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Main / Bug reporting / not the correct draftorder (pinboard message) Search Forum
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France   Drogon owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-03-11 12:45:28 (ID: 100172795) Report Abuse
Hi Pete,

Here's the message :

2023-03-09 03:00:35 - Player Joel Martí drafted on pick #62 using your draftorder #10
(ID: 101060985 Joel Martí, name changed to Cyril Lacroix)

Draftorder was 3 for the second round (pick 62), not 10.

ID: 101060985 was draftorder 10 for the first round.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-03-11 12:54:42 (ID: 100172796) Report Abuse
There is no draftorder per round counter, it is a global one. So 10 it was. Maybe confusing, but no bug in terms of wrong coding.
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Rio Thunder


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posted: 2023-03-11 15:17:21 (ID: 100172799) Report Abuse
I had a similar "issue" on another draft. If you have not changed your order from round 1 to round 2 than the original order will be considered. At least that was told to me.
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Main / Bug reporting / not the correct draftorder (pinboard message)