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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-09-07 09:52:45 (ID: 100176671) Report Abuse
How many teams in Monarchs have a realistic shot at winning a promotion you think, though?
In my conference (AC) the number of active teams and the number of bots each stand at 8, so to get into playoffs my team has just 2 real opponents to claim the 6th conference spot . Well, from the point where I sit, the split indeed looks bigger between the top 5 and the remaining 3, than among these 5. And in the NC the number of bots, luckily, is smaller. So it looks like the "top echelon" I was referring to might be indeed not as remote a goal, as I had suggested it was.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-09-07 13:10:22 (ID: 100176677)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
jpnwrt wrote:
How many teams in Monarchs have a realistic shot at winning a promotion you think, though?
In my conference (AC) the number of active teams and the number of bots each stand at 8, so to get into playoffs my team has just 2 real opponents to claim the 6th conference spot . Well, from the point where I sit, the split indeed looks bigger between the top 5 and the remaining 3, than among these 5. And in the NC the number of bots, luckily, is smaller. So it looks like the "top echelon" I was referring to might be indeed not as remote a goal, as I had suggested it was.

What I mean is, that if you do (sometimes risky) act bold you can get a competitive team quite similar to those TOP 3 to TOP 5 teams in the league or any league, except Elite, in 3 to 4 seasons.
What the team lacks at that points is the youth acadamy deepness, but that comes only with time and good management.
I'm NOT saying any manager did something wrong, if not on that level in that time frame, just saying that it's possible with investing basically everything you get wisely and likely no money reserves.

Last edited on 2023-09-07 13:13:40 by jack6

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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-09-07 15:27:44 (ID: 100176682) Report Abuse
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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-09-16 15:56:54 (ID: 100176860) Report Abuse
Big game today for me to find out how my team will actually stack up. I expect to lose but want to see my team put up a good fight.
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posted: 2023-09-16 17:13:40 (ID: 100176864) Report Abuse
yeah it's the opening of my season series against Birneys Weekenders.
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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-09-16 22:21:22 (ID: 100176873) Report Abuse
Amazingly, I won a very close game. I still have a lot of work to do, but I was pleasantly surprised.
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posted: 2023-09-17 00:54:28 (ID: 100176875) Report Abuse
ditto, I won in OT
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Ruhrpott Miners

Germany   torakrid owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-09-23 18:11:35 (ID: 100177027) Report Abuse
michaeltodd: Tough game. I'm really happy to have won this game. Congrats on the match.
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Ruhrpott Miners

Germany   torakrid owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-09-25 16:04:18 (ID: 100177086) Report Abuse
After about half of the season has been played, I would like to make a small prediction about how Season 53 will go. What do you think of the forecast and the two favorites for the march towards the Elite League?

AC East
Blue Devels...............14 – 2...Win Division
San Francisco 49ers....4 – 12
Saka Enjoyers.............1 – 15

AC North
Ruhrpott Miners............16 – 0...Win Division
Monterey Titans 1AFC....11 – 5...Wildcard

AC South
Hemet Hooligans....15 – 1...Win Division
Doves....................11 – 5...Wildcard

AC West
Black Dragons..................16 – 0...Win Division
Orono Ancient Snappers....10 – 6
Dan1983m.........................9 – 7

Black Dragons......Win Conference

NC East
Fighting Frankonian....11 – 5...Win Division
Southern Meerkats.......9 – 7

NC North
Baltimore Blue Crabs....11 – 5...Win Division
birney's weekenders......9 – 7
Oviedo Dolphins............5 – 11

NC South
Trnava Saints..................16 – 0...Win Division
Paxtang Black Panthers....12 – 4...Wildcard
Burnaby Bruisers.............12 – 4...Wildcard
Poruba Titans...................7 – 9

NC West
KAFakofers............................12 – 4...Win Division
Connors Quay.........................4 – 12
The Lafayette Differentiaters....0 - 16

Trnava Saints.........Win Conference

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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-09-27 01:20:53 (ID: 100177100) Report Abuse
There could be a few upsets.
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