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posted: 2023-08-26 18:46:55 (ID: 100176315) Report Abuse
Next two draft picks weren't ideal but one for sure should be a solid player as I'm getting established. Last pick will have to get lucky and cap strength high to have a spot on the team. Not as many immediate contributors as I remember there usually being
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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2023-08-26 19:22:39 (ID: 100176321) Report Abuse
Ridiculous predictions with not stats to back them up (Meaning I'm just giving my off the cuff opinion):



Seahawks win and Niners get wild card. I don't think I can win since I had to let some high level guys go due to finances. I'm technically "in trouble" financially but will be fine this year.


Jager ( can punch drunk keep a name for more than a season lol?) is still the favorite. The movement of the Steelers to this division pushes Dragons down the probable finishing order in the division. Steelers finished 12-4 last season with a strong squad and can give Jager the push for the division. Before Steelers moved there Jager was probably the 95% favorite but now I'd say about 70% favorite.


I am predicting Spain to take this division. Before roll over I would have given it to the Turigtians team but now we have another Spanish team in the division, defector from Claymore coming over with a strong team. Was a member of Elite in season 34 and had won his division in Claymore 13 times since.


Baltic has been in the shadow of the Seahawks then Hamburg and now it is their time to take a division. As luck would have it they now have the Janitors joining who are a strong team. Out of these two I like Baltic a slight bit better based off of play style. Janitors will be fending off Nippon for a shot at a wild card.

The wild card battle will be between SFniner, Janitors, Steelers, Turigtians, Vipers, and maybe Nippon? Steelers moving combined with Olivios coming from Claymore really throws the wildcards up the air even more. I think the favorite is Janitors with the rest of us fighting for the last spot. Olivios as an opponent for Turigtians and Vipers 2 times each probably hurts their chances. I kind of have a feeling it will be down to me and Steelers but we shall see.



Ukies should win it with Nottingham pushing them a bit. Wolves had a disappointing season last year but I expect a rebound.


This division last year had 3 strong teams with Pikes 13-3, Steelers 12-4, and Guardians 9-7. But gone are those Steelers and in place we have Badalona. I think this division is the Pikes to take with Gaurdians giving some competition. Anything can happen as evidenced by the playoffs. Pikes losing was a massive upset in my opinion.


Before movements dolphins had a great chance but Pizti coming back into that division makes it so much harder for the Dolphins to take the division. Although it looks like Pizti might have done some roster purging? This division could end up being a fight to the end. Out of Pizti, Dolphins, and Gilets it is anyone's guess. Since it is a prediction I have to make a choice so I'll rely on the old gut here....and say Dolphins win.


The other playoff upset was the Fur Trappers over the Packers. Fur Trappers studied and game planned like crazy I'm sure. In any case this is the Packers division to lose.

Wild Cards will come down to Guardians, Wolves, Gilets, Pizti, and Outlaws. If I have to pick I'd say Outlaws and Guardians.
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2023-08-26 19:57:35 (ID: 100176325) Report Abuse
Just looked at my League schedule.

Starting against popopotamo and punch drunk...

Overall quite a tough schedule I'd say. Reaching 8-8 on the season for the third time in a row may not be accomplished.
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-08-26 19:59:08 (ID: 100176326)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse

Good luck to everyone today

Last edited on 2023-08-26 20:00:26 by Chrill

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posted: 2023-08-27 21:43:07 (ID: 100176354) Report Abuse
I would just like to point out that we have the lowest mediacenter contribution of any league at 74%...
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posted: 2023-08-27 21:59:00 (ID: 100176355)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
badgers wrote:
I would just like to point out that we have the lowest mediacenter contribution of any league at 74%...

Yes that may be true. Being one of the highest human controlled leagues we will have a harder time raising it up. The leagues with a lot of bots pledge max amount of media center automatically. In Dragons you are relying on more actual humans to make those pledges.

As for us, 5 haven't pledged at all and 2 are at half ( I am among those 2).

Out of those 5, 2 (Steelers and Seahawks) haven't logged in since before the rollover.

For me I can only bid half wayish. I need a few good tm sales to increase it some more.

As for you lol. You are still on the free media center pledges so come back when you are having to pay it yourself lol.

Last edited on 2023-08-27 22:01:38 by sfniner08

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Budapest Janitors


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posted: 2023-08-27 22:08:48 (ID: 100176356) Report Abuse
badgers wrote:
I would just like to point out that we have the lowest mediacenter contribution of any league at 74%...

This was always the case since I play this game....
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Pizti Beltzak

Europe   popopotamo owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-08-28 06:36:35 (ID: 100176358) Report Abuse
Hi everyone.

Best not to give up the good habits. So, here is the first Power Ranking of this season 53.

Power Ranking - Dragons 1 - Season 53 - Week 1

- dERBENT CONVICTS have the honour of being the first leader of this Power Ranking. Girona Dragons (#2) and Baltic Stars (#3) complete the Top 3.

- Obviously, one game is not enough information for the ranking to be accurate (most of the times, in week 17 it usually isn't either, lol).

Good luck and enjoy.
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posted: 2023-08-28 19:24:57 (ID: 100176382) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
As for you lol. You are still on the free media center pledges so come back when you are having to pay it yourself lol.

Fair. My goal with my time available right now is to make it so the rest of you all always have full mediacenter pledges from me so that's my top priority
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France   Drogon owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-08-28 23:03:44 (ID: 100176391) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
Out of those 5, 2 (Steelers and Seahawks) haven't logged in since before the rollover.

Home of Mülheim Seahawks (ID: 3705)
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