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Main / Discussions / Allow changing the region, the kickoff time Search Forum
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  Poll: Do we want to allow managers changing their teams region (see details in the post below), Poll closed, votes: 104
Yoda should decide
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posted: 2023-02-02 18:47:29 (ID: 100171845) Report Abuse
why should there be any limit - if there's a space and they want to switch then let them - I'm sure that someone will make it through all 8 leagues soon enough
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Constanta Ravens

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posted: 2023-02-02 19:08:21 (ID: 100171847) Report Abuse
linkleo911 wrote:
I understand that. But why not 4 seasons? Or 6? I want to understand the reason to choose those 5 seasons...

I would suggest 1 per (real life) year. I do not know how many RZA seasons this correspond (maybe 5 seasons?).

Like 4 seasons per year.

dumpling wrote:
why should there be any limit - if there's a space and they want to switch then let them - I'm sure that someone will make it through all 8 leagues soon enough

Perhaps. Everyone has their reason. I wouldn't want to see teams switching regions every season. If you stay in a region for let's say 4 seasons (1 year) and then decide to switch, i believe it will be fair.
Or even win the bowl in the respective region and then switch, so you can collect all 8 trophyes.
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posted: 2023-02-02 19:35:49 (ID: 100171848) Report Abuse
I would be ok with changing regions once every 4 or 5 seasons, especially if it helps to convince a couple more coaches to stay around RZA longer. No need to change any more often due to time zone reasons.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-02-02 20:56:46 (ID: 100171852) Report Abuse
I am not for a limit, sorry. And I found no argument pro limit I could follow, so far.
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posted: 2023-02-03 00:47:33 (ID: 100171854) Report Abuse
I'd be concerned about letting teams jump from league to league each season to possibly get a competitive advantage in a weaker league. I guess a limit may not stop that, but may slow it down. Although a newer team getting stuck in a super competitive division or league may be a good reason to switch in addition to the time zone issue. I'm less excited about it but not completely against it, so may change from my yes vote to let Yoda decide.
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France   Drogon owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-02-03 01:17:20 (ID: 100171855)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Add some fun and realism please :

Changing region means a new location.
Then, a brand new stadium to build, new facilities to build : Academy (Premium), fan shop (no more "old team" items in stock)...

Also, some players (random) would refuse to follow the team manager and leave the team unless there is an offer (like in contracts).
More changes of region (instability) would lead to a bigger number of players leaving each time.

Same thing with the coaches.

Some staff would also leave with nothing to negotiate.

Last edited on 2023-02-03 01:19:15 by Drogon

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Rio Thunder


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posted: 2023-02-03 01:53:14 (ID: 100171856) Report Abuse
Drogon wrote:
Add some fun and realism please :

Changing region means a new location.
Then, a brand new stadium to build, new facilities to build : Academy (Premium), fan shop (no more "old team" items in stock)...

Also, some players (random) would refuse to follow the team manager and leave the team unless there is an offer (like in contracts).
More changes of region (instability) would lead to a bigger number of players leaving each time.

Same thing with the coaches.

Some staff would also leave with nothing to negotiate.

Some nice points but maybe not as "real" as you think. The franchise is not going anywhere. It is only changing to another competition. So there is no need for a new stadium, facilities or whatever.
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Rio Thunder


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posted: 2023-02-03 01:53:44 (ID: 100171857) Report Abuse
ombi78 wrote:
I'd be concerned about letting teams jump from league to league each season to possibly get a competitive advantage in a weaker league. I guess a limit may not stop that, but may slow it down. Although a newer team getting stuck in a super competitive division or league may be a good reason to switch in addition to the time zone issue. I'm less excited about it but not completely against it, so may change from my yes vote to let Yoda decide.

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Captain Jack
posted: 2023-02-03 11:54:21 (ID: 100171860) Report Abuse
linkleo911 wrote:
ombi78 wrote:
I'd be concerned about letting teams jump from league to league each season to possibly get a competitive advantage in a weaker league. I guess a limit may not stop that, but may slow it down. Although a newer team getting stuck in a super competitive division or league may be a good reason to switch in addition to the time zone issue. I'm less excited about it but not completely against it, so may change from my yes vote to let Yoda decide.

I am against change leagues freely since, as pointed out, it may be abused. I think the best way to manage it would be to let managers make a request to Pete giving a reason - e.g. I would like to change to a non-bot league - or- I feel my team is not competitive (since I am in my first season) and would like to move to where I can be more competitive, etc.

I cannot see why in this day and age time is a problem. We have this thing called the internet which allows you to interact with people in other parts of the world regardless of time. Does everyone really watch (or indeed have to watch) every single game in which they partake? Do people know you can actually watch a recording of the match?

How do we then manage cup games? Will we only be able to play cup games in our time zone? Will we have an elite league for each time zone?

I think we are opening ourselves up to possible abuse with no real benefits.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-02-03 12:27:45 (ID: 100171861)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Captain Jack wrote:

... I think the best way to manage it would be to let managers make a request to Pete giving a reason - e.g. I would like to change to a non-bot league - or- I feel my team is not competitive (since I am in my first season) and would like to move to where I can be more competitive, etc.

If so, I would answer all requests with "OK". Who I am to decide if a managers feeling and decision is valid or not?

to all you who ask for a limit:

Why do you guys fear teams jumping around as they like? If a manager has fun in doing so, I will gladly provide this fun. Are you afraid of a manager jumping into your league Thursday night and you face him on Saturday - with only 1 day of time for prepartion?

Last edited on 2023-02-03 12:35:42 by pete

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Main / Discussions / Allow changing the region, the kickoff time