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Main / Suggestions / spread limitations for elderly players over 5 seasons Search Forum
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KMN Mandalorians

Germany   HH_KMN owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-10 13:21:46 (ID: 100173945) Report Abuse
Last offseason limitations for elderly players were introduced.

Those limitations include earlier fatigue. Giving the lower salary, elderly players are willing to accept, it is absolutely reasonable, that there has to be a negative impact.

However, imo that change is too abrupt. When you rotate elderly players with younger players (iE 3 players for mostly 2 positions), 31 year plus players will receive just 50-55 % of the snaps the younger player get. 30 year old players receive the same amount of snaps that younger players receive.
The limitations will probably also have an effect on the play, but this is nearly impossible to jusge for us players w/o falling in the anectodical evidence trap.

As of now per my own judgement, 30 year old players are the most valuable due to their lower salary but immediatly drop to lowest value once they hit their 31st birthday.

spread the limitation for elderly players over multiple offseasons. A 35 year old player should have the limitations all 31+ players currently have. I would also move the start of the limitation to the same year, the player is willing to accept a lower salary.

I would not make the drop linear, but start with smaller drops which increases as the player gets older. However I am pretty sure Yoda would never tell us exact details for anything close to the engine
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-05-10 14:27:56 (ID: 100173949) Report Abuse
HH_KMN wrote:
I would not make the drop linear, but start with smaller drops which increases as the player gets older.

A low drop start would make less sense. Most players retire in that age range. A low drop means no drop. If we need to introduce a smoother drop, it has to begin with player aged 28, as example.

HH_KMN wrote:
However I am pretty sure Yoda would never tell us exact details for anything close to the engine

He knows me ...
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Rio Thunder


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posted: 2023-05-10 14:36:10 (ID: 100173951) Report Abuse
pete wrote:

A low drop start would make less sense. Most players retire in that age range. A low drop means no drop. If we need to introduce a smoother drop, it has to begin with player aged 28, as example.

I am not against it.
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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-10 15:29:33 (ID: 100173952) Report Abuse
drops should also be different, for different positions. Kickers and punters shouldn't see drops. Quarterbacks should see some drop but not as significant as linemen and positional players, however the QB should see loss per sack or per run. Though being a pocket passer type QB, they should be able to play at a high level of play, as they do in the NFL
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Space Kraken

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posted: 2023-05-11 18:20:56 (ID: 100173971) Report Abuse
When it was introduced I mistakenly thought it was PC that was going to take a hit. Older guys take longer to recover, so that made sense to me. Playing only a third of the game because they entered their 3rd decade of life was quite the surprise for game 1.

What about lessening the in game penalty and increasing recovery time? Old guys often practice less and focus on conditioning and rehab so that they can make it through a full game. This would be a good mirror.
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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-11 20:16:57 (ID: 100173972) Report Abuse
in real life positional players and linemen when they age tend not to play as many snaps QBs and Kickers do play the entire game and some do this at a very old age. Farve, Brees, -G.O.A.T-, rodgers and you can add others as well. I think those players should be exempt from the hit, though if they are doing QB sneek after sneek then they should take the same hit as the RB, or if they are sacked 10 times in the game, they should take a hit as they are a little more fragile.

Just saying those 3 positions should not have to be given breather breaks during the game lol kickers only play a few plays
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KMN Mandalorians

Germany   HH_KMN owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-11 20:20:13 (ID: 100173973)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
wsfjlt wrote:
in real life positional players and linemen when they age tend not to play as many snaps QBs and Kickers do play the entire game and some do this at a very old age. Farve, Brees, -G.O.A.T-, rodgers and you can add others as well. I think those players should be exempt from the hit, though if they are doing QB sneek after sneek then they should take the same hit as the RB, or if they are sacked 10 times in the game, they should take a hit as they are a little more fragile.

Just saying those 3 positions should not have to be given breather breaks during the game lol kickers only play a few plays

But RZA is not real life, especially player development. And even old OL play typically every Snap if they are healthy in the NFL

Edit: Dont get me wrong, I am all for realism, but that cannot be done with one suggestion. If the cange is too big, we will never agree and Pete will probably not have the time to implement

Last edited on 2023-05-11 21:29:09 by HH_KMN

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KMN Mandalorians

Germany   HH_KMN owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-11 20:22:08 (ID: 100173974) Report Abuse
Rufio13 wrote:
When it was introduced I mistakenly thought it was PC that was going to take a hit. Older guys take longer to recover, so that made sense to me. Playing only a third of the game because they entered their 3rd decade of life was quite the surprise for game 1.

What about lessening the in game penalty and increasing recovery time? Old guys often practice less and focus on conditioning and rehab so that they can make it through a full game. This would be a good mirror.

I like this point, most important imo that players dont fall from a cliff and just play half the snaps after a certain point
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-05-11 22:33:19 (ID: 100173979) Report Abuse
Having different mechanics per natural position of a player opens another door I try to keep shut: playung player out of position. I admit, from all the stuff I read here, Rufio's idea seems to be the one I like most
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Captain Jack
posted: 2023-05-12 13:58:21 (ID: 100173987) Report Abuse
One way to deal with the problem of opening that door would be to make the OOP penalty so severe that there would be no benefit to doing so. I dislike OOP being abused.

pete wrote:
Having different mechanics per natural position of a player opens another door I try to keep shut: playung player out of position. I admit, from all the stuff I read here, Rufio's idea seems to be the one I like most
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Main / Suggestions / spread limitations for elderly players over 5 seasons