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Main / Bug reporting / Player position is Punter while in a SG4 formation Search Forum
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Gilets Jaunés


Joined: 2022-12-22/S50
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posted: 2023-01-01 14:25:37 (ID: 100171246) Report Abuse
I played (and lost) a SC game against a bot (yes it happens).

During this game, 10:53 left in Q1, the following play happened :
10:53 2 and 10 to go on opp 27, Jeromy Henderson (OC) snaps the ball to Frank Clinton (QB), Frank Clinton (QB) selected Ashley Elmore (P) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Lucas Langlois (SS/L) missed the tackle, this was a 27 yards pass (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 5-2) more

The player is effectively listed a a Punter on the roster, but aren't we supposed to see which position the player actually played on the field ? Then did I miss the part where a punter is a part of SG4 ?
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Quokkas on steroids

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posted: 2023-01-01 14:30:49 (ID: 100171247) Report Abuse
Please check if regular receivers were injured. Injuries can happen during training, or in game.

Reason: if there were not enough receivers set in your depth chart to fill all spots, the engine fills the position by using random players, like a punter.
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2023-01-01 18:24:42 (ID: 100171253) Report Abuse
I understand, but then why the game did not display Ashley Elmore (WR/L) or (WR/R), as, per example, for the snap is says OC not OL
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Constanta Ravens

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posted: 2023-01-01 19:23:00 (ID: 100171260)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Auers wrote:
I understand, but then why the game did not display Ashley Elmore (WR/L) or (WR/R), as, per example, for the snap is says OC not OL

Because the players position si P.
Check the game center, there you can see he is WR in the formation, but in the text it says he's natural position.

From the manual.
If you create an incorrect Depth chart (too few players, too many players, no Depth chart) the engine will create an Ingame Depth chart (IDC) for you. In case you have too few or no players in your Depth chart, the engine will fill the IDC with randomly selected guys out of your roster and use them for playing the game. In case you have too many players in your Depth chart, the engine will cut the IDC until it meets the maximum roster count.
If you forget to assign a position or no player is present due to injury, then a player from the same position group out of the IDC will be selected. If no player for this position group is available, the engine selects randomly from the IDC.

So what the text above means is that the team you played against has only 3 WR, so when they play Shotgun 4WR, the 4th WR is picked randomly from the roster.
If the team had an injured WR for example, then 2 players would have been picked randomly.

Last edited on 2023-01-01 19:40:43 by Radu91

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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2023-01-04 10:13:49 (ID: 100171302) Report Abuse
I have reported the same thing before.
The problem is not playing at a different role (WR or QB or whatever) but instead being credited on the gamecenter as P while playing at other roles.
I think that special team players work differently from any other guys and their natural positions are maintained on the gamecenter.

Auers wrote:
I played (and lost) a SC game against a bot (yes it happens).

During this game, 10:53 left in Q1, the following play happened :
10:53 2 and 10 to go on opp 27, Jeromy Henderson (OC) snaps the ball to Frank Clinton (QB), Frank Clinton (QB) selected Ashley Elmore (P) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Lucas Langlois (SS/L) missed the tackle, this was a 27 yards pass (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 5-2) more

The player is effectively listed a a Punter on the roster, but aren't we supposed to see which position the player actually played on the field ? Then did I miss the part where a punter is a part of SG4 ?
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Main / Bug reporting / Player position is Punter while in a SG4 formation