute for the position already maxed out (i.e. 50).

Last edited on 2022-12-30 17:08:46 by jpnwrt

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posted: 2022-12-30 18:52:21 (ID: 100171220) Report Abuse
so if i understand correctly a draft scouting report will show caps but a transfer market one wont?
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-12-30 19:03:08 (ID: 100171221) Report Abuse
You see caps for your own players, only. Draft players are not yours.
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

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posted: 2022-12-30 19:04:50 (ID: 100171222) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
I am confused. Auers says that by scouting a player who IS on my team I can see that player's caps. But why would anyone pay for scouting report, if it's enough to click without scouting to see a player's caps?

Fairly certain he just means the player page shows the caps and that he's not paying to scout his own players
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2022-12-30 21:45:50 (ID: 100171224) Report Abuse
ptdoc2017 wrote:
jpnwrt wrote:
I am confused. Auers says that by scouting a player who IS on my team I can see that player's caps. But why would anyone pay for scouting report, if it's enough to click without scouting to see a player's caps?

Fairly certain he just means the player page shows the caps and that he's not paying to scout his own players

Ok. So let me guess this right. I scouted a player from ptdoc's team.
Now i do have supporter acount and i have 20 scout, and the player i just scouted i see red cap at positioning, vision and carrying.
And i just scouted a player from the TM and i also see red cap at vision and passing.
So what are you talking about?

You DON'T see the caps on strength, speed and agility (that is why on TM forum, most managers say if the strength or speed is yellow or red, or if the player did not reach the cap) but for the skills you do see the caps.
Now, on the other hand, be informed that if you scout a player, let's say LB, and his positioning, tackling & vision are at 30, you won't see the caps, because it depend on how much talent the player has, and as example, if the player has 5 star talent, he will reach the red cap at 50 and the yellow cap at 45.
So read the manual and jack's6 guide, before doing anything and if it is something that i didn't say right, somebody tell me.
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Barossa Bulldogs

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posted: 2022-12-31 03:15:35 (ID: 100171225) Report Abuse
I think what they mean is scouting other players, that if a player has already reached the cap you will see that, but if they have not reached their cap you will not see what the cap is.
But when you scout one of your own players who has not reached the cap you will see what that cap may be.
Is that right?
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