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Main / Rookie Area / Do QB s use Teamwork Search Forum
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posted: 2023-01-01 17:49:05 (ID: 100171250) Report Abuse
Hi all,
I just bought a player off the transfer market that i think can be a qb of the future once trained, however the only thing left to be desired is low TW. Is the consensus that this is a necessary skill for Qbs like INT?

Also heres the player in question
Future QB?
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Constanta Ravens

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posted: 2023-01-01 18:04:25 (ID: 100171251) Report Abuse
stealyourface444 wrote:
Hi all,
I just bought a player off the transfer market that i think can be a qb of the future once trained, however the only thing left to be desired is low TW. Is the consensus that this is a necessary skill for Qbs like INT?

Also heres the player in question
Future QB?

First of all QB do need high INT, but TW not so much, but because he has low TW, he will train a little bit slower.
Second, check his psyhicall skills first, on any player that you will have via TM or YA, find the red cap at strength & speed first. Then decide what position is best for that particular player.
Because if he's strength & speed red caps at 42, his throwing abillity is a liability because low strength & because of low speed chances are that he will get sack a lot.
Don't forget to check also the talent that he has, so he can grow into a top QB and if he has a trait sometimes is also good.
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posted: 2023-01-01 18:09:13 (ID: 100171252) Report Abuse
He red capped strength at 43 and speed at 49 with intelligence at 47 and 3 star talent. Would he be better served in a high speed, high intelligence position like LB?
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punch drunk
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posted: 2023-01-01 18:37:49 (ID: 100171254)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
stealyourface444 wrote:
He red capped strength at 43 and speed at 49 with intelligence at 47 and 3 star talent. Would he be better served in a high speed, high intelligence position like LB?

His physicals are absolutely fine for QB. A little weak for LB.

FS, Wr and RB are ok possible positions for those physicals too.

Last edited on 2023-01-01 18:41:45 by punch drunk

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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

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posted: 2023-01-01 18:40:10 (ID: 100171255) Report Abuse
Talent of 3 stars is pretty low for a QB. Most teams want a 4.5-5* talent QB if the goal is to make it to Elite
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posted: 2023-01-01 18:47:41 (ID: 100171256) Report Abuse
For sure thanks guys!
I think hell be serviceable as a placeholder for now
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Constanta Ravens

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posted: 2023-01-01 19:16:40 (ID: 100171259) Report Abuse
stealyourface444 wrote:
For sure thanks guys!
I think hell be serviceable as a placeholder for now

No. Bad idea. K needs strength and at 43 it's low.
Take advantage of the speed and INT and the best place would be FS.
WR & CB don't need that high INT, but it's your choise. Me personally i like high INT on all player.
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posted: 2023-01-01 19:34:02 (ID: 100171261) Report Abuse
Oh sorry for the linguistics placeholder isn't a kicker, its someone who would be good enough in a position until the better option comes along.
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-01-01 19:43:24 (ID: 100171262)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
stealyourface444 wrote:
Oh sorry for the linguistics placeholder isn't a kicker, its someone who would be good enough in a position until the better option comes along.

No problem. I thought you meant to say placekicker.
Best of luck

Last edited on 2023-01-01 19:44:12 by Radu91

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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2023-01-01 23:06:37 (ID: 100171264)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
According to the bible ( aka Jack's RZA Guide ), TW is essential only for linesmen.

I am wondering about Agility and Speed with respect to QB position, though. In the Guide the former is a B attribute, the latter is A.
To me, "speed" seems to be the maximum speed with no obstacles along the way. While "agility", more the reaction to such obstacles, than pure velocity. If I was to refer to another sport, skiing, a successful downhill skiier would need Speed more than Agi. But in the case of a slalom skiier, I'd say they are comparably important, or may be even Agi the slightly more important of the two.
And my own perception is that QB doesn't need to be particularly fast (because he can rarely run at full speed), but fast changes of the direction seem crucial.

Of course the important thing is not what I THINK, but what PETE IMPLEMENTED .
Are there reasons to think that the way Pete perceives these two physicals is indeed to favour Speed more than Agi for QB?
My own evidence of sort, seems to indicate that it's indeed the case. But - not the decisive one. If a player can easily get higher value of an attribute, it's never a bad thing, right? Especially if it's an A class attribute. And if another attribute's value is a little smaller that's not a definite proof, because that attribute may have capped at a little lower, but still reasonably high value.

Last edited on 2023-01-01 23:08:11 by jpnwrt

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