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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-03-05 16:30:44 (ID: 100172552) Report Abuse
The first of the second 50 seasons of RZA has just started, and we welcome back to the Admirals league the Bracciano Lakers (AC South) and the Devon Dog Soldiers (NC South) after their tenures in the ELITE. Not in the league anymore are the Glastonbury Grail Knights who made use of the new possibility to change the league and are now member of the Fire league.

The new schedule for me is not the easiest, it will be nearly impossible to repeat the record of last season. But we'll see...

I'm curious to see how the managers who start their second season will fare. I made a big jump in the second season, and it will be interesting to see if and how the Neptunes, the Vengeful Spirit Warriors or the Ubernoobers will shake up the league
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Bracciano Lakers

Italy   Yashin owns a supporter account   Yashin acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-03-05 17:03:35 (ID: 100172554) Report Abuse
I'm sad and happy to be back, simultaneously.

My team lost the starting QB, so my season will be run with a freshman at the helm. It will be difficult to move up back to Elite.
A big pool of strong opponents is at the starting blocks.
It will be a classical Admirals Season ... with 6-7 teams on the same line fighting for the two places to Elite.
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posted: 2023-03-05 19:56:55 (ID: 100172564) Report Abuse
Yeah, losing the Grail Knights hurt the AC's competitiveness, but we still have at least 5 or 6 teams (not mine ) that can compete for the championship. Silverbacks and Lakers look to be the top dogs, but i wouldn't bet against other teams either. The NC looks even tougher than the AC.

Oh, and my usual reminder to contribute to the media center before Wednesday.

Should be another fun season.
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-03-06 07:57:54 (ID: 100172579)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
The Vengeful Spirit Warriors will not shake up the league, sadly, since they became bot today. And another team left the league: The Fighting Frankonian changed to the Monarchs league.

And we lost vamosahi to the Sea Devils

Last edited on 2023-03-06 11:17:08 by Chrill

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posted: 2023-03-07 20:21:33 (ID: 100172638) Report Abuse
Looks like a total of 3 teams tranferred out of Admirals so far, it's sad to see. However, the Barossa Bulldogs have arrived from Thunder, taking Vamosahi's old spot. Welcome!
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Barossa Bulldogs

Australia   waky53 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-03-08 02:36:30 (ID: 100172654) Report Abuse
I was fed up with the same teams smashing me each season, so made a move.
Maybe there will be some new teams smashing me all the time in here.
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posted: 2023-03-08 02:42:19 (ID: 100172655) Report Abuse
Ubernoobers are looking forward to the 1st full season under new management. Fans won't expect many fireworks this year, but maybe will play spoiler towards the end of the season and creep towards a .500 mark....MAYBE

Good luck to all in the draft and this season!
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posted: 2023-03-08 04:15:00 (ID: 100172664) Report Abuse
waky53 wrote:
I was fed up with the same teams smashing me each season, so made a move.
Maybe there will be some new teams smashing me all the time in here.

I'd say there's a good chance for success here, you should certainly be in the playoff conversation.
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posted: 2023-03-08 04:24:17 (ID: 100172665) Report Abuse
jmax47 wrote:
Ubernoobers are looking forward to the 1st full season under new management. Fans won't expect many fireworks this year, but maybe will play spoiler towards the end of the season and creep towards a .500 mark....MAYBE

Good luck to all in the draft and this season!

Looks like you're in a tough division, but with some patience on building your team up you'll get there. Good luck!
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-03-09 08:02:31 (ID: 100172730) Report Abuse
waky53 wrote:
I was fed up with the same teams smashing me each season, so made a move.
Maybe there will be some new teams smashing me all the time in here.

Welcome to the Admirals

jmax47 wrote:
Good luck to all in the draft and this season!

Thanks, to you, too
And don't aim to high this soon... I just experience the downside of an awesome season 50 which resulted in draft picks way to high to get anything special, even though I still need a few better players on key positions
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