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Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

England   lions1934 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-15 09:16:32 (ID: 100174032) Report Abuse
Took a beating last night - I was thinking of complaining to the head honcho about the result but there's no point - it was his team that thrashed mine.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-05-15 14:40:00 (ID: 100174047) Report Abuse
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-21 16:26:07 (ID: 100174163) Report Abuse
Geez, today my squad showed their true colors again: turning the ball over, not getting first downs... while letting the offensive players of the opponent do as they please

Congrats to Pete for winning the group, though
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-05-21 17:16:02 (ID: 100174165) Report Abuse
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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-21 21:02:19 (ID: 100174168) Report Abuse
SDBlitz from the other league, I have some new ideas after tonight's match - more thinking to do for sure. Definitely the better team won.
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Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

England   lions1934 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-22 09:14:43 (ID: 100174169) Report Abuse
100% record

All losses
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-05-22 17:50:05 (ID: 100174172) Report Abuse
lions1934 wrote:
All losses
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-29 13:51:46 (ID: 100174296) Report Abuse
As expected we dropped out last night, again having no chance against the Blitz. So we start the new season with a loss to study and to try and see things that went wrong.

Good luck to both remaining teams in the final game
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Bracciano Lakers

Italy   Yashin owns a supporter account   Yashin acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-05-29 18:39:27 (ID: 100174302)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Chrill wrote:
As expected we dropped out last night, again having no chance against the Blitz. So we start the new season with a loss to study and to try and see things that went wrong.

Good luck to both remaining teams in the final game

Same as above

Poor performance by Lakers and the "blatantly-false-acronym" team finished the 4th quarter in glory !

My solar panels will never forgive me ...

Last edited on 2023-05-29 18:40:20 by Yashin

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-05-29 19:07:13 (ID: 100174303) Report Abuse
It was just luck. So many interceptions ...

But it was pure Sun yesterday, so my panels delivered all they were able to do.
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