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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
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posted: 2023-10-29 20:49:56 (ID: 100178142) Report Abuse
Doesn't seem likely. Just thinking it through, the engine would have to pick ANY team in ANY game arbitrarily. The likliehood of tanking are nill and there are plenty of teams that have been able to go winless, season after season, when playing humans. Schonspieler could not have existed if you are correct. He would have been "chosen" to win at some point. I don't ever recall anyone losing to him.
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
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posted: 2023-10-29 20:59:57 (ID: 100178144) Report Abuse
I think the cool kids call that proof by counter-argument.
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
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posted: 2023-10-29 21:29:18 (ID: 100178145) Report Abuse
On a serious note, I don't know Pete from Adam. He seems like a great guy on the forums and has been nothing but polite to me. Other than me being so appreciative of his efforts that I bacame a supporter of the game, there is nothing between us.

With that said, I am a software engineer. This site is amazing if it is truly the work of one person. It is amazing no matter, but mind blowing that it was just Pete's work as I understand it.

While I do not know the specific formulas, there is complexity at work here. Why go through this kind of trouble to rig a game that is clearly not making Pete anywhere near rich? The amount of system resources for a game like this are huge. There would be no upside at all in faking the outcomes of games. This code I see is well written and there is no doubt in my mind that the author is capable of engineering a game engine. Why fake it?
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posted: 2023-10-30 00:54:06 (ID: 100178149) Report Abuse
BoaTek wrote:
On a serious note, I don't know Pete from Adam. He seems like a great guy on the forums and has been nothing but polite to me. Other than me being so appreciative of his efforts that I bacame a supporter of the game, there is nothing between us.

With that said, I am a software engineer. This site is amazing if it is truly the work of one person. It is amazing no matter, but mind blowing that it was just Pete's work as I understand it.

While I do not know the specific formulas, there is complexity at work here. Why go through this kind of trouble to rig a game that is clearly not making Pete anywhere near rich? The amount of system resources for a game like this are huge. There would be no upside at all in faking the outcomes of games. This code I see is well written and there is no doubt in my mind that the author is capable of engineering a game engine. Why fake it?

You're correct Boatek - There is no motive. There is no evidence. It's nonsense without both.

I've been in IT for over 25 years, many of those in data analysis. Consider the number of variables incorporated into this game between engine and human players, with most of those variables interacting with each other many times over. Consider the statistical ranges of EACH of these equations. It's a ridiculous conclusion to draw.

Sorry, it had to be said.
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posted: 2023-10-30 09:40:03 (ID: 100178154) Report Abuse
Good that is an END of.. Guys this Forum is for Fire Players to have a NewsFlash on the Fire Division and FUN. who will will be lucky in this game or that game - I have asked human players to add to Forums. { a thing I did NOT take too, in the past} this one was great this year thanks to BoaTek Olband STEELERS ETC I also ask Rookie players to join League as we have good teams - so again Thanks to all this Season - If you find my idea of a Change Coach Name in another Forum, please add to the list.- - Bring on Season 54- - - because we are not in the play off TF game
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Usa   Bleakardor owns a supporter account

Joined: 2023-07-17/S52
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posted: 2023-10-30 13:39:54 (ID: 100178159)  Edits found: 4 Report Abuse
Just wanted to say a few things as the season ends.

1st, thank you all for putting up with my rants from time to time. I'm too serious for my own good, and too competitive to suck. I get pissed a lot at dumb stuff, or at my lack of knowledge, but I'm trying to learn and several of you have been extremely helpful. Special shout out to Gangsta and BoaTek for their advice this season. Also, very cool move by Huskertarr to give me a heads up on a player he out bid me on that ended up not signing to his roster. Stuff like that doesn't happen often, and I'm very grateful for him going out of his way to notify me of that.

2nd, I'm learning. I have a lot to learn still, and probably will for quite some time. I'm always open to advice so if you see something I could improve on, please feel free to send me a message to give me advice.

3rd, this was a fun season. This league is full of killers! There are so many good teams here that it's sort of like trial by fire for me. (fitting league name!) While frustrating at times, it will only make me stronger. So congratulations on all the stellar seasons your teams have had, and I look forward to running it back again in season 54!

Last edited on 2023-10-30 13:41:33 by Bleakardor

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Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2023-10-30 21:32:32 (ID: 100178168) Report Abuse
Gangsta you was first which was warming theory over one game the whole
season... If somebody use same bus or train for a.period of time, starts
to feel connected and more familiar with schedule. It is kind of human...
Or to be more important over job description, reality, to find place somewhere
So, there are lot of IT and software engineers here. I"m technical engineer which use
your's solutions on the field (partly adjusting alone or with feed back). Your focus is strictly
channelled. Base engine is created like that. Unknown conditions will give victory
to keep more managers happy. It is good for publicity.
Pete did the work, but his baby is game in general, not me or you...
Game can be clogged with more steady "elitist". Senators have more experience, don't have direct look to data base, but if you assisting in development... (if you are smart.enough for that than you will figure out 2 steps ahead).

So, if there are technical arguments that is welcome. Interfacing, field.use... I think that I'm
stronger there.
I loose 5 games from Sydney, with same and different concept. Even one from he loose
many games from teams of same level as me. I beat or play even with those teams...
There is condition which I didn't figure out. He is doing great but has his own dark horse, and didn"t win anything. So I will not get push.

With that concept of PB you will't win me in 50 games without push.
I can only repeat 10 senators and 50 half happy mangers.
That is where Gangsta was aiming. I willn't be surprised If Boatek also don't make to Elite...

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posted: 2023-10-30 22:38:05 (ID: 100178173)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Mustang wrote:
Gangsta you was first which was warming theory over one game the whole
season... If somebody use same bus or train for a.period of time, starts
to feel connected and more familiar with schedule. It is kind of human...
Or to be more important over job description, reality, to find place somewhere
So, there are lot of IT and software engineers here. I"m technical engineer which use
your's solutions on the field (partly adjusting alone or with feed back). Your focus is strictly
channelled. Base engine is created like that. Unknown conditions will give victory
to keep more managers happy. It is good for publicity.
Pete did the work, but his baby is game in general, not me or you...
Game can be clogged with more steady "elitist". Senators have more experience, don't have direct look to data base, but if you assisting in development... (if you are smart.enough for that than you will figure out 2 steps ahead).

So, if there are technical arguments that is welcome. Interfacing, field.use... I think that I'm
stronger there.
I loose 5 games from Sydney, with same and different concept. Even one from he loose
many games from teams of same level as me. I beat or play even with those teams...
There is condition which I didn't figure out. He is doing great but has his own dark horse, and didn"t win anything. So I will not get push.

With that concept of PB you will't win me in 50 games without push.
I can only repeat 10 senators and 50 half happy mangers.
That is where Gangsta was aiming. I willn't be surprised If Boatek also don't make to Elite...

I think you know that I played in UK and did a little Coaching so I try to add to the game with real time action.. good that we had 2 seasons with a winning Season and this team still have cash { unlike others in the past, that I started} I just play the game as I see it, I have no IT in me as such nor maths I try to help Rookie players, BUT always with my Quote: I did this , But this is Your team ~ what is right for me may not be the way others want to play.. with that in mind BoaTek thought I would be a strong Team, I have and may do - learn more on this team than others.. { as a Note- the Rugby World Cup 2023 was in France- - I was watching and then sent ex players and Coaching staff- on TV mic- reasons that they didn't see.. } But the number 1 team in World did NOT win, any game can and will go from you unless you have Match Management- The Coaching Point I did learn from { NFL World League Head Coaches } real Manager time

Last edited on 2023-10-30 23:13:26 by G4ngsta

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Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2023-10-31 00:52:45 (ID: 100178175) Report Abuse
This is your 2nd season, so it's hard to tell how you are selecting
trainees. Time will show. I think that you notice some "strange"
results based on first look and then you are explaining it to yourself
and public with general possibilities...
Might be that will come some useful input. I put more then one.
Man, if there is pure Engine here, UK, USA, Germany, EU doesn't matter.
We aren't NFL players and neither will make single dollar from coaching.
Basic rules, planning in advance until hit to "strange".
Pushing to strange to be on your side will give you a game or two through
"positive" publicity, but nothing more. Might be explanation that once in
20 season you were in Elite without a clue...

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Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2023-10-31 01:11:45 (ID: 100178176) Report Abuse
This is pretty small community, 200 managers.
Other similar games try to maintain distance between
fresh and elders through economy. Once when you pass that
margin for nobody knows why? is smaller.
Here is generally more money than you can buy for it.
Like excuse to do whatever some can do it wrong, but then don't
ask to much...
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