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Ruhrpott Miners

Germany   torakrid owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-08-26 10:58:31 (ID: 100176292) Report Abuse
Looking forward to an exciting season.
Good luck to everyone.
Let us have fun AND let the saison start.

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posted: 2023-08-28 20:08:48 (ID: 100176386) Report Abuse
I beat an active team 163 to zero, something about that just doesn't seem fair
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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-09-01 01:33:04 (ID: 100176493) Report Abuse
My offense is coming together nicely, just need to work on defense and I will be a force to recon with.
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Ruhrpott Miners

Germany   torakrid owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-09-06 07:43:42 (ID: 100176631) Report Abuse
Four game days of the regular season have been played. But what significance do the games have so far? Some teams haven't even played against a human opponent. In the AC, 50% are BOT teams. In the NC it is "only" 25%. You can probably make a first estimate when half of the season has been played. So let's wait. Other opinions?
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-09-06 08:17:20 (ID: 100176632)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I haven't been in RZA long enough to have a good look at these things, but my current view is - in this game (or at least in the 1st divisions) shifts of performance from season to season are relatively small. At least at the upper echelons (in the bottom half it's much more dependent on the schedule).
I also think it's a reasonable consequence of how the game has been set up. Getting significant upgrade by transfers is not a viable option (at least for the top teams in the division). The chances of a vet manager suddenly making significant dents in the PB? Also doesn't seem likely. So for those top teams (the group I am far from being a part of ) luck (including schedule), lineup improvement/deterioration (except relatively rare situations of rebuilding on purpose), tactical changes - have a comparable impact.

Other opinions?

Last edited on 2023-09-06 08:18:52 by jpnwrt

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posted: 2023-09-06 18:48:47 (ID: 100176649) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
I haven't been in RZA long enough to have a good look at these things, but my current view is - in this game (or at least in the 1st divisions) shifts of performance from season to season are relatively small. At least at the upper echelons (in the bottom half it's much more dependent on the schedule).
I also think it's a reasonable consequence of how the game has been set up. Getting significant upgrade by transfers is not a viable option (at least for the top teams in the division). The chances of a vet manager suddenly making significant dents in the PB? Also doesn't seem likely. So for those top teams (the group I am far from being a part of ) luck (including schedule), lineup improvement/deterioration (except relatively rare situations of rebuilding on purpose), tactical changes - have a comparable impact.

Other opinions?

Hi, I'm someone who went from just starting to number two seed in my conference (albiet much weaker than one of the wildcard teams) in my third season due mostly to the transfer market, free agent signing, and draft picks. I have only 2 members of my current roster that came from my Youth academy and both are backups. So I firmly disagree with your assessment.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-09-06 19:23:31 (ID: 100176651) Report Abuse
TigerTail42 wrote:
jpnwrt wrote:
I haven't been in RZA long enough to have a good look at these things, but my current view is - in this game (or at least in the 1st divisions) shifts of performance from season to season are relatively small. At least at the upper echelons (in the bottom half it's much more dependent on the schedule).
I also think it's a reasonable consequence of how the game has been set up. Getting significant upgrade by transfers is not a viable option (at least for the top teams in the division). The chances of a vet manager suddenly making significant dents in the PB? Also doesn't seem likely. So for those top teams (the group I am far from being a part of ) luck (including schedule), lineup improvement/deterioration (except relatively rare situations of rebuilding on purpose), tactical changes - have a comparable impact.

Other opinions?

Hi, I'm someone who went from just starting to number two seed in my conference (albiet much weaker than one of the wildcard teams) in my third season due mostly to the transfer market, free agent signing, and draft picks. I have only 2 members of my current roster that came from my Youth academy and both are backups. So I firmly disagree with your assessment.

Guess it was wishful thinking on my part (cuz I followed a completely different path) Congratz on having had a better sense
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posted: 2023-09-06 22:24:29 (ID: 100176660) Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
TigerTail42 wrote:
jpnwrt wrote:
I haven't been in RZA long enough to have a good look at these things, but my current view is - in this game (or at least in the 1st divisions) shifts of performance from season to season are relatively small. At least at the upper echelons (in the bottom half it's much more dependent on the schedule).
I also think it's a reasonable consequence of how the game has been set up. Getting significant upgrade by transfers is not a viable option (at least for the top teams in the division). The chances of a vet manager suddenly making significant dents in the PB? Also doesn't seem likely. So for those top teams (the group I am far from being a part of ) luck (including schedule), lineup improvement/deterioration (except relatively rare situations of rebuilding on purpose), tactical changes - have a comparable impact.
Other opinions?

Hi, I'm someone who went from just starting to number two seed in my conference (albiet much weaker than one of the wildcard teams) in my third season due mostly to the transfer market, free agent signing, and draft picks. I have only 2 members of my current roster that came from my Youth academy and both are backups. So I firmly disagree with your assessment.

Guess it was wishful thinking on my part (cuz I followed a completely different path) Congratz on having had a better sense

Don't get me wrong, tactics are probably the largest factor in wining games, you just need to get players that fit the tactics, something I have yet to fully master. I'm on my third tactical iteration and I could be a lot stronger if I built a better playbook, the thing is I've got the Tactical flexibility because I picked up so many good players (rather cheaply I might add) from the transfer market in my first two seasons.everyone has a different approach to achieving that roster, I like picking up old rentals and free agents, mixed with young draft picks to develop
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-09-07 04:14:57 (ID: 100176663)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Deal. Will get you right
Good luck with that playbook part.

ps. Regarding cheap deals via the market - transfer cost itself is not the most important part, to me. It's a player's salary. Easier to control _that_ at home, than get the right one off the TM.

Last edited on 2023-09-07 04:28:25 by jpnwrt

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-09-07 07:04:04 (ID: 100176665) Report Abuse
I think it wasn't much easier to get fast a competitive roster than now.
With the media center income and the basically small prices for free agents you can buy a team fast.
Sure, those players won't be perfect, most of the time, but you can train them fast to a certain level.

In the past few weeks I did try to sell, decent players, well trained, not perfect, and had to cut them, since no one was interested.

And with a valid roster, the team is at least playoff bound. The rest is luck and preperation.
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