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Main / Suggestions / Create a special event on day 71 of the season - REFUSED Search Forum
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St Pauli Packers


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posted: 2024-01-27 15:26:17 (ID: 100180721) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
Why only the top teams? I don't know.

More than 75% of the active teams aren't "only the top teams". You're talking about a hand full teams per region: teams with OVR 50% in their first season and managers in shadowmode.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-01-27 18:39:29 (ID: 100180735) Report Abuse
hmpf22 wrote:
jack6 wrote:
Why only the top teams? I don't know.

More than 75% of the active teams aren't "only the top teams". You're talking about a hand full teams per region: teams with OVR 50% in their first season and managers in shadowmode.

There were on the last page several proposals.

hmpf22 wrote:
We allready have the best 17 teams (+4 Elite) after the regular season.

This I did read like TOP21 of a region. Why the 22nd or less, if it exists in a region, can't participate is a mystery. Not all weak teams are cast-offs, soon-to-be-BOTs or shadowmode. And the plan is not robust, if for whatever reason a growth would happen, more teams would be not in the list.

linkleo911 wrote:
hmpf22 wrote:
We allready have the best 17 teams (+4 Elite) after the regular season.

Actually 16 teams (12 playoff teams + 4 Elite). But they are not finally ranked. We have just seen some upsets during playoffs and some positions may change.

P.S.: The idea is that all RZA teams could play a "semi-competitive" match at season end so having only the best 16 teams is quite far from the proposal.

This does hit in the same system, but has less teams in the mix.

For me that's 2-class-system. Why not include all?

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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2024-01-27 22:12:12 (ID: 100180744) Report Abuse
I think I have missed something in this discussion. Where is it written that only top teams would play?
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-01-27 22:18:06 (ID: 100180746) Report Abuse
linkleo911 wrote:
I think I have missed something in this discussion. Where is it written that only top teams would play?

Maybe you missed the quotes I did just post?
I did not make those post up.
They did talk about limits per region, some with higher limits, some with limits to playoff teams. In any case, limits.
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2024-01-28 10:20:07 (ID: 100180755) Report Abuse
Sorry Jack but those quotes you posted and commented are not saying that we intend to limit the participation. There was just an idea to matchup the teams from different regions based on their final ranking. All 36 teams (32 from L1 + 4 Elite) would play. I have not read any other proposal talking about a limit for participation. And the original idea is to have a full RZA community participation so such idea (limiting the number of teams) was always out of the table for discussion.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-01-28 17:51:27 (ID: 100180759) Report Abuse
So why than that crunching numbers?

When you say 17, 16 or whatever, it's not 32.

Anyway, no such competition will come anyway and further discussion makes no sense.
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Quokkas on steroids

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posted: 2024-01-28 19:05:11 (ID: 100180760) Report Abuse
I moved this to Discussions. Once we have a suggestion formulated, we could put it there again.
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2024-01-28 19:38:28 (ID: 100180761) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
So why than that crunching numbers?

When you say 17, 16 or whatever, it's not 32.

Anyway, no such competition will come anyway and further discussion makes no sense.

I was talking about the "final ranking" of each division. Teams would be ranked from 1 to 36 (4 from Elite and 32 from L1) and the matchups done against the corresponding ranks from other regions. That was the reason for such ranking. The 16 or 17 thing was a response from another question (part of the teams are already ranked at regular season end).
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2024-01-28 19:39:54 (ID: 100180762) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
I moved this to Discussions. Once we have a suggestion formulated, we could put it there again.

I had one at the beginning of the thread but it really turned into a discussion.
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-01-28 21:11:48 (ID: 100180763) Report Abuse
I know, and this is the reason I moved it, so we can figure out a suggestion I could think about. Every time such discussion happen in the Suggestions board, it is quite hard for me to figure out what is truly important and what not. Maybe I should disallow for comments in Suggestions at all - except for myself and the creator of a suggestion.
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Main / Suggestions / Create a special event on day 71 of the season - REFUSED