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Main / Suggestions / Create a special event on day 71 of the season - REFUSED Search Forum
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Constanta Ravens

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posted: 2024-01-24 22:31:26 (ID: 100180659) Report Abuse
hmpf22 wrote:
we can divide the 21 teams into thirds. The best 7 teams play against one of the best 7 in the other region and places 8-14 play against places 8-14 in another region and the worst 7 also get an opponent from the worst 7 in the opposing region.

I think that is hard.
But it all depends on Pete and the work and time he has to do for all of it.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-01-25 07:31:17 (ID: 100180669) Report Abuse
Sorry to say, but that concept sound interesting and rubbish at the same time.

Interesting, since it gives some sort of event a region can play for.

Rubbish, since it is not uneffected by regional differences and falling BOT-teams.
With differences I mean less human managers, with BOT-teams I mean short term BOT-status.

The short term stuff is usually handled by just let it be, so on gameday the BOT team just loses and the human team just win. In a very rare case of two BOT teams it also just happens and the winner is the winner. Fine.

But the 1st part is concerning, since some regions have many human teams, the other not. Any rule, any mechanic would need to be bullet prove against those differences and the number of teams can't be a fixed number, since at some point the number of human teams might slip below that number and that would mean any difference to the fixed barrier is filled with BOT team-matches, which is a massive competition shift.

And what also comes as big BooBoo is, that I think every team should have the chance to participate, but with the regional matchups it just does not work.

So here his my proposal:

Take every team, of every region, and put it into a big sheet.
Now sort the sheet by ELO from 1 to max. LIST 1
And by league results, with Elite on top and then the 8 regions mixed. LIST 2
And by level of strength (the % stuff on overview page) average of all regular region games. List 3
And by wage. List 4.
Now add all places by certain key, example ElO list place *2 + League results place + strength list place * 1.5 + wage list place * 1.25 to a FINAL LIST.
Then seed places 1 vs 2 , 3 vs 4 and so on, until the end. The LAST team, if odd number of teams, is a very weak team, plays an additional BOT game.

Sound complicated, but you get some sort of BOWL game likely close the level your team has. Throw a trophy to the winner and that's that.

The FUN BOWL, or whatever you like to call it.
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2024-01-26 20:00:36 (ID: 100180706) Report Abuse
pete wrote:

Do such games create experience, exhaustion, income (I dislike each of those 3)?

One of my "basic premises" was not generating experience or income. The main goal of my proposal is to create some level of competition on a League gameday.
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2024-01-26 20:16:47 (ID: 100180707) Report Abuse
One idea: move the League bowl game from day 74 to day 71. Then we will have the final ranking of each region by day 72.

So my proposal is to randomly match up the teams based on their rank (e.g. Dragons #1 vs Galaxy #1; Admirals #10 vs Sea Devils #10) for a bowl game on day 74. From rank 1 to 8, it would be a "Golden Bowl" (with a golden trophy to add to team's page). From 9 to 24, "Silver Bowl" and from 25 to 32 a "Bronze Bowl". Elite teams could be included on their corresponding regions and play a higher level Bowl (Diamond?).

Another option is to let managers to invite or propose the bowl from a list of teams also based on the final ranking. In this case, to make it easier to set the games, those bowls could be played on day 78 (a good way to close the season imho). Day 74 could be used to play regular friendlies.
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St Pauli Packers


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posted: 2024-01-26 20:50:32 (ID: 100180709) Report Abuse
We allready have the best 17 teams (+4 Elite) after the regular season.
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2024-01-27 12:06:01 (ID: 100180712)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
hmpf22 wrote:
We allready have the best 17 teams (+4 Elite) after the regular season.

Actually 16 teams (12 playoff teams + 4 Elite). But they are not finally ranked. We have just seen some upsets during playoffs and some positions may change.

P.S.: The idea is that all RZA teams could play a "semi-competitive" match at season end so having only the best 16 teams is quite far from the proposal.

Last edited on 2024-01-27 12:07:57 by linkleo911

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Quokkas on steroids

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posted: 2024-01-27 12:20:57 (ID: 100180713) Report Abuse
I have a serious issue with the whole thing. Doing this extra competition at the end of the season could force managers not to maintain their rosters, just to stay competitive. Expecially for teams not being part of the last 2 stages of the official competition this could become a truly crucial thing. Why do you not just organize such cups with volunteers, on the last friday or so?
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2024-01-27 14:07:16 (ID: 100180716) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
I have a serious issue with the whole thing. Doing this extra competition at the end of the season could force managers not to maintain their rosters, just to stay competitive. Expecially for teams not being part of the last 2 stages of the official competition this could become a truly crucial thing. Why do you not just organize such cups with volunteers, on the last friday or so?

If you could provide us a trophy for a single match friendly (which I would call a bowl) I think it is ok.

Actually you gave a good idea. The last two Saturday could be open for normal friendly games with an option to win a trophy (or even put some credits on contest). A "single-match friendly cup" (aka bowl). We would be able to play 2 bowls (one on day 71 and the other on 78). One as the host, sending the invitation, and one as the invited team.

Sound better?
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-01-27 15:01:01 (ID: 100180718) Report Abuse
Peters concerns are right, but I think 1 week prior rollover is still OK.
But of course the is the roster cleanup issue, which might lead to some issues, like finanical problems.

My biggest concern is, based on the last proposals, that again the top teams have an additional game, the rest has another dull day.

Why only the top teams? I don't know.

My proposal would include every team and it's up to every team whether they take the game serious or not.

Then even a small income and exp gain wouldn't be in issue, since all do participate.
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Mülheim Steelers

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posted: 2024-01-27 15:05:57 (ID: 100180719) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
Then even a small income and exp gain wouldn't be in issue, since all do participate.

I fully agree with that! The income is secondary but the extra exp would probably be helpful if you have a young team that you want to build and develop.
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Main / Suggestions / Create a special event on day 71 of the season - REFUSED