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KMN Mandalorians

Germany   HH_KMN owns a supporter account

Joined: 2022-01-21/S46
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posted: 2023-05-15 09:21:00 (ID: 100174034) Report Abuse
Chrill wrote:
HH_KMN wrote:
imo easiest way to impliment this would be a slider for the defense in the playbook

Key on run vs Key on pass

Key on run would mean better against the run but worse against the pass and vice versa

Would you implement this instead of "prefer rush/pass"?

If so, wouldn't that be a detriment when planning for an opponent who's utilizing a balanced playbook?

no on top of that and leave it as an option. i.E Now it mostly takes one or 2 runs for your defense to switch from the pass formation into the run formation

If you key pass, it would take 2 run plays to switch into key nothing, pass formation and then another 2 run plays to switch into key nothing, run formation
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

Joined: 2022-08-07/S48
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posted: 2023-05-15 09:25:41 (ID: 100174035) Report Abuse
That does sound like a good idea
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Main / Suggestions / The elephants in the room